Solving a DE Using Maple 9: Integral of (-25x)/(3e^(5x))

In summary, the person is scared that doing an integral by hand will be too difficult for them, and suggests that someone more experienced should do it.
  • #1
Hello everyone. I'm solving this D.E. and i used maple 9 to figure out the integral of:
it spit out:
Here is what it is, sorry i don't LaTeX it up, its easier for me to just scan:
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  • #2
Lets obviously get rid of constants since they don't matter, so you just want to integrate


which is the same as integrating


if you really want to get rid of the minus sign, and that's straightforward to to by parts.

I don't see why that's sometihng that makes you ask 'if this guy is for real' and require you to use maple.
  • #3
well I'm a mere computer engineering student, ur a mathematics guru! so that integral scares me.

so integrating x*e^(-5*x) is still not pretty:
Thanks just checking to make sure that's the outcome of the integral.
  • #4
well I'm a mere computer engineering student, ur a mathematics guru!
Yes, but this integral (or one almost identical to it) appears as an example in your calc text. :-p
  • #5
worth pointing out, I think, is that this thread illustrates exactly why it's useful to learn how to do maths all the maths you require by hand. (not pointing the finger at you or anything johnny, just generally).

Means that you'll know and be assured that your maths proggies are indeed capable. understanding is everything
  • #6
I haven't done an integral for my own reasons since, ooh, high school, or close to it. A mathematician is one of the least likely people to be able to do integrals of all the physical scientists. But that one is really easy even for me. Integrals are either easy or impossible (mostly the latter) and since there are only, what 4 things you can do to an integral (do it, parts, trig, hyperbolic trig) then looking at the few options ought to be the first thing you do rather than ask for help straight away. Of course I'm assuming you know what integration by parts is, as I'm sure your teacher did.
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FAQ: Solving a DE Using Maple 9: Integral of (-25x)/(3e^(5x))

1. What is Maple 9 and how is it used for solving differential equations?

Maple 9 is a computer algebra system that is used for solving mathematical problems, including differential equations. It provides a user-friendly interface for entering and manipulating equations, as well as a powerful computing engine for solving them.

2. What is the process for solving a differential equation using Maple 9?

The process for solving a differential equation using Maple 9 involves entering the equation into the software, specifying any initial or boundary conditions, and then using the built-in function "dsolve" to solve the equation. The result will be an expression for the general solution of the differential equation.

3. How do you specify initial or boundary conditions in Maple 9?

Initial or boundary conditions can be specified in Maple 9 by using the "ics" option in the "dsolve" function. This allows you to specify the values of the dependent variable and its derivatives at a certain point or interval.

4. Can Maple 9 handle complex differential equations?

Yes, Maple 9 has the ability to handle complex differential equations. It can handle both ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as systems of equations.

5. Is there a limit to the complexity of a differential equation that can be solved using Maple 9?

Maple 9 has a powerful computing engine and can handle a wide range of differential equations, including those with high degrees of complexity. However, there may be cases where the equation is too complex for the software to solve, in which case it will provide an error message.
