Solve the algebraic equation,Galois group of FF, and prove/disprove.

  • Thread starter jian1
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In summary: The equation x^2=2 is solvable in 7-adic numbers, as long as the leading term is nonzero. This means that there are a variety of ways to solve the equation, depending on how you choose to represent the leading term.3. find the group Gal(F_p^n^2/ F_p^n), I got n^2-n+1... is it right?This is not a question.
  • #1
1. x^4+2x^3+3x^2+4x+5=0

2. is the equation x^2=2 solvable in 7-adic numbers?

3. find the group Gal(F_p^n^2/ F_p^n), I got n^2-n+1... is it right?
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  • #2
1. Isn't a question it's an equation

3. n^2-n+1 is not necessarily the most universal notation for a group. You mean the cyclic group of that order, right?

Show your work.
  • #3
1. is to solve the equation, means to get the x, and I have no clue...

2.I think it's solvable, thus I used hensel lemma and got f'(x)=2x with |f(x)|_7... but haven't got a number which can satisfy the equation

3. for n+1, up to n^2 there will be n^2+1, and minus the n one in p^n, thus u got n^2-n+1.
  • #4
Please someone , these questions will be on the final examination and it'll take place tomorrow, none of us had got these questions so far... :(
  • #5
It's never good to wait until the last minute! :-p

For (1), surely you've done (or seen) similar problems already, and have an idea about what you should be doing?

For (2) and (3), you are very unclear...

For example, I haven't the slightest idea what "with [itex]|f(x)|_7[/itex]" means -- what exactly are the conditions for Hensel's lemma?

(P.S. don't forget that there is a very easy way to find solutions to an equation modulo 7...)

For (3) I have absolutely no idea what you're doing at all. Maybe if you could write more clearly what you are trying to do, it would be more clear to me... and more importantly, it would be more clear to you.
  • #6
jian1 said:
3. for n+1, up to n^2 there will be n^2+1, and minus the n one in p^n, thus u got n^2-n+1.
If I read this on its own I have no idea that you're talking about Galois Theory or even that you are talking about groups.
  • #7
jian1 said:
1. x^4+2x^3+3x^2+4x+5=0

This has "ugly" complex roots (2 pairs of complex conjugate roots). You need the general quartic method to solve this one.

Proving the equation has no real roots is easy. x= 1 is obviously not a solution of the original equation.

Let the orig. expression in x be represented as f(x)

[tex]{(x-1)}^2f(x) = {(x-1)}^2(x^4+2x^3+3x^2+4x+5) = x^6-6x+5 = g(x)[/tex] (say)

All zeros of f(x) comprise a subset of the zeros of g(x).

The degree 6 polynomial [tex]g(x)[/tex] obviously has a repeated root at x = 1. It would have 4 other (not necessarily distinct) roots.

But [tex]g'(x) = 6(x^5 - 1)[/tex] has no real zeros other than x = 1 (the others are the complex fifth roots of unity). Hence g(x) has no intersections with the x-axis other than forming a tangent at the repeated root x = 1. And we've observed that x = 1 is obviously not a zero of f(x).

Hence, f(x) has no real zeros.
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FAQ: Solve the algebraic equation,Galois group of FF, and prove/disprove.

1. What is an algebraic equation?

An algebraic equation is a mathematical statement that consists of two expressions, usually separated by an equal sign, and involves variables and operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The goal of solving an algebraic equation is to find the values of the variables that make the equation true.

2. What is the Galois group of a field, FF?

The Galois group of a field, denoted as Gal(F), is a mathematical group that represents the automorphisms of a field F. In other words, it is the set of all permutations of the elements of F that preserve the algebraic structure of the field.

3. How do you solve an algebraic equation?

To solve an algebraic equation, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation by performing mathematical operations on both sides. The goal is to get the variable to be expressed alone on one side, with all the constants and other variables on the other side. The final value of the variable is the solution to the equation.

4. Can you provide an example of finding the Galois group of a field?

Sure, let's consider the field of real numbers, denoted as R. The Galois group of R, denoted as Gal(R), is the set of all permutations of real numbers that preserve the algebraic structure of R. Since R is a commutative field, its Galois group is isomorphic to the group of integers under addition (Z, +).

5. How do you prove or disprove a statement involving an algebraic equation and its Galois group?

To prove a statement involving an algebraic equation and its Galois group, you can use mathematical proofs and techniques such as induction, contradiction, and direct proof. On the other hand, to disprove a statement, you can provide a counterexample, which is a specific case that contradicts the statement.

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