Solve ODE Dilution Problem: 400-400e

In summary: So in summary, after 100 minutes, the tank will contain approximately 252.8 lbs of salt in the water.
  • #1
A tank initially contains 200 gal of fresh water with 0 lbs of salt. Brine whose salt concentration is 2lb/gal flow in at 2 gal/min and the mix flows out at the same rate.

x = salt content, t = time.

So I figure that dx = 4dt - 2xdt/200 or dx = (400 - x).01dt
dx/(400-x) = .01dt

[tex]\int0x[/tex] [tex]\frac{dx}{400-x}[/tex]] = [tex]\int0100[/tex]1000.01dt

ln([tex]\frac{400-x}{400}[/tex] = 1
400 - x = 400e
x = 400-400e

which obviously isn't correct.

Can somebody show me what I'm doing wrong here?
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  • #2
I forgot to preview my original post, hence the horrible LaTeX job. But no matter, I've figured out the problem in my solution. I'll restate the problem since my first attempt is next to illegible:

200 gal fresh water, brine with 2lb/gal flows in @ 2 gal/min, and the mix flows out at the same rate. Find the salt content of the water after 100 minutes:
x= salt content
t= time

dx = 4dt - [tex]\frac{2xdt}{200}[/tex] = (400-x).01dt

[tex]\frac{dx}{400-x}[/tex] = .01dt

[tex]\int[/tex][tex]^{x}_{0}[/tex][tex]\frac{dx}{400-x}[/tex] = [tex]\int[/tex][tex]^{100}_{0}[/tex].01dt

And this is where I went wrong. Forgetting to apply the chain rule on the left side I would get:

ln([tex]\frac{400-x}{400}[/tex]) = 1

when I should've gotten:

-ln([tex]\frac{400-x}{400}[/tex]) = 1

which gives the correct answer of 252.8 lbs when solving for x.

FAQ: Solve ODE Dilution Problem: 400-400e

1. What is an ODE dilution problem?

An ODE dilution problem is a mathematical problem that involves using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) to model the process of diluting a substance with a solvent. It is commonly used in chemistry and biology to calculate the concentration of a solution after multiple dilutions.

2. How do you solve an ODE dilution problem?

To solve an ODE dilution problem, you first need to set up the appropriate ODEs that represent the dilution process. This typically involves using the Law of Mass Action and the concept of initial and boundary conditions. Once the ODEs are set up, you can use numerical methods or analytical techniques to solve for the concentration at each dilution step.

3. What is the significance of the equation "400-400e" in the ODE dilution problem?

The equation "400-400e" represents the initial concentration of the substance before any dilution takes place. The constant "400" represents the initial amount of the substance, while "e" represents the base of the natural logarithm. This equation is used to set the initial condition for the ODE dilution problem.

4. What is the purpose of using ODEs in a dilution problem?

ODEs are used in a dilution problem because they provide a mathematical model that accurately represents the concentration of a solution as it undergoes multiple dilutions. This allows for a more precise calculation of the final concentration, compared to using simple calculations or assumptions.

5. Can ODE dilution problems be applied to real-world situations?

Yes, ODE dilution problems are commonly used in real-world situations in fields such as chemistry, biology, and pharmacology. They can be used to accurately calculate the concentration of a drug or chemical solution after multiple dilutions, which is important for ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the solution.
