Solve Quantum Mechanics 3-Level System with Time-Dependent Perturbation

Ej-Ei)t/ħ δijwhere δij is the Kronecker delta. Substituting this in the expression for Wji(t), we get:Wji(t) = ei(Ej-Ei)t/ħ W(ωi) δijwhere ωi = Ej/ħ.Substituting this in the differential equation for ci(t), we get:iħ d/dt ci(t) = Σj ei(Ej-Ei)t/ħ W(ωi) δij ci(t)This equation can be solved by using the method of variation of parameters, giving us the solution:ci(t) = ci(0) + ∫0t dt' ei
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a three level system, the time-dependent perturbation is:

W(t) = W cos(wt) e^(-t^2/T^2)

at time t=-infinity, it's in the ground state (w/ E1)

the pertubation frequency is:

w = (w21+w31)/2

non-zero matrix elements are: <1|W|2>=<1|W|3>=<2|W|1>=<3|W|1>=[tex]\gamma[/tex]

Show that the eigenstate is:

|[tex]\psi[/tex](t)> = e-iw1t [ ||[tex]\psi[/tex]>
-iAe-iw21t |[tex]\psi[/tex]>
-iAe-iw31t |[tex]\psi[/tex]3> ]

Homework Equations

fourier transform of a gaussian

The Attempt at a Solution

tried to take Fourier transform of cos wt * e^(-t^2/T^2), but couldn't get the form Aeiwt |[tex]\psi[/tex]2/3>
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  • #2

Dear fellow scientist,

After carefully analyzing the problem at hand, I have come up with the following solution:

First, we need to use the time-dependent Schrodinger equation to find the time evolution of the three level system. This can be written as:

iħ d/dt |Ψ(t)> = H(t)|Ψ(t)>

where H(t) is the time-dependent Hamiltonian. Since we are dealing with a time-dependent perturbation, the Hamiltonian can be written as:

H(t) = H0 + W(t)

where H0 is the unperturbed Hamiltonian and W(t) is the perturbation.

Next, we can write the eigenstate |Ψ(t)> in terms of the unperturbed eigenstates |ψi> as:

|Ψ(t)> = Σi ci(t)|ψi>

where ci(t) is the time-dependent coefficient of the ith eigenstate.

Substituting this in the Schrodinger equation and using the fact that the unperturbed eigenstates satisfy the time-independent Schrodinger equation (H0|ψi> = Ei|ψi>), we get the following differential equation for ci(t):

iħ d/dt ci(t) = Σj Wji(t) ci(t)

where Wji(t) = <ψj|W(t)|ψi> is the matrix element of the perturbation between the ith and jth eigenstates.

Since the perturbation is time-dependent, we can write it in terms of its Fourier transform as:

W(t) = ∫ dω W(ω) e-iωt

where W(ω) is the Fourier transform of W(t). In our case, W(ω) is a Gaussian function centered at the perturbation frequency w:

W(ω) = W cos(ωt) e^(-t^2/T^2) = W cos(ωt) e^(-(ω-ω0)^2/T^2)

where ω0 = (w21+w31)/2 is the perturbation frequency.

Using this in the expression for Wji(t), we get:

Wji(t) = ∫ dω W(ω) <ψj|eiωt|ψi>

Since the unperturbed eigenstates are stationary states, we can write:

<ψj|eiωt|ψi> = ei

FAQ: Solve Quantum Mechanics 3-Level System with Time-Dependent Perturbation

What is a 3-level system in quantum mechanics?

A 3-level system in quantum mechanics refers to a system with three distinct energy levels. These energy levels are typically represented by three different quantum states, each with its own energy value. A common example of a 3-level system is a three-level atom, where the three energy levels correspond to the ground state, excited state, and highly excited state of the atom.

What is time-dependent perturbation in quantum mechanics?

Time-dependent perturbation in quantum mechanics refers to the application of an external force or interaction to a quantum system that is dependent on time. This perturbation can cause changes in the energy levels and dynamics of the system, leading to interesting phenomena such as energy level splitting and quantum interference.

How is a 3-level system solved using time-dependent perturbation theory?

In order to solve a 3-level system with time-dependent perturbation, one must first write down the Hamiltonian of the system, which describes the total energy of the system. Then, using time-dependent perturbation theory, the Hamiltonian is expanded in a power series and the equations of motion for the system are solved iteratively. The final solution will give the time evolution of the system and the probabilities of being in each energy state.

What are the applications of solving a 3-level system with time-dependent perturbation?

Solving a 3-level system with time-dependent perturbation can have many applications in physics, including understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other quantum systems under external forces. It can also be used to study quantum phenomena such as quantum entanglement and quantum computing.

Are there any limitations to solving a 3-level system with time-dependent perturbation?

Like any mathematical model, there are limitations to solving a 3-level system with time-dependent perturbation. This approach is best suited for weakly perturbed systems, where the perturbation is small compared to the energy differences between the levels. Additionally, this method may not accurately describe systems with strong interactions or highly non-linear dynamics.
