Solving a Challenge: Finding Real x to Satisfy an Equation

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  • Thread starter anemone
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In summary, the problem asks to find all real values of $x$ that satisfy a given equation. The conversation includes different attempts at solving the problem and hints from other users. Eventually, one user suggests using trigonometric identities to simplify the equation. This leads to a new equation involving the sine of angles in a triangle, which can help solve the original problem.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director


Find all real $x$ which satisfy $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}+ \dfrac{x^3+b^3}{(x+b)^3}+\dfrac{x^3+c^3}{(x+c)^3} + \dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}=\dfrac{3}{2}$.

I tried my very best to solve this intriguing problem, but failed. Now I'm even clueless than I was before, as it seems to me those inequality theorems don't play a part to solve this problem, and also, the first instinct of letting $x=a=b=c$ led to a contradiction, and second attempt to let $a=b=c$ gave no useful result.

Can someone teach me how to approach this problem, please? Thank you very much in advance.:)
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  • #2
Oh my goodness, I realized only now that I've completely forgotten the first three fraction could be simplified further so that each of which takes the form $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)(x^2-ax+a^2)}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{x^2-ax+a^2}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$...I'll see if I can finish the problem and will post back if there is any progress...(Sun)
  • #3
anemone said:
Oh my goodness, I realized only now that I've completely forgotten the first three fraction could be simplified further so that each of which takes the form $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)(x^2-ax+a^2)}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{x^2-ax+a^2}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$...I'll see if I can finish the problem and will post back if there is any progress...(Sun)

may be u can try

$\frac{x^3+ a^3}{(x+a)^3}$
= $\frac{(x+ a)^3-3ax(x+a)}{(x+a)^3}$
= $1- \frac{3ax}{(x+a)^2}$
  • #4
My attempt so far...

Since $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)(x^2-ax+a^2)}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{x^2-ax+a^2}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$, we need to think as we don't know if $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}$ is more useful or we should instead use this $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$...

But we're asked to solve for $x$ of $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}+ \dfrac{x^3+b^3}{(x+b)^3}+\dfrac{x^3+c^3}{(x+c)^3} + \dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}=\dfrac{3}{2}$.

The fourth term from the LHS might give us a hint and we actually want to keep the $x-a$ at the top and $x+a$ at the bottom, so we must get rid of $ax$.

From $(x+a)^2=x^2+a^2+2ax$ and $(x-a)^2=x^2+a^2-2ax$, subtracting the second from the first we get $(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2=4ax$ and this gives $ax=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2}{4}$. In other words, we can write $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+\dfrac{(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2}{4}}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{3(x-a)^2}{4(x+a)^2}+\dfrac{1}{4}$ and so what we have now is:

$\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}+ \dfrac{x^3+b^3}{(x+b)^3}+\dfrac{x^3+c^3}{(x+c)^3} + \dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}=\dfrac{3}{2}$


$\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+\dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}-\dfrac{3}{4}=0$

but I really don't know how to proceed any further...(Angry):mad:
  • #5
anemone said:
My attempt so far...

Since $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)(x^2-ax+a^2)}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{x^2-ax+a^2}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$, we need to think as we don't know if $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}$ is more useful or we should instead use this $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-3ax}{(x+a)^2}$...

But we're asked to solve for $x$ of $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}+ \dfrac{x^3+b^3}{(x+b)^3}+\dfrac{x^3+c^3}{(x+c)^3} + \dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}=\dfrac{3}{2}$.

The fourth term from the LHS might give us a hint and we actually want to keep the $x-a$ at the top and $x+a$ at the bottom, so we must get rid of $ax$.

From $(x+a)^2=x^2+a^2+2ax$ and $(x-a)^2=x^2+a^2-2ax$, subtracting the second from the first we get $(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2=4ax$ and this gives $ax=\dfrac{(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2}{4}$. In other words, we can write $\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+ax}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{(x-a)^2+\dfrac{(x+a)^2-(x-a)^2}{4}}{(x+a)^2}=\dfrac{3(x-a)^2}{4(x+a)^2}+\dfrac{1}{4}$ and so what we have now is:

$\dfrac{x^3+a^3}{(x+a)^3}+ \dfrac{x^3+b^3}{(x+b)^3}+\dfrac{x^3+c^3}{(x+c)^3} + \dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}=\dfrac{3}{2}$


$\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+\dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}-\dfrac{3}{4}=0$

but I really don't know how to proceed any further...(Angry):mad:

taking $\frac{x-a}{x+a}= A$ ;$\frac{x-b}{x+b}= B$; $\frac{x-c}{x+c}= c$

we get $A^2 + B^2 + C^2 + 2ABC = 1$

which gives $A = \sin \frac{r}{2}$
$B = \sin \frac{s}{2}$
$C = \sin \frac{t}{2}$

where r, s t are angles of triangle

(if a proof is required I can provide the same)

Now you should be able to proceed
  • #6
kaliprasad said:
taking $\frac{x-a}{x+a}= A$ ;$\frac{x-b}{x+b}= B$; $\frac{x-c}{x+c}= c$

we get $A^2 + B^2 + C^2 + 2ABC = 1$

which gives $A = \sin \frac{r}{2}$
$B = \sin \frac{s}{2}$
$C = \sin \frac{t}{2}$

where r, s t are angles of triangle

(if a proof is required I can provide the same)

Now you should be able to proceed

Now, I can even eyeball how to proceed!(Sun) Hence your help is greatly appreciated, kali! You're a good friend and an excellent challenge problems solver! But despite my saying so, I'm fairly, enormously disappointed in myself, because I should have thought of the identity $\sin^2\dfrac{A}{2}+ \sin^2\dfrac{B}{2}+\sin^2\dfrac{C}{2}+2\sin\dfrac{A}{2}\sin\dfrac{B}{2}\sin\dfrac{C}{2}=1$ if $A,\,B,\,C$ are angles in a triangle. Shame on me...(Doh)(Sadface)(Crying)(Angry)(Punch)(Tmi)(Headbang) You know, I feel really, really embarrassed and really, really disappointed...(Crying)

Okay, it would not be right if I don't finish the problem here:

If we let, like what kali has suggested that $\sin \dfrac{A}{2}=\dfrac{x-a}{x+a}$, $\sin \dfrac{B}{2}=\dfrac{x-b}{x+b}$ and $\sin \dfrac{C}{2}=\dfrac{x-c}{x+c}$, we can see the very well-known trigonometric identity that applies to the three angles inside any triangle exists in our last equation, i.e.

$\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\dfrac{3}{4}\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+\dfrac{3(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{2(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}-\dfrac{3}{4}=0$ becomes

$\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+\dfrac{2(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}-1=0$

$\sin^2 \dfrac{A}{2}+\sin^2 \dfrac{B}{2}+\sin^2 \dfrac{C}{2}+2\sin \dfrac{A}{2}\sin \dfrac{B}{2}\sin \dfrac{C}{2}-1=0$

and hence we have


$\sin\left(\dfrac{A+B}{2} \right)=\sin\left(\dfrac{180^{\circ}-C}{2} \right)$

$\sin \dfrac{A}{2} \cos\dfrac{B}{2}+\cos\dfrac{A}{2}\sin \dfrac{B}{2}=\cos \dfrac{C}{2}$

Since $\sin \dfrac{A}{2}=\dfrac{x-a}{x+a}$, we have $\cos \dfrac{A}{2}=\dfrac{2\sqrt{a}}{x+a}$ and so on.

$\therefore \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \cdot \dfrac{2\sqrt{bx}}{x+b}+\dfrac{2\sqrt{ax}}{x+a} \cdot \dfrac{x-b}{x+b}=\dfrac{2\sqrt{cx}}{x+c}$

One immediate result that we can see here is $x=0$, and after dividing the both sides of the equation by $\sqrt{x}$, all that is left is a quadratic equation and we can solve it by using the safest method, i.e. by using the quadratic formula and we're done.

Thank you again kali, for your help, I really appreciate that! (Sun)
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  • #7
kaliprasad said:
taking $\frac{x-a}{x+a}= A$ ;$\frac{x-b}{x+b}= B$; $\frac{x-c}{x+c}= c$

we get $A^2 + B^2 + C^2 + 2ABC = 1$

which gives $A = \sin \frac{r}{2}$
$B = \sin \frac{s}{2}$
$C = \sin \frac{t}{2}$

where r, s t are angles of triangle

(if a proof is required I can provide the same)

Now you should be able to proceed

Hi kaliprasad!

Can you please show why is it ok to assume $A=\sin\frac{r}{2}$ and similarly the others? Using this substitution, you are restricting $\frac{x-a}{x+a}$ to be between 0 and 1, why?

  • #8
Pranav said:
Hi kaliprasad!

Can you please show why is it ok to assume $A=\sin\frac{r}{2}$ and similarly the others? Using this substitution, you are restricting $\frac{x-a}{x+a}$ to be between 0 and 1, why?


thanks pranav,
My mistake. I presumes that each term > 0 but it is not so then the above holds. Thanks for pointing that
  • #9
kaliprasad said:
thanks pranav,
My mistake. I presumes that each term > 0 but it is not so then the above holds. Thanks for pointing that

But how would you solve the problem then? I am very confused. :confused:
  • #10
Hey Pranav,

Thanks for chiming in in this thread of mine to remind us that if we wanted to use trigonometric to solve for an algebra problem, we needed to be extremely careful as we've to check if the condition to do so has been met, (i.e. we are allowed to proceed with the trigonometric substitution to tackle the problem).

I'm not sure if what I've done here enough to show that we could, assume that $-1\le \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \le 1$ (similarly to the other two terms).

From the final simplified version of the original given equation, we're at:

$\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+\dfrac{2(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}{(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)}-1=0$

If we rewrite it a bit by moving the terms $\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2+\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2-1$ to the RHS, we see that we have:

$\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)^2+2\left(\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right) \left(\dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \right)=1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2$

Complete the square of the LHS, we get:

$\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c}+\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2-\left(\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2=1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2$

$\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c}+\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2=1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2+\left(\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2$

$\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c}+\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2=1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2\left(1-\left(\dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2 \right)$

$\left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c}+\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)^2=\left(1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2\right)\left(1-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2\right)$

$\therefore \left( \dfrac{x-c}{x+c}+\dfrac{(x-a)(x-b)}{(x+a)(x+b)} \right)=\sqrt{\left(1-\left( \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \right)^2\right)}\sqrt{\left(1-\left( \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \right)^2\right)}$

Now, it's obvious that either $-1\le \dfrac{x-a}{x+a} \le 1$, or $-1\le \dfrac{x-b}{x+b} \le 1$ and this is also true for $-1\le \dfrac{x-c}{x+c} \le 1$ and therefore the trigonometric substitution of $\sin \dfrac{A}{2}=\dfrac{x-a}{x+a}$, $\sin \dfrac{B}{2}=\dfrac{x-b}{x+b}$ and $\sin \dfrac{C}{2}=\dfrac{x-c}{x+c}$ can be applied safely into the problem...

How does this sound to you all?:confused::(

Related to Solving a Challenge: Finding Real x to Satisfy an Equation

1. What is the first step in solving an equation?

The first step in solving an equation is to simplify both sides of the equation by combining like terms and using the order of operations.

2. How do I find the value of x in an equation?

To find the value of x in an equation, you need to isolate the variable by performing inverse operations on both sides of the equation. For example, if the equation is 2x + 5 = 13, you would subtract 5 from both sides and then divide both sides by 2 to get x = 4.

3. What is the importance of checking your solution in an equation?

Checking your solution is important to ensure that it satisfies the original equation. Sometimes, the solution may seem correct but when substituted back into the equation, it may produce an incorrect result. Checking helps to catch any mistakes and verify the accuracy of the solution.

4. What should I do if I get a negative value for x in an equation?

If you get a negative value for x in an equation, it means that the solution is a negative number. This is perfectly valid and can be left as the final answer. However, if you are looking for a positive solution, you can take the absolute value of the negative number to get the positive solution.

5. What if there is no real solution for x in an equation?

If an equation has no real solution for x, it means that there is no value of x that will satisfy the equation. This can happen when the equation leads to a contradiction, such as 2 = 3, or if the equation has no variables, such as 5 = 5. In this case, the equation has no solution.

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