Solving a Gambling Game: Average & Median Winnings

  • Thread starter Sam_
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In summary: So the mean after N gambles isE{X(1)*X(2)*...*X(N-1)*X(N)} = E{X(1)}*E{X(2)}*...*E{X(N-1)}*E{X(N)} = (1.05)^NAs N goes to infinity, the mean goes to infinity as well. This is because the multiplier for each gamble is greater than 1, so the more gambles you make, the higher your winnings will be on average.For the median, we can use a similar approach. We need to find the value of n that corresponds to the 50th percentile of the distribution. This can be done by finding
  • #1
In a gambling game, a gambler wins 0.5 for each 1.0 of the bet if a coin toss is "heads," and loses 0.4 if the coin toss is "tails." So if he bets five Australian dollars, then he wins 2.5 if the coin is heads, and loses 2.0 if it is tails. Now, suppose someone plays this game repeatedly with the following strategy. He begins with a gamble of one Australian dollar. Whatever he has after this gamble (1.5 or 0.6), he bets the entire amount on a second coin toss. After this, he can have 2.25, 0.9, or 0.36, but he then bets the full amount on a third coin toss. And he does this repeatedly until N coin tosses are complete.

What is his average winning (including the one Australian dollar he began with) after N coin tosses? As N goes to infinity, what is his average winning?

What is his median winning (including the one Australian dollar he began with) after N coin tosses? As N goes to infinity, what is his median winning?
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  • #2

Interesting! The mean value appears to approach infinity, while the median value approaches 0!

  • #3
That is correct.

can you please explain how you got that?
  • #4
Sam_, notice that if the gambler wins with a bet x, his total amount of money becomes 1.5x. If he loses, then it becomes 0.6x. So if there are N tosses, the money he gets, y(x), is so that y(x) = x*1.5^a * 0.6^b where a + b = N. So a = 0,1,2, 3 ... N and b = N, N-1, N-2...0. So there are N + 1 ways of having a + b = N. That said, we look at 1.5^0*0.6^N + 1.5^1*0.6^N-1 + ... + 1.5^N*0.6^0. This is a geometric sum of N +1 terms with the first term equal to 0.6^N and the argument being 1.5/0.6. So that sum is equal to 0.6^N * ((1.5/0.6)^N+1 - 1)/(1.5/0.6 -1). This really simplifies to 5/3 * 1.5^N - 2/3 *0.6^N. Taking the average, we get 5/3 * 1.5^N - 2/3 *0.6^N / N + 1. From this it's clear that the average as N goes to infinity is infinity: 0.6^N / N + 1 obviously goes to 0, and 1.5^N / (N + 1) goes to infinity since 1.5 > 1 and the order of magnitude of e^x is greater than x + 1.

Now considering the median: from the geometric sum above, we have an increasing sequence of N + 1 terms. So if N is even, the median is 0.6^N * 1.5^(N/2 + 1) = . If N is odd, the median is the average of 0.6^N * 1.5^(N+1 /2) and 0.6^N * 1.5^(N+1 / 2 + 1). But in all cases the we get a development that yields numbers lesser than 1 to unbounded powers. So the median goes to 0.
  • #5
I think you have the right idea, but there are some details. There are N+1 ways to have a+b=N, but they do not all have equal probability. To have a=b=N/2 is much more probable than to have a=0 and b=N. The probability of a=M and b=N-M is {(N)!/[(M)!(N-M)!]}/(0.5^N), so to find the mean you need to weight by these probabilities, not give equal weight to all values of M as you did.

But I think an easier way to find the mean is to call X(i) the multiplier of gamble i, so X(i) is 1.5 if he wins, and X(i) is 0.6 if he loses. Then he has X(1)*X(2)*...*X(N-1)*X(N). The problem is to find the mean of this quantity. But if random quantities are independent, then the mean of their product is the product of their means. And the mean of X(i) is the same for all values of i, so the mean of his winnings after N gambles is some number raised to the power of N.
  • #6
So? any takers?

Come on!
  • #7
Answer is hidden.

The probability of getting n heads and (N-n) tails in N toss is
P(n) = \binom{N}{n} (0.5)^N
and the corresponding multiplier of gamble is
X(n) = (1.5)^n (0.6)^{N-n} = (0.6)^N (2.5)^n

The mean of this measure is
E{X} = \sum_{n=0}^N P(n) X(n) = (0.3)^N \sum_{n=0}^N \binom{N}{n} (2.5)^n = (0.3)^N (1+2.5)^N = (1.05)^N

FAQ: Solving a Gambling Game: Average & Median Winnings

What is the difference between average and median winnings in a gambling game?

The average winnings in a gambling game refer to the sum of all the winnings divided by the number of players, while the median winnings refer to the middle value in a range of winnings. The average may be skewed by extremely high or low winnings, while the median gives a better representation of the typical winnings.

Why is it important to calculate both average and median winnings in a gambling game?

Calculating both average and median winnings allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the distribution of winnings in a gambling game. The average can be influenced by outliers, while the median provides a more accurate representation of the typical winnings.

How do you calculate the average and median winnings in a gambling game?

To calculate the average winnings, add up all the winnings and divide by the number of players. To calculate the median winnings, arrange all the winnings in ascending order and find the middle value. If there is an even number of values, take the average of the two middle values.

What factors can affect the average and median winnings in a gambling game?

The average and median winnings can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the number of players, the amount of money being bet, and the type of game being played. Luck and skill also play a role in determining the winnings of individual players.

How can the average and median winnings be used to improve a gambling game?

By calculating and analyzing the average and median winnings, game developers can make adjustments to improve the overall experience for players. This could involve changing the odds or payouts, or introducing new game elements to create a more balanced distribution of winnings.

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