Solving a Laser Beam Deflection Problem Using Equations

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a laser beam passing through a thin glass layer with roughness that causes scattering. The question is how to determine the intensity distribution at different distances after the glass layer, and how to solve the reverse case when the angle distribution is unknown. The suggested solution is to use a transfer matrix to calculate the intensity pattern.
  • #1
Dear all,

I have pretty simple problem in terms of understanding but I can't write an analytical solution.

Consider you have a laser beam (without divergence, single wavelength). You can see the intensity distribution on the screen perpendicular to the beam. Then you insert a thin glass layer which from side has some roughness at scales above (or much above than) wavelength: photons are simply scattered with certain angle. You can imagine this piece of glass as a distribution function of angles in space (we neglect even refraction).
Problem: I need a function which shows me the intensity distribution at any distance after the glass layer.
Problem 2: solve reverse case - we don't know angle distribution, but distributions (or just one distribution) after deflection rays by the glass layer.

What equation should I write?
Boltzmann probably doesn't fit as soon as integral over transversal space must be constant in time (number of particle with certain angular speed doesn't change over the propagation distance).
And I can't solve continuity equation because velocity field is changed during the propagation...

Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
1. you need to describe the scattering from the glass ... that tells you the intensity distribution.
i.e. if the scattering is equally likely into any angle, then the resulting photon flux is going to be a superpositon of spherecial distributions from each area element inside the beam.

2. unclear - don't know what you mean. If you have an intensity pattern on, say, a screen, then, without any informations, there is no way to reconstruct the original beam.

Usually these problems are handles by working out the transfer matrix for the glass thingy that did the scattering.
The forward function is a matter of applying the transfer matrix to the incoming wave while the reverse is a matter of applying the inverse of the transfer matrix.
But you do need the transfer matrix.

FAQ: Solving a Laser Beam Deflection Problem Using Equations

1. How do I calculate the deflection angle of a laser beam using equations?

To calculate the deflection angle of a laser beam, you will need to use the equation: θ = L / (2F), where θ is the deflection angle, L is the distance between the laser and the target, and F is the focal length of the lens used to deflect the beam. Simply plug in the values and solve for θ to determine the deflection angle.

2. What is the relationship between the focal length of a lens and the deflection angle of a laser beam?

The focal length of a lens and the deflection angle of a laser beam are inversely proportional. This means that as the focal length increases, the deflection angle decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: θ = L / (2F), where L is the distance between the laser and the target, and F is the focal length.

3. How does the distance between the laser and the target affect the deflection angle of a laser beam?

The distance between the laser and the target has a direct impact on the deflection angle of a laser beam. As the distance increases, the deflection angle also increases. This is because the laser beam has more space to travel before reaching the target, resulting in a larger deflection angle. This relationship is described by the equation: θ = L / (2F), where θ is the deflection angle, L is the distance between the laser and the target, and F is the focal length of the lens used to deflect the beam.

4. How do I use the deflection angle to calculate the final position of the laser beam on the target?

To calculate the final position of the laser beam on the target, you will need to use trigonometric functions. The formula for this calculation is: x = L * tan(θ), where x is the final position of the laser beam on the target, L is the distance between the laser and the target, and θ is the deflection angle. This formula assumes that the laser beam is travelling in a straight line and that the target is perpendicular to the beam.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of my calculations for solving a laser beam deflection problem?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of your calculations for solving a laser beam deflection problem. These include variations in the focal length of the lens, inconsistencies in the laser beam's intensity, and external factors such as air currents that may cause the beam to deviate from its intended path. It is important to carefully measure and control these variables to ensure accurate results.

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