Solve Significant Figures Homework

In summary: It might be slightly more compact, but I prefer the first version. In summary, when rewriting experimental results in terms of significant digits, it is important to consider the accuracy of the measurement and avoid using more significant digits than necessary. This includes rounding off numbers with large errors and using powers of 10 in steps of 3 for clarity. It is also recommended to use the same exponent for the central value and uncertainty to improve readability.
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Homework Statement

I am given some results of certain experiments with errors and I need to rewrite them correctly in term of significant digits.

Homework Equations

The professor explained to us that, for example, 1.12345 ± 0.5231 is not correct (or at least not the right way) because you already have an error on the first digit after . so adding more digits make no sense, so I should rewrite this as 1.1 ± 0.5 (or in some cases 1.12 ± 0.52).

The Attempt at a Solution

4.12734 ± 1.357 --- 4.1 ± 1.44.12734 ± 0.0487 --- 4.13 ± 0.05

0.4321273 ± 0.00169 --- 0.4321 ± 0.0017

0.002163 ± 0.00032 --- 0.0022 ± 0.0003

304479 ± 791 --- 3.045e5 ± 800

728 ± 0.422 --- 728.0 ± 0.4

511.24 ± 2.721 --- 511 ± 3

383 ± 61.32 --- 383 ± 61

987.12 ± 62.57 --- 987 ± 63

6974.12734 ± 487 --- 6970 ± 490

123456789 ± 2344 --- 1.23456e8 ± 2000

0.000002723 ± 0.000000317 --- 2.7e-6 ± 3e-7

12.4 ± 7.2 --- 12.4 ± 7.2

These are the ones we have to rewrite and on the right of --- is my solution. Is it correct? I am a bit confused especially about the ones with big numbers and errors of order of 10^2. Thank you[/B]
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In general, errors in experimental results are difficult to determine: they are estimates. Even with large numbers of observations and then averaging, statistics show that the relative accuracy of a standard deviation is about ##1/\sqrt n##. So with 10 measurements the error is only 30% accurate.
Except in special cases, more than one significant digit is not really achievable.

I learned that an exception is when the first digit of the error is a 1: then you give one more (in order not to have such a big step to the next value)

You follow the guidelines nicely, but sense some discomfort when errors are > 1.

I would present ##383\pm 61## as ##380\pm 60## without hesitation, idem ##987\pm 62 \rightarrow 990 \pm 60##.
With bigger numbers, one way around is to report e.g. ##6974 \pm 487 ## as ## (6.9\pm 0.5)\times 10^3##

Here another guideline comes in: powers of ten preferably in steps of 3 . But it's not a strict guideline at all.

(on the next line you show some fatigue: last digit rounds off to 7). A mix of scientific and normal number format is uneasy on the eye; I would prefer ##(123.457 \pm 0.02) \times 10^6 ##.
[edit] oh, 0.002 of course. Thanks mfb - and we see it's a matter of tastes differing (post below) -- not a strict guideline at all. My motivation: there's often a name for such a power, like ##M\Omega## etc.

Then the next line is also uneasy because of the different exponents. I like ##(2.7\pm0.3)\times 10^{-7}## better. Taste ? [edit] oh, sorry ##10^{-6}## - even better. ; thanks mfb)
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Silviu said:
2.7e-6 ± 3e-7
Don't use different exponents for central value and uncertainty. I would write it as (2.7±0.3) e-6, writing it as 2.7e-6 ± 0.3e-6 is possible as well.
BvU said:
(on the next line you show some fatigue: last digit rounds off to 7). A mix of scientific and normal number format is uneasy on the eye; I would prefer ##(123.457 \pm 0.02) \times 10^6 ##.
Should be 0.002, not 0.02. I would not shift the decimal dot around like that just to get a multiple of 3.

FAQ: Solve Significant Figures Homework

1. What are significant figures and why are they important in science?

Significant figures are the digits in a number that convey meaningful information. They are important in science because they help to convey the precision and accuracy of measurements and calculations. This is crucial for ensuring the validity and reliability of scientific data and results.

2. How do I determine the number of significant figures in a given number?

To determine the number of significant figures in a number, start counting from the first non-zero digit from the left. All digits from that point on, including zeros, are considered significant. For example, 4.50 has three significant figures, while 0.004 has only one significant figure.

3. What are the rules for rounding off numbers based on significant figures?

When rounding off numbers based on significant figures, the general rule is to round the final digit up if it is 5 or higher, and leave it unchanged if it is 4 or lower. For example, 3.455 would round to 3.46 with two significant figures, while 3.444 would round to 3.44 with three significant figures.

4. How do significant figures apply to mathematical operations?

When performing mathematical operations, the result should have the same number of significant figures as the number with the least number of significant figures used in the calculation. For example, if multiplying 3.2 and 1.5, the answer should be rounded to two significant figures, giving a result of 4.8.

5. Are there any exceptions to the rules for significant figures?

Yes, there are a few exceptions to the rules for significant figures. For example, numbers that are exact, such as counting numbers or defined constants, are considered to have an infinite number of significant figures. Additionally, numbers in scientific notation are assumed to have all digits significant. It is important to carefully consider the context and rules when dealing with significant figures in scientific calculations.
