Solved: Zero-zero Transitions in 1S and 2S States

  • Thread starter MisterX
  • Start date
The matrix element is just an inner product, and I'm taking the inner product of a state with an operator with another state. I'm not sure what you mean by "operator form". I'm just using the definition of the matrix element.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the matrix element of [itex]\mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{A} [/itex] between 1S and 2S vanishes to all orders.
I think I need to show the the following

[itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{k}, \lambda) \cdot \mathbf{p} e^{-i\mathbf{k}\cdot \mathbf{r}} \mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle = 0[/itex]

Homework Equations

By the orthogonality of [itex]\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^*[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{k}[/itex] we can change the order
[itex]\left[ \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{k}, \lambda) \cdot \mathbf{p},\, e^{-i\mathbf{k}\cdot \mathbf{r}} \right] = 0[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I had thoughts along parity lines, but I haven't been successful so far. Since the states are spherically symmetric, I can choose [itex]\mathbf{k}[/itex] to be along the z axis, which might lead to some clarity. Then we could have [itex]\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^*(k\hat{\mathbf{z}}, \pm) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\hat{x} \mp i \hat{y} \right)[/itex].

[itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid \left(p_x \mp ip_y\right) e^{-ikz} \mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle[/itex]
[itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid \left(p_x \mp ip_y\right) \left(\cos(kz) - i \sin(kz)\right) \mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle[/itex]
[itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid p_x\cos(kz) \pm p_y\sin(kz) \mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle + i\dots[/itex]

So it seems then I must have independently

[itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid p_x\cos(kz)\mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle =0 [/itex] and [itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid p_y\sin(kz)\mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle =0 [/itex]

I'm really not sure why this would be.
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  • #2
You are not going into right direction.If you want to show it using the reasoning of parity change and so,then this will work only in the case of first order approximation i.e. dipole approximation.But you can see that there are infinite terms to all orders,arising from taylor expansion of exponential.And you have to check magnetic dipole transition and all other higher orders(which can be explained by angular momentum conservation).This is not what you should do,generally.You need to write the matrix element as a 3-dimensional integral and use explicitly the 1s and 2s state wavefunction of hydrogen.Then you can show the vanishing of integral as vanishing of matrix element between the two state.(actually you can show it without using the explicit form of wavefunctions but you have to see the symmetry of the integral).Also p is not acting on any eigenstate,so you should write the operator form of p acting on 1s state in matrix element evaluation i.e. p=-ih-
  • #3
Actually, I wasn't going very far in the wrong direction. For [itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid p_x\cos(kz)\mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle[/itex], just integrate along the x direction first and get zero. Similarly for [itex]\langle 2\,0\,0 \mid p_y\sin(kz)\mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle [/itex], just integrate along y. In both cases [itex]p_i \mid 1\,0\,0 \rangle[/itex] is anti-symmetric about the [itex]i[/itex] direction. I think my difficulty was thinking of overall parity, instead of just along one direction.
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  • #4
those p's are operators and will act on the states,you need to write it in operator form and matrix element will be simultaneously evaluated.Those operator acting on state will give give some dependence on r with which you will take the dot product with polarization vector.You are taking the product with operator itself without knowing where to act with it.
  • #5
andrien said:
those p's are operators and will act on the states,you need to write it in operator form and matrix element will be simultaneously evaluated.Those operator acting on state will give give some dependence on r with which you will take the dot product with polarization vector.You are taking the product with operator itself without knowing where to act with it.

I don't know what you mean.

FAQ: Solved: Zero-zero Transitions in 1S and 2S States

What is "Solved: Zero-zero Transitions in 1S and 2S States"?

"Solved: Zero-zero Transitions in 1S and 2S States" refers to a scientific research paper or study that has successfully identified and explained the behavior and characteristics of zero-zero transitions in the 1S and 2S states of matter.

Why are zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states important?

Zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states are important because they play a crucial role in understanding the properties and behavior of matter at the atomic level. These transitions can provide valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of atoms, which have significant implications in various fields of science, such as quantum mechanics and material science.

How were the zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states solved?

The zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states were solved through a combination of experimental techniques and theoretical calculations. Scientists used sophisticated equipment and methods to observe and measure the behavior of atoms, while also utilizing mathematical models and simulations to explain their findings and make predictions.

What are some potential applications of the solved zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states?

The solved zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states have potential applications in various fields, such as developing new materials with improved properties, advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics, and improving technologies that rely on atomic-level processes, such as lasers and atomic clocks.

Are there any remaining questions or uncertainties about the solved zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states?

While the solved zero-zero transitions in 1S and 2S states have provided significant insights, there may still be some remaining questions or uncertainties. Further research and experimentation may be needed to fully understand the complexities and intricacies of these transitions and their implications in different systems and environments.

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