Solve Orbital Mechanics Homework: Find Circular Orbit, Stability, Period

I realized my mistake. I was expanding the wrong exponential, I should have expanded the exponential in the second bracket of\frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} \left [ e^{-a \rho} \left ( 1 - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} \right ) \left ( 1 + \frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} \right ) -1 \right ]instead of the exponential ine^{-a \rho} \left ( 1 - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} \right ) \left ( 1 + \frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} \right ).
  • #1
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Homework Statement

I know how to do this problem, I'm just having trouble actually doing it.

A particle moves in a force field described by,


1. Obtain the condition for a circular orbit of radius r0
2. Apply a perturbation to the circular orbit and find the condition between a and r0 for the orbit to be stable
3. Obtain the period of the small oscillation about the stable circular orbit

Homework Equations

From previous parts of the problem, I obtained the equation of motion to be,

[tex] m \ddot r - \frac{l^2}{mr^3} + k(ar+1)\frac{e^{-ar}}{r^2}=0[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

1. The condition for a circular orbit is

[tex]f_{eff}(r_0)=0 \implies k(ar_0+1)\frac{e^{-ar_0}}{r_0^2} = \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3}[/tex]

2. The way to do part 2 is to define [itex]r=r_0+ \rho[/itex], [itex]\ddot r = \ddot \rho[/itex], plug these into the equation of motion, then get the equation into the form

[tex]\ddot \rho + \omega^2 \rho = 0[/tex]

Then the condition for the circular orbit to be stable is [itex]\omega^2>0[/itex].

In this case, however, I'm having trouble getting the equation of motion into that form:

[tex]m \ddot \rho - \frac{l^2}{m(r_0+\rho)^3}+k(a(r_0+\rho)+1)\frac{e^{-a(r_0+\rho)}}{(r_0+\rho)^2}=0[/tex]Using [itex]\frac{1}{(r_0+\rho)^n} = \frac{1}{r_0^n} \left ( 1-\frac{n \rho}{r_0} \right ) [/itex] and the condition for a circular orbit in 1,

[tex]m \ddot \rho - \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} +k(ar_0+a\rho+1)\frac{e^{-a(r_0+\rho)}}{(r_0+\rho)^2}=0[/tex]


[tex]m \ddot \rho + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} \left [ e^{-a \rho} \left ( 1 - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} \right ) \left ( 1 + \frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} \right ) -1 \right ] =0 [/tex]And if I multiply everything out and get rid of the brackets there are exponentials with rho, as well as terms with rho^2.

Any help or suggestions is appreciated.
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  • #2
I think the algebra will be a bit easier if you define [tex]\rho[/tex] to be dimensionless via [tex] r = r_0 (1+\rho),[/tex] but that's certainly not necessary. You want to linearize the equation of motion for [tex]\rho[/tex], therefore you should continue expanding the exponential and drop the quadratic and higher terms everywhere. Requiring stable solutions will lead to an inequality for [tex]ar_0[/tex].
  • #3
So I can just approximate the exponential to first order using taylor series?
  • #4
When you find the condition on [tex] ar_0[/tex] you can check if [tex]a\rho \ll 1[/tex] was a good approximation (having assumed that [tex]\rho \ll r_0[/tex] already).
  • #5
The condition I ended up with is


which just seems trivial. Is this what you got?
  • #6
I think you might have missed an [tex](ar_0)^2[/tex] term. I found

[tex] 1 +(ar_0) > (ar_0)^2[/tex]

which can be simplified further by finding the roots.
  • #7
I don't see where that squared term comes from. Here is what I did:

m \ddot \rho + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} \left [ e^{-a \rho} \left ( 1 - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} \right ) \left ( 1 + \frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} \right ) -1 \right ] =0

Assume ap << 1 so that the exponential is 1. Then

m \ddot \rho + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} \left [ 1 + \frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} - \frac{2a \rho^2}{r_0(ar_0+1)} -1 \right ] =0

The 1's cancel and the p^2 term is very small, so

[tex] m \ddot \rho + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2}{mr_0^3} \left [\frac{a \rho}{(ar_0+1)} - \frac{2 \rho}{r_0} \right ] = m \ddot \rho + \frac{3l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2 a \rho}{ m r_0^3 (ar_0+1)} - \frac{2l^2 \rho}{mr_0^4} = 0[/tex]

Collecting in powers of p,

[tex]m \ddot \rho + \left ( \frac{l^2 }{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2 a }{mr_0^3(ar_0+1)} \right )\rho =0[/tex]

[tex] \implies \ddot \rho + \omega^2 \rho = 0[/tex]

[tex] \omega^2 = \frac{1}{m} \left ( \frac{l^2 }{mr_0^4} + \frac{l^2 a }{mr_0^3(ar_0+1)} \right ) > 0[/tex]
  • #8
kreil said:
Assume ap << 1 so that the exponential is 1.

You need to expand the exponential to linear order,

[tex]e^{-a\rho} \sim 1 - a\rho.[/tex]
  • #9
Thanks for the help fzero

FAQ: Solve Orbital Mechanics Homework: Find Circular Orbit, Stability, Period

1. What is orbital mechanics?

Orbital mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the motion of objects in orbit around a central body, such as planets, moons, and artificial satellites. It involves understanding the principles of gravitation, centripetal force, and angular momentum to predict and explain the movement of objects in space.

2. How do you find the circular orbit of an object?

To find the circular orbit of an object, you need to know the mass of the central body, the distance between the two objects, and the gravitational constant. Using these values, you can calculate the velocity required for the object to maintain a circular orbit, which is given by the equation v = √(GM/r), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the central body, and r is the distance between the two objects.

3. What factors determine the stability of an orbit?

The stability of an orbit is determined by the eccentricity and inclination of the orbit. An orbit with low eccentricity and inclination is more stable because it has a more circular and uniform path. On the other hand, an orbit with high eccentricity and inclination is less stable and can easily be disturbed by external forces.

4. How do you calculate the period of an orbit?

The period of an orbit is the time it takes for an object to complete one full revolution around the central body. It can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(a^3/GM), where T is the period, a is the semi-major axis of the orbit, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the central body.

5. What are the practical applications of orbital mechanics?

Orbital mechanics has many practical applications, including spaceflight and satellite technology. It is also used in astronomy to study the motion of celestial bodies and in astrodynamics to plan and control spacecraft trajectories. Additionally, orbital mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding and predicting the effects of space debris and space weather on orbiting objects.
