Solving a combinatorics puzzle - not able to get all combinations

In summary, the conversation is about a math puzzle where the goal is to swap two digits from the numerator with two digits from the denominator in order to get a ratio of 1/3. The solution provides two possible answers, 1534/4602 and 1354/4062, but the questioner is struggling with the number of possible combinations and has calculated 144 instead of the given solution of 8! (40,320) combinations. The responder suggests starting with an easier situation where all 8 digits are different and points out that the number of possible combinations depends on whether there are repeated digits. The conversation ends with a discussion about the possible interpretation of the solution given in the book.
  • #1

My question is related to a math puzzle. The puzzle asks to swap any two digits from the numerator with any two digits in the denominator of the fraction 1630 / 4542 to get the ratio 1 / 3.

Two possible answers are 1534 / 4602 and 1354/ 4062.

What I am struggling with is the number of possible combinations we would have if we were to use brute force to solve this problem. The solution of the problem says that there are 8! (i.e. 40,320) possible combinations. My analysis gets me only 144 combinations.

Here is my analysis :There are 12 ways to pick a pair from the numerator and there are 12 ways to pick a pair from the denominator. A pair from the numerator can replace anyone of the 12 pairs in the denominator. As a result there are 12x12 =144 combinations.

What am I missing?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Start with an easier situation, where all 8 digits are different. You are right that you can pick two digits from the numerator 12 ways and two digits from the denominator 12 ways. You missed the fact that you can write the four digits that form the new numerator in any order, and similarly for the denominator. Look at the second example where 1630 becomes 1354. The digit 3 has moved position.

Warning: be careful about double-counting, because if you count say "10" and "01" as different ways to select two digits from the numerator, they will lead to the SAME set of denominators when you shuffle the four digits into any order.

You are also missing the fact that there are two 4's in the denominator, which means (1) there are fewer ways to select two digits from the denominator, and (2) the number of ways you can order the digits after swapping them depends on whether you selected zero, one, or two of the 4s.
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  • #3
Thanks AlephZero.

It is still not clear to me. Also in my analysis I did not assume that I can shift / rotate numbers in either in the numerator or denominator. I want to keep it that way. Here is my another stab at the problem.

Here I use letters instead of numbers to make it a bit simpler. In the numerator, we have ABCD and EFGH in the denominator. I assumed that we pull out any two letters from the numerator (6 ways of doing that ). I also do the same thing for the denominator (6 ways).
A _ C _

E _ _ H

Now I take the 2 letters from the numerator and throw them in the 2 slots in the denominator (2 ways). In the same way I place the two letters from the denominator in the numerator (2 ways)

In total, there are 6 x 6 x 2 x 2 = 144 ways

Is that correct?
  • #4
I think that's correct, but it is not the same situation as the examples you originally posted. You can't change 1630 into 1534 by pulling out the 60 and replacing them. You have to move the 3 as well.

But to be honest I don't see a simple reason why the answer should be 8!. With no repeated numbers, my interpretation of the question gives 6 x 6 x 24 x 24 = 20736, compared with 8! = 40320. With the repeated 4's there will be fewer than 20736 but too lazy to work out exactly how many.

There are obviosuly 8! possible ways to shuffle 8 different digits, if there are no restrictions on how many you choose from the numerator of the denominator. Maybe that is what the book meant :confused:
  • #5


Thank you for sharing your question about this combinatorics puzzle. It seems like you have a good understanding of the problem and have already come up with 144 possible combinations. However, the solution of 40,320 combinations may be taking into account the fact that you can swap any two digits in the numerator or denominator, not just pairs. This would significantly increase the number of possible combinations.

To illustrate this, let's look at the first combination you mentioned, 1534/4602. We could also get this ratio by swapping the 1 and 4 in the numerator (1534/4602) or by swapping the 0 and 2 in the denominator (1534/4602). This means that for each of the 144 combinations you have found, there are actually 6 other possible combinations that would give the same ratio of 1/3. This brings the total number of combinations to 144 x 6 = 864, which is closer to the solution of 40,320 combinations.

I hope this helps clarify the confusion. Keep up the good work in solving these puzzles!

FAQ: Solving a combinatorics puzzle - not able to get all combinations

What is a combinatorics puzzle?

A combinatorics puzzle involves finding all possible combinations or arrangements of a set of elements in a specific order.

Why am I not able to get all combinations?

It is possible that you are missing some key elements or rules in your puzzle, or there may be duplicate elements that are limiting the number of combinations.

How can I improve my chances of solving the puzzle?

Start by identifying all the elements and rules of the puzzle. Then, try different strategies such as making a list or using a diagram to organize your combinations. Additionally, you can collaborate with others to approach the puzzle from different perspectives.

What are some common techniques for solving combinatorics puzzles?

Some common techniques include breaking the puzzle into smaller parts, using a systematic approach, and eliminating impossible combinations based on the given rules.

Is there a specific formula for solving combinatorics puzzles?

No, there is no one formula that can be applied to all combinatorics puzzles. Each puzzle is unique and may require different strategies to solve. However, there are some general principles and techniques that can be applied to most puzzles.
