Solve the Bungee Physics Problem: Net Force and Height Calculation"

In summary, the problem involves Bungee Barbara jumping off a 30m crane platform with an unstretched bungee cord of 9.0m and a weight of 600 N. The bungee cord is modeled as an ideal spring with a spring constant of 100 N/m. The goal is to find the height at which the net force acting on Barbara is zero. After analyzing the situation, it is determined that the lowest point in the fall is not when the net force is zero, but when Barbara's velocity is zero. Calculations are then made to find the time and position of this lowest point, with the result being 1.6 seconds and 2.7 meters respectively.
  • #1
The problem is as follows:

"Bungee Barbara jumps off a crane platform 30m above the ground. The bungee cord to which she is hooked has an unstretched length of 9.0m We assume the bungee cord behaves like an ideal spring with spring constant k=100 N/m. Barbara has a weight of 600 N. At what height will the net force acting on Barbara be zero?"

I don't understand why this point is not the lowest point in the fall. I mean, wouldn't the net force be zero when the force of gravity and the tension in the spring are balanced, and wouldn't that be when Barbara momentarily comes to rest at the lowest point?
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  • #2
At the lowest point in the fall, the net force on her is pulling her up.

While she's falling, she builds up momentum that carries her past the equilibrium point.
  • #3
So, how do I find out exactly what the net force is acting on Barbara at the lowest point in the fall?
  • #4
At her lowest point I think her ΣFy = 0, because there is a surface holding her up with the same force she is pulling the Earth with.
  • #5
The net force will be the force from gravity plus the force from the bungee.
  • #6
At her lowest point I think her ÓFy = 0, because there is a surface holding her up with the same force she is pulling the Earth with.
No, when the total force is 0, there is no acceleration so she continues downward (remind me not to bungee jump with you! :smile:). That had already been said. The lowest point comes when her velocity is 0, not acceleration.

If I am reading the problem correctly, Barbara will first "free fall" until she reaches 9 m below the platform. Then the cord will start stretching. For those first 9 m her acceleration is -9.8 m/s2 so her speed after t seconds is -9.8t and her height above the ground will be 30- 4.9 t2. That will be 9 m when 30- 4.9t2= 30-9= 21 or t2= 9/4.9= 1.83 seconds so t= 1.35 seconds At that time her speed will be -9.8(1.35)= -13.3 m/s.

After that first 9 m the cord will act with force 100(21-x) Newtons (21- x is the stretch of the cord in m when the Barbara's height is x meters). The total force on Barbara will be -600+ 100(21-x)= 1500- 100x Newtons. Her mass is 600/9.8= 61.2 kg so her accleration is
a= (1500- 100x)/61.2= 24.5- 1.63x.
We have the differential equation x"= 24.5- 1.63x or x"+ 1.63x= 24.5

The General solution to that is x(t)= C1Cos(1.28t)+ C2Sin(1.28t)+ 14.8. Taking t= 0 at the point at which the bungee cord starts stretching, x(0)= 21 m and x'(0)= -13.3 m/s.
x(0)= C1+ 14.8= 21 so C1= 6.2.
x'(t)= -1.28C1Sin(1.28t)+ 1.28C2Cos(1.28t)
so x'(0)= 1.28 C2= -13.3 so C2= -10.4.

That is: x(t)= 6.2 Cos(1.28t)- 10.4 Sin(1.28t)+ 14.8 meters.
her speed at time t is x'(t)= -7.94 Sin(1.28t)- -13.3 Cos(1.28t).
Barbara's lowest point will come when her speed is 0: when
-7.94 Sin(1.28t)- 13.3 Cos(1.28t)= 0 or Tan(1.28t)= -13.3/7.94= -1.68.
That means 1.28t= 2.1 or t= 1.6 seconds.
Putting that into x(t), x(1.6)= 6.2Cos(2.1)- 10.4Sin(2.1)+ 14.8= 2.7 meters.

Related to Solve the Bungee Physics Problem: Net Force and Height Calculation"

1. What is the purpose of a bungee physics problem?

The purpose of a bungee physics problem is to understand and analyze the forces and motion involved in a bungee jump. This can help in designing safe and effective bungee jumping experiences.

2. What are the key factors in a bungee physics problem?

The key factors in a bungee physics problem include the length of the bungee cord, the mass of the jumper, the height of the jump, and the elasticity of the cord. These factors affect the amount of stretch and force applied to the jumper during the jump.

3. How does gravity play a role in a bungee physics problem?

Gravity is a crucial factor in a bungee physics problem as it is the force that pulls the jumper towards the ground. This force must be counteracted by the bungee cord's tension to prevent the jumper from hitting the ground.

4. What is the relationship between the length of the bungee cord and the jumper's acceleration?

The longer the bungee cord, the lower the jumper's acceleration will be. This is because a longer cord will have more stretch, which will slow down the jumper's descent and decrease their acceleration.

5. How does the mass of the jumper affect a bungee physics problem?

The mass of the jumper affects a bungee physics problem by influencing the force of gravity acting on them. A heavier jumper will experience a greater force of gravity and therefore require a longer bungee cord to counteract it and prevent them from hitting the ground with too much force.

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