Solve Separable Scattering Homework with N-Channel T-Matrix

C \lambda^2 g(k')^2 g(k_o)^2\end{equation}\begin{equation} T(k',k) = g(k')g(k_o) - \frac{4C\mu}{\pi}g(k')^2\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 g(q)^2 - k_o^2 g(k_o)^2}{q^2-k_o^2}dq-2i\mu k_o C
  • #1

Homework Statement

Obtain the analytic expression for the N-channel T-matrix assuming a separable potential.
Hint: assume that T is proportional to V. Specialise your answer to N=1 and perform the required integral to get an explicit form for T, assume the given form for g(k).
[tex]$g=\frac{k_o^3}{k^2+k_o^2}$ [/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex] T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) T(k,q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The T-matrix takes the form
T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) T(k,q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)

Now we assume that T is proportional to V $(T=CV)$, which gives us

T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) CV(k',q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)CV(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)CV(k',k_o)

Now we assume that $V(k,k') = \lambda g(k)g(k')$ which gives us

T(k',k) = \lambda g(k')g(k_o) + C\frac{2}{\pi}\lambda^2\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 g(k')^2 g(q)^2 - k_o^2 g(k')^2 g(k_o)^2}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o C \lambda^2 g(k')^2 g(k_o)^2

T(k',k) = g(k')g(k_o) - \frac{4C\mu}{\pi}g(k')^2\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 g(q)^2 - k_o^2 g(k_o)^2}
{q^2-k_o^2}dq-2i\mu k_o Cg(k')^2 g(k_o)^2

Assume that [tex] $g(k)=\frac{k_o^3}{k^2+k_o^2}$ [/tex] then

(note, pretty sure from here on out is wrong and i just fudged it on the next line, i know, not kosher. will fix later)

\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 g(q)^2 - k_o^2 g(k_o)^2}{q^2-k_o^2}dq =
k_o^6\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2}{(q^2+k_o^2)^4} - \frac{k_o^2}{(q^2-k_o^2)^2(q^2+k_o^2)} dq

Note that

\frac{d^3}{da^3}\frac{1}{(x^2+a^2)} = \frac{24a}{(x^2+a^2)^3} - \frac{48a^3}{(x^2+a^2)^4}

Ok.. So our prof isn't using a book and didn't give a reference for this stuff and the notes were crummy. I can't seem to find much online either. Basically, I'm not even sure if my starting equations are correct and I'm kinda feeling around in the dark. Any guidance whatsoever would be helpful. A link, a reference or anything would be great. Thanks alot.
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  • #2

Homework Statement

Obtain the analytic expression for the N-channel T-matrix assuming a separable potential.
Hint: assume that T is proportional to V. Specialise your answer to N=1 and perform the required integral to get an explicit form for T, assume the given form for g(k).

Homework Equations

T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) T(k,q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)

The Attempt at a Solution

The T-matrix takes the form

T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) T(k,q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)T(k',k_o)

Now we assume that T is proportional to V $(T=CV)$, which gives us

T(k',k) = V(k',k_o) + \frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 V(k',q) CV(k',q) - k_o^2 V(k',k_o)CV(k',k_o)}
{\frac{k_o^2-q^2}{2\mu}}dq-2i\mu k_o V(k',k_o)CV(k',k_o)

Now we assume that $V(k,k') = \lambda g(k)g(k')$ which gives us

T(k',k) = \lambda g(k')g(k_o) + C\frac{2}{\pi}\lambda^2\int_0^{\infty}\frac{q^2 g(k

FAQ: Solve Separable Scattering Homework with N-Channel T-Matrix

1. What is a separable scattering problem?

A separable scattering problem is a type of problem in physics where the interaction between particles or waves can be mathematically separated into two or more independent parts. This allows for easier analysis and solution of the problem.

2. What is the N-Channel T-Matrix method used for?

The N-Channel T-Matrix method is used to solve separable scattering problems involving multiple channels, or pathways for the particles or waves to interact. It allows for the calculation of the scattering amplitude for each channel, which can then be used to determine the overall scattering behavior.

3. How does the N-Channel T-Matrix method work?

The N-Channel T-Matrix method involves breaking down the scattering problem into individual channels, each of which can be solved separately. The T-Matrix is used to connect the incoming and outgoing wavefunctions, and the overall scattering amplitude is then calculated by combining the amplitudes from each channel.

4. What are the advantages of using the N-Channel T-Matrix method?

The N-Channel T-Matrix method allows for the solution of complex separable scattering problems involving multiple channels. It also provides a clear understanding of the individual contributions of each channel to the overall scattering behavior, making it a useful tool for analyzing and predicting scattering phenomena.

5. Are there any limitations to the N-Channel T-Matrix method?

While the N-Channel T-Matrix method is a powerful tool for solving separable scattering problems, it does have some limitations. It is most effective for low-energy scattering and may not accurately predict behavior at high energies. Additionally, it may become computationally intensive with a large number of channels.
