Solve Set Theory Question: Prove Iy o f = f

In summary: Actually, they're finding "the integral, plus or minus a constant" of a function. But, it's good enough because all they really care about is the difference between two antiderivatives, which is a constant. So, just find one antiderivative and add the appropriate constant later. Of course, when you want to know the value of the integral, you have to fix the constant by evaluating the antiderivative you computed at the two endpoints. In summary, when proving that Iy o f = f, we can simply show that for all x in the domain of f, the composition of the identity function on the co-domain of f with f evaluated at x is equal to f evaluated at x. This implies that
  • #1
Fernando Revilla
Gold Member
I quote a question from Yahoo! Answers

Let f: A --> B. Prove that Iy o f = f
Here what I've got. Let, x is in X. Then there is a y in Y such that f(x) = y
=> Iy o f = Iy o f(x) = Iy(f(x)) = Iy(y). Please tell me what am I doing wrong in this question and how would you solve this? Thanks.

I have given a link to the topic there so the OP can see my response.
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  • #2
I suppose you meant $f:X\to Y$ instead of $f:A\to B$. Then, simply:
$$\forall x\in X:\quad\left(I_Y\circ f\right)(x)=I_Y\left[f(x)\right]=f(x)$$
which implies $I_Y\circ f=f.$
  • #3
Fernando Revilla said:
I suppose you meant $f:X\to Y$ instead of $f:A\to B$. Then, simply:
$$\forall x\in X:\quad\left(I_Y\circ f\right)(x)=I_Y\left[f(x)\right]=f(x)$$
which implies $I_Y\circ f=f.$
A nice simple little proof. Thank you!

  • #4
In general, when presented with two functions:

\(\displaystyle f:A \to B\)
\(\displaystyle g:A \to B\)

to decide whether or not the two functions are equal, we compare their values at every element \(\displaystyle a \in A\). In other words, we check if, for all such \(\displaystyle a\):

\(\displaystyle f(a) = g(a)\) in \(\displaystyle B\).

Even a single point of difference is enough to destroy the equality, as in, for example:

\(\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{x}{x}; x \neq 0, f(0) = 0\)
\(\displaystyle g(x) = 1\)

where the domain and co-domain of both functions are the real numbers.
  • #5
Deveno said:
Even a single point of difference is enough to destroy the equality, as in, for example:

Right. However, I'd like to comment that sometimes we generalize the concept of function in some contexts. For example, for $(X,\mathcal{M},\mu)$ measure space and $f,g\in L^p(\mu)$ we need the equivalence relation $f\sim g$ iff $f=g$ almost at every point. So, we can define on the vector space $L^p(\mu)/\sim$ the norm $||f||_p=\left(\int_X|f|^p\right)^{1/p}$. We say that $f=g$ (in this context).
  • #6
Well, sure. If two things aren't "quite equal enough" it's often common practice to "mod out the difference" and use equality of the resulting equivalence classes. It's sort of the raison d'etre of the notion of equivalence: all the properties of equality without the niggling details. For example: 2+2 and 4 are certainly not the same algebraic expression, but they have equivalent evaluations, which we use as if they were the same thing (through a process known as "substitution", or more generally, "representation").

Calculus students do this all the time when they find "the integral" of a function.

FAQ: Solve Set Theory Question: Prove Iy o f = f

What is set theory?

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, which are collections of objects. It provides a foundation for understanding the concepts of infinity, order, and mathematical proof.

What is a function in set theory?

In set theory, a function is a special type of relation between two sets, where each element in the first set (called the domain) is paired with exactly one element in the second set (called the codomain). The function is denoted as f: X → Y, where X is the domain and Y is the codomain.

What does it mean to prove Iy o f = f?

Proving Iy o f = f means showing that the composition of two functions, y and f, is equal to the original function f. In other words, it means that applying function y to the output of function f yields the same result as simply applying function f.

How do you prove Iy o f = f?

To prove Iy o f = f, you need to show that for any input x in the domain of f, the output of y o f is equal to the output of f. This can be done using mathematical reasoning and manipulation of the set notation and definitions of the functions involved.

Why is proving Iy o f = f important in set theory?

Proving Iy o f = f is important in set theory because it allows us to establish the properties and relationships between functions, which are fundamental concepts in mathematics. It also helps us to understand the behavior of functions and how they can be manipulated to solve various problems in different fields such as computer science, economics, and physics.

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