Solve Problem Set 3: Electrons, Magnets, Radiation & Photons

  • Thread starter Shackleford
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N. Finally, using the equation F = ma, we can solve for the vertical displacement of the electron, d = F/(m_ea), where m_e is the mass of the electron. Plugging in the values, we get d = (7.0 x 10^-9 N)/(9.11 x 10^-31 kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = 7.8 x 10^-23 m.In summary, to produce zero deflection of the electron beam, an electric field of 6.5 x 10^5 V/m is needed. The vertical displacement of the electron over a length of 2.0 cm
  • #1
4. An electron entering Thomson's e/m appartus has an initial velocity of 0.50 x 10^7 m/s. Lying around the lab is a permanent horseshoe magnet of strength 1.3 x 10^-2 T, which you would like to use. (a) What electric field will you need in order to produce zero deflection of the electrons as they travel through the apparatus? (b) The length of nonzero E and B fields is 2.0 cm. When the magnetic field is turned off, but the same electric field remains, how far in the vertical direction will the electron beam be deflected over this length?

For (b), I'm a bit uncertain in using length as the adjacent side in using tangent.

20. (a) At what wavelength will the human body radiate the maximum radiation? (b) Estimate the total power radiated by a person of medium build (assume an area given by a cylinder of 165-cm height and 13-cm radius).

34. What is the threshold frequency for the photoelectric effect on lithium (W = 2.93 eV)? What is the stopping potential if the wavelength of the incident light is 400 nm?

48. If a 6.0-keV photon scatters from a free proton at rest, what is the change in the photon's wavelength if the photon recoils at 90 degrees?

I'm a bit uncertain about this one since I didn't use the 6.0-keV in equation. :rolleyes:



If anyone wants to do a quick check of the set, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
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  • #2

Sure, I would be happy to review your answers.

4. (a) To produce zero deflection, the electric field must be equal and opposite to the magnetic force on the electron. The magnetic force is given by F = qvB, where q is the charge of the electron, v is its velocity, and B is the magnetic field strength. In this case, the magnetic force must be equal and opposite to the electric force, which is given by F = Eq, where E is the electric field and q is the charge of the electron. Setting these two forces equal to each other and solving for E, we get E = vB = (0.50 x 10^7 m/s)(1.3 x 10^-2 T) = 6.5 x 10^5 V/m.

(b) The force on the electron due to the electric field is given by F = Eq, where E is the electric field and q is the charge of the electron. Since the electron is moving perpendicular to the electric field, the only component of the force that will cause deflection is in the vertical direction. Therefore, we can use trigonometry to calculate the vertical displacement of the electron over a distance of 2.0 cm. Using the tangent function, we have tanθ = F/F_vert, where θ is the angle of deflection, F is the total force on the electron, and F_vert is the vertical component of the force. Solving for F_vert, we get F_vert = Ftanθ = (Eq)tanθ. Plugging in the values for E and q, we get F_vert = (6.5 x 10^5 V/m)(1.6 x 10^-19 C)tanθ. The angle of deflection, θ, can be calculated using the length of the nonzero E and B fields and the initial velocity of the electron. Using the formula θ = vL/B, where L is the length of the nonzero fields, we get θ = (0.50 x 10^7 m/s)(2.0 cm)/(1.3 x 10^-2 T) = 7.7 x 10^-6 rad. Plugging this value into our equation for F_vert, we get F_vert = (6.5 x 10^5 V/m)(1.6 x 10^-19 C)(7.7 x 10^-

FAQ: Solve Problem Set 3: Electrons, Magnets, Radiation & Photons

1. What is the relationship between electrons and magnets?

Electrons and magnets have a fundamental relationship known as electromagnetism. This means that moving electrons create a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor. This is why magnets can attract or repel each other, as the movement of electrons creates opposing magnetic fields.

2. How does radiation affect electrons?

Radiation, such as electromagnetic waves or particles, can interact with electrons in various ways. For example, high-energy radiation can ionize atoms, freeing electrons from their orbit, while low-energy radiation can cause electrons to vibrate and emit light. The specific effects of radiation on electrons depend on the type and energy of the radiation.

3. What is the role of photons in the interaction between electrons and radiation?

Photons are individual packets of electromagnetic energy that make up radiation. When photons interact with electrons, they can transfer their energy to the electrons, causing them to move or change energy levels. This is how light and other forms of radiation can affect the behavior of electrons in materials.

4. How do electrons behave in a magnetic field?

In a magnetic field, electrons will experience a force perpendicular to both their direction of motion and the direction of the magnetic field. This force causes electrons to move in a circular or helical path, depending on the strength and direction of the magnetic field and the velocity of the electron. This phenomenon is the basis for many technologies, such as electric motors and MRI machines.

5. Can electrons emit radiation?

Yes, electrons can emit radiation in the form of photons. This occurs when an electron changes energy levels, such as when it drops from a higher energy level to a lower one. The emitted radiation can range from radio waves to gamma rays, depending on the energy difference between the two energy levels. This process is also known as spontaneous emission and is the basis for technologies such as lasers and LED lights.

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