Solving a Group Isomorphism Problem: Can You Help?

In summary, the group problem is trying to find an isomorphism between two groups. The G is a set and is defined in an attachment. There are only three elements of Z3 and they are 0, 1, 2. The isomorphism between G and Z3 is found by constructing a function with the property of f:G->Z3 and f(g*h)=f(g)+f(h).
  • #1
A Group Problem :)

So.. I have to demonstrate that those following two groups are isomorfic , that there is an isomorphism between those 2 groups :


Now I know that in such a way that an isomorphism might be , there must also be defined a function in G with values in Z3, and is soooo weird... :frown: So pls help :smile:

PS: How do I write LaTex ? I have TeXaide and I tried to copy paste the translation in all possible ways into the code tags, but dosen't works .


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  • #2
First, what are the elements of G? What are the elements of R3? Of course, an isomorphism must take the identity of one group to the identity of the other so there are not very many choices! (And the choices are irrelevant- there may be more than one isomorphism.)
  • #3
The G is a set and is defined in my attachment(made from complex elements with the cube equal with 1) ,and Z3 ... I don't know exactly how to explain it mathematicaly but in school we learn it just as Z3.
Particular case for Zn which has n elements , from 0 to n-1, and is a group, so if you add 1 to 4 from Z5 you don't get 5, but 0.
I hope I explained well , that thing... One thing more, pls someone who understood the term I was talking about, write it here? :D THX( NOT a native englishman :) ).
  • #4
So Z3 is the closed additive group of 0-2.

The elements of the z^3 set, under multiplication (call them a-c, where a is 1 and we go counterclockwise around the circle):

a*a=a a*b=b a*c=c b*b=c b*c=a c*c=b

Looking at Z3, calling 0-2 A-C, you can get the exact same formulae, making them equivalent.
  • #5
G is a set of complex numbers, but what are these complex numbers, and how many are there? (hint: one of them is 1). Now, you have to construct an isomorphism between this set and Z3. That is, for each element g in G, associate to it a unique element f(g) in Z3, and verify that for all g,h in G, f(g*h)=f(g)+f(h), where the multiplication g*h is done in G and f(g)+f(h) is done in Z3. Note that this means, for example, the identity of G must map to the identiy of Z3.
  • #6
Oh, guys thanks a lot, that enlighted me :).
So I only have to find element of G, construct a function with the property of f:G->Z3 and f(g*h)=f(g)+f(h)...
Elements of G are the cubic roots of the unity, and I kinda blocked here, there is 1 and there must be other 2 complex ones... help?!
  • #7
Ok, I've kinda find out another root but I'm not sure about this one (dosen't sounds so good :) ) :

Damn, LaTex still dosen't works for me :((, any help here too ?! .
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  • #8
seaglespn said:
Ok, I've kinda find out another root but I'm not sure about this one (dosen't sounds so good :) ) :

The easy way to use the cubic roots is to not calculate them. For any z^n=1, the roots can be graphed on the unit circle in the complex plane. For n=3, there are going to be 3 even spaced points on the unit circle, with one of them at z=1. If n=5, there would be 5 evenly spaced points, with one of them at z=1. When you start multiplying them together, it's the same as adding them in a counterclockwise fashion (so call the other four roots z1-z4, with z1 the first point counterclockwise from 1). Then z1*z3=z4. You can call 1 z0 for simplicity's sake

This is most easily verifiable for z^4=1
  • #9
Remember my original question? What are the elements of G and Z3? There are only three elements of each and I wanted you to actually list them. If you can list the elements of the group (at least in principle for an infinite group) it makes finding an isomorphism much easier.

The "principal third root of unity", commonly represented by [itex]\omega_3[/itex], is [itex]\frac{-1+ i\sqrt{3}}{2}[/itex]. Another root is just [itex]\omega_3^2[/itex] and, of course, [itex]\omega_3^3= 1[/itex] is the third. [itex]i^\frac{4}{3}[/itex] doesn't have anything to do with your original problem.
1 is, of course, the identity. [itex]\omega *\omega= \omega^2[/itex], [itex]\omega *\omega^2= \omega^3= 1[/itex] and [itex]\omega^2 *\omega^2= (\omega^3)*(\omega)= \omega[/itex]. Those, together with the fact that multiplication of complex numbers is commutative gives the operation table for the group. It might be good practice to actually write out the table.

Z3 also has 3 elements. We can take them to be 0, 1, 2. Of course, 0 is the identity. 1+ 1= 2, 1+ 2= 3= 0 (mod 3), and 2+ 2= 4= 1 (mod 3). Again, the group operation is commutative.

Since 1 is the group identity in G and 0 is the group identity in Z3, any isomorphism must map 1 to 0: f(1)= 0. It seems kind of obvious to take f([itex]\omega[/itex])= 1 and f([itex]\omega^2[/itex])= 2. That that is an isomorphism follows from the fact that multiplying powers of the same base is just adding the exponents.
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  • #10
@HallsofIvy : Thanks a lot! Now I can get the things started :).
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  • #11
Thanks again to all of you, I just finished the problem, and another one (same type), and I totally understood the tehnique, thx!
  • #12
Actually, it's easy to prove that any two groups with 3 elements are isomorphic (same is true of 1 or 2 element groups but not 4 or more elements). Call the elements of one a,b,c (with a the identity), the other x,y,z (with z the indentity). Any isomorphism must map the identity to identity: a to x. Then there are two choices, b to y and c to z or b to z and c to y. You can show that they are both isomorphisms!

Related to Solving a Group Isomorphism Problem: Can You Help?

1. What is a group isomorphism problem?

A group isomorphism problem is a mathematical problem that involves determining whether two groups are isomorphic, meaning they have the same structure and operation. In other words, the groups can be rearranged or transformed into each other without changing their underlying properties.

2. How do you solve a group isomorphism problem?

To solve a group isomorphism problem, you must first understand the properties and operations of both groups. Then, you can try to find a function or mapping between the two groups that preserves these properties and operations. If such a function exists, the groups are isomorphic.

3. What are some common techniques for solving group isomorphism problems?

Some common techniques for solving group isomorphism problems include looking for common subgroups, examining the order and cyclic structure of the groups, and using Cayley tables to compare the elements and operations of each group.

4. Can you provide an example of solving a group isomorphism problem?

Sure, for example, let's say we have two groups: Group A with elements {1,2,3,4} and operation addition modulo 5, and Group B with elements {1,4,9,16} and operation multiplication modulo 17. By examining the orders of the elements and the cyclic structure of the groups, we can determine that these two groups are isomorphic.

5. Why is solving group isomorphism problems important?

Solving group isomorphism problems is important because it allows us to identify and understand the underlying structure and relationships between different groups. This has applications in various fields such as cryptography, computer science, and chemistry.

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