Solving a Hot Air Balloon & Champagne Cork Problem

In summary, the cork is expelled from the bottle with a horizontal velocity of 5 m/s and a vertical velocity of 2 m/s. As seen by an observer on the ground, the initial speed of the cork is 5.38 m/s and its direction of motion is at an angle of approximately 22.6 degrees above the horizontal. The maximum height it reaches is 6.2 m above the ground and it remains in the air for approximately 1.23 seconds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A hot air balloon rises from the ground with a velocity of (2.0m/s)y. A champagne bottle is opened to celebrate takeoff, expelling the cork horizontally with a velocity of (5.0m/s)x. When opened, the bottle is 6 m above the ground. a) What is the initial velocity of the cork, as seen by an observer on the ground? What is the speed of the cork, and its initial direction of motion, as seen by the same observer? b) Determine the maximum height above the ground attained by the cork. c) how long does the cork remain in the air?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

you guys I'm so totally lost, please please please help me out. ILL PAY YOU. Add my aim sn: baseketballr09 or my msn: and i'll get you $5-10 via paypal, honestly. This is so important, it determines the difference between a 3.7 gpa and a 2.9 gpa, because i have a huge quiz tomorrow and this is one of the problems that will be on it. THIS IS REALLY URGENT, IF YOU EVER GAVE A HOOT ABOUT YOUR GRADE THEN I HOPE YOU FEEL FOR ME, I'M REALLY STRESSED OUT AND I WOULD MUCH APPRECIATE HELP...I'M BEGGING YOU GUYS. JUST HELP ME OUT THIS ONCE :(
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  • #2
Relax. You have to answer at least one question before I solve it for you.

What was the initial speed of the cork when it was expelled from the bottle, as seen by the ground observer?
  • #3
if initial velocity and speed are the same thing...then i got 5.4 m/s
  • #4
That’s right. Of course, I don’t know how you got it. Speed is the magnitude of velo.

a) The initial velo of the cork as seen from the ground has two components, vx and vy.
vx = 5 m/s and vy = 2 m/s. So, initial speed = sqrt(vx^2+vy^2)= 5.38 m/s. The velocity is given by the 2 components, and if you take x–axis in the horizontal dirn in which the cork is travelling, and y-axis in the upward dirn, then you can write initial vi = 2 i + 5 j.
If theta is the angle vi makes with the horizontal, then tan(theta)= vy/vx = 2/5. That gives you the dirn of motion as seen from the ground.

b) If it rises h m above its starting position, then vy^2=2gh => h= 0.2 m. So, it’ll rise 6.2 m above the ground.

c) If t secs is the time it stays in the air, then taking the origin at its starting point we have,
-6 = vy*t – gt^2/2 => -6 = 2t – 9.8*t^2/2. This is a quad eqn in t. You can solve it and take the +ve root.

FAQ: Solving a Hot Air Balloon & Champagne Cork Problem

1. How does a hot air balloon work?

A hot air balloon works by using a burner to heat up the air inside the balloon's envelope. This hot air is less dense than the surrounding cool air, causing the balloon to rise and float in the air.

2. What materials are used to make a hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are typically made of nylon or polyester fabric for the envelope, a basket made of wicker or other lightweight materials, and a burner that is fueled by propane gas.

3. Why is it important to solve the hot air balloon & champagne cork problem?

The hot air balloon & champagne cork problem relates to the issue of releasing objects into the air, whether intentionally or accidentally. This can have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife, so it is important to find solutions to minimize these effects.

4. How can scientists solve the hot air balloon & champagne cork problem?

Scientists can solve this problem by researching and developing new materials and technology that can be used in hot air balloons and champagne corks. They can also work with balloon and champagne manufacturers to implement more sustainable practices and educate the public on proper disposal methods.

5. What are some potential solutions to the hot air balloon & champagne cork problem?

Potential solutions to this problem include using biodegradable materials for hot air balloons and champagne corks, implementing stricter regulations on releasing objects into the air, and educating the public on the importance of responsible and sustainable practices when it comes to hot air balloons and champagne. Additionally, scientists could also explore alternative methods of celebrating or advertising, such as using drones instead of balloons and non-popping confetti instead of champagne corks.

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