Solving a Differential Equation for Bungee Jumping Motion

In summary, the conversation is discussing the use of Newton's law to determine the differential equation that describes the motion of a bungee jumper, taking into account the restoring force of the bungee cord and air resistance. The conversation also mentions the use of Hooke's Law and the assumption of a constant mass.
  • #1
Well as above I've completely hit a blank for some uni work I've got.
If anyone could give me an idea of what i actually need to do here that would be great. I don't need someone do this for me. Just clear up what it is they want me to do.

"...Bungee jumping situation

Choose x= x(t) (positive donwards) to represent the location of the jumper's feet below the launching platform. Assume the bungee cord is of length L = 50m. Hooke's Law is to be used to represent the restoring force when the cable is stretched beyond length L, that is

Restoring force =
{0 x<=L
{k(x-L) x > L

Assume further, that their is an air resistance term opposing the motion of magnitude

cx(with the dot on top)|x(with the dot on top)|

Use Newton's equation of motion to determine the DE that describes the motion at times t>=0."

Thats what i don't understand. What does that actually want?[/quote]
Newton's equation is "force= mass times acceleration" or, for constant mass,
[tex]m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}= F[/tex]
Here you are told that F is the sum of two separate forces: the restoring force which is 0 for x< L and -k(x-L) for x>L (the "-" is because the force is back toward x= 0) and the air resistance force which is -c dx/dt (again negative because the air resistance is always opposite to the direction of motion). Put those together.

Would be great if anyone could give me some direction..btw, ill be replying with a different account as i had forgotten my password and can't check hotmail accounts at uni ;).
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  • #2
well i just found out my account was deleted. Just realized i signed up with the same name as i use to have. maybe some of you remember me...
  • #3
Newton's law is "force equals mass times acceleration" or, for constant mass, m d2x/dt2= F. Here you are told that the force is the sum of two forces: the restoring force, 0 if x< L, -k(x-L) (negative since the force is back toward x=0) and the air resistance force -c dx/dt (again negative since resistance is always opposite the direction of motion). Put those together.

Related to Solving a Differential Equation for Bungee Jumping Motion

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. It is used to represent complex systems and predict their behavior over time.

2. Why is a differential equation used to model bungee jumping motion?

A differential equation is used for bungee jumping motion because it takes into account various factors such as gravity, air resistance, and the elasticity of the bungee cord. These factors are constantly changing and can only be accurately represented using a differential equation.

3. How is a differential equation solved for bungee jumping motion?

The differential equation for bungee jumping motion can be solved using various mathematical techniques such as separation of variables, substitution, or numerical methods. The specific method used depends on the complexity of the equation and the desired level of accuracy.

4. What factors affect the solution of a differential equation for bungee jumping motion?

The solution of a differential equation for bungee jumping motion is affected by various factors such as the length and elasticity of the bungee cord, the mass of the jumper, the height of the jump, and the air resistance. These factors can alter the equation and affect the final outcome of the motion.

5. Can a differential equation accurately predict bungee jumping motion?

While a differential equation can accurately model bungee jumping motion, it may not always provide an exact prediction due to the complexity of the system. Factors such as human error and environmental conditions can also affect the motion. However, with the right input values and accurate mathematical modeling, a differential equation can provide a close approximation of the bungee jumping motion.

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