Solve System of ODEs with Comsol Multiphysics

  • Thread starter lilian
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Comsol Multiphysics for solving systems of ODEs. It is mentioned that there may be better programs for this task, such as Matlab or Mathematica. There is also a discussion about installation issues and the location of the comsol.opts file. The speaker is seeking help with uninstalling the program and locating the file.
  • #1

I need some help with Comsol Multiphysics. I want to know can I use this software to solve a system of ODEs only. If so, how can I do this.

Best regards.
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  • #2

please can any help me. This is important.


  • #3
I would say that there are better-suited programs to deal with systems of ODE's than COMSOL. I don't think its possible, but I'm not a COMSOL user.
  • #4
Yes you can, but if your problem doesn't specifically require it would recommend something else like Matlab, Mathematica etc (shooting mosquitoes with a cannon like of a thing). If your problem fits some of the existing application modes then you can pick such, if not, use for example the PDE forms to formulate it.
  • #5
Hello everybody
I have a problem with Comsol 3.4 installation, it doesn't run after the installation is finished.
I get the following COMSOL Error: "No class com/femlab/gui/Femlab on classpath."
I've tried to uninstall but also unsuccessful, I get the message:"EXIT FAILURE: Failed to load uninstallation components." and "Can't find comsol.opts file".
The question is whether there is a solution to uninstall the program and where the comsol.opts file has to be placed so it could be found during the uninstallation (I have the file but I don't know the directory where it should be placed)

I'll appreciate your help.

FAQ: Solve System of ODEs with Comsol Multiphysics

1. How do I set up a system of ODEs in Comsol Multiphysics?

To set up a system of ODEs in Comsol Multiphysics, you will need to use the "ODE and DAE Interfaces" module. This module allows you to define the system of ODEs and specify the initial conditions and boundary conditions. You can also add any necessary source terms or variables to your system.

2. Can I solve a system of ODEs with different numerical methods in Comsol Multiphysics?

Yes, Comsol Multiphysics has a variety of numerical methods that can be used to solve systems of ODEs, including implicit and explicit methods. You can choose the appropriate method for your specific problem by adjusting the solver settings in the "ODE and DAE Interfaces" module.

3. How can I visualize the results of my system of ODEs in Comsol Multiphysics?

Comsol Multiphysics offers various visualization tools to help you analyze the results of your system of ODEs. You can plot the time-dependent solutions, create animations, and generate 2D or 3D plots to visualize the behavior of your system over time.

4. Is it possible to solve a system of ODEs with time-varying parameters in Comsol Multiphysics?

Yes, you can solve a system of ODEs with time-varying parameters in Comsol Multiphysics. You can define time-dependent variables and parameters in the "Parameters" section of the "ODE and DAE Interfaces" module. These variables can then be used in your system of ODEs, allowing you to model dynamic systems.

5. How can I import and export data from my system of ODEs in Comsol Multiphysics?

Comsol Multiphysics offers several options for importing and exporting data from your system of ODEs. You can load initial conditions and boundary conditions from external files, and export your results as data files or images for further analysis in other software programs.
