Solving a linear 2. order non-homogeneous differential equation

In summary, when an object is coupled to a spring, it's motion is modeled by a function y(t) + y(t) = e^{-t} (1). The motion is frictionless and modeled by an outer forice field. The general solution of the differential equation (1) is found by solving for y(t) and inserting the initial values of y_{C} and y_{P}. When t approaches ∞, the solution approaches a value -5/2cos(∞)+1/5sin(∞).
  • #1
This is a case where an object is coupled to a spring, laying on a table. The object is moving, friction less, horizontally on the table. We assume the object is moving in an outer forice field which acts in the same direction as the object's motion. The motion is modeled by

y''(t) + y(t) = e[itex]^{-t}[/itex] (1)

where the right hand side is supposed to reflect the force field. (physics is not my field, so I'm not able to explain this in detail, I'm just a chemistry student with some extra maths).

This is a fairly simple problem, and I understand that the general solution can be written as a sum of the complimentary solution (of the homogeneous case) and one particular solution.

I've done the calculations, and found

y(t) = y[itex]_{C}[/itex](t) + y[itex]_{P}[/itex](t)
...= Acos(t) + Bsin(t) + 0,5e[itex]^{-t}[/itex]

However, I'm not sure if this is what I'm supposed to do.

I'm asked to

a) Find a particular solution y[itex]_{P}[/itex] on the form

y[itex]_{P}[/itex](t) = e[itex]^{-t}[/itex](Acos(t) + A sin(t)).


b) Find the general solution of the differential equation (1).

and finally

c) Assume the object from the start (y(0) = 0) is not moving (laying still). Find the objects position as a function of time in this case. What happens when t[itex]\rightarrow[/itex]∞?

What exactly am I supposed to do?
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  • #2
Chem.Stud. said:
This is a case where an object is coupled to a spring, laying on a table. The object is moving, friction less, horizontally on the table. We assume the object is moving in an outer forice field which acts in the same direction as the object's motion. The motion is modeled by

y''(t) + y(t) = e[itex]^{-t}[/itex] (1)

where the right hand side is supposed to reflect the force field. (physics is not my field, so I'm not able to explain this in detail, I'm just a chemistry student with some extra maths).

This is a fairly simple problem, and I understand that the general solution can be written as a sum of the complimentary solution (of the homogeneous case) and one particular solution.

I've done the calculations, and found

y(t) = y[itex]_{C}[/itex](t) + y[itex]_{P}[/itex](t)
...= Acos(t) + Bsin(t) + 0,5e[itex]^{-t}[/itex]
Yes, that is correct.

However, I'm not sure if this is what I'm supposed to do.

I'm asked to

a) Find a particular solution y[itex]_{P}[/itex] on the form

y[itex]_{P}[/itex](t) = e[itex]^{-t}[/itex](Acos(t) + A sin(t)).
(Are the coefficients of sin and cos both "A"?)

I agree with you. I suspect that either you or the text has confused two different problems.

If y were equal to that, then you would have
[tex]dy_p/dt= -e^{-t}(A cos(t)+ A sin(t))+ e^{-t}(-Asin(t)+ A cos(t)[/tex]
[tex]dy_p/dt= -2Ae^{-t}sin(t)[/tex]
If both coefficients are "A"!

[tex]d^2y_p/dt^2= 2Ae^{-t}sin(t)- 2Ae^{-t}cos(t)= e^{-t}(2Asin(t)- 2Acos(t))[/tex]
Now, putting that into the equation,
[tex]d^2y_p/dt^2+ y= e^{-t}(3Asin(t)- Ae^{-t}cos(t)[/tex]
and NO choice of A will make that equal to [itex]e^{-t}[/itex].

If you meant [itex]y= e^{-t}(A cos(t)+ B sin(t))[/itex], the calculations are a little harder:
[tex]dy/dt= -e^{-t}(A cos(t)+ B sin(t))+ e^{-t}(-A sin(t)+ B cos(t))= e^{-t}((B-A)cos(t)- (A+B) sin(t))[/tex]
and so
[tex]d^2y/dt^2= -e^{-t}((B-A)cos(t)- (A+ B) sin(t))+ e^{-t}((A- B)sin(t)-(A+ B)cos(t))[/tex]

So the equation becomes
[tex]d^2y/dt^2+ dy/dt= e^{-t}(Asin(t)- B cos(t))[/tex]
and still, NO choice of A and B will make that equal to [itex]e^{-x}[/itex].


b) Find the general solution of the differential equation (1).

and finally

c) Assume the object from the start (y(0) = 0) is not moving (laying still). Find the objects position as a function of time in this case. What happens when t[itex]\rightarrow[/itex]∞?

What exactly am I supposed to do?
  • #3
I got together with some friends, and it seems that I've misread the problem (shoot me now!).

The right hand side of (1) is supposed to be e[itex]^{-t}[/itex]*sin(t)

This makes sense again! I'm taking a basic course in linear algebra and linear differential equations with initial value problems, and so I suppose our lecturer has been "kind" and provided us with the "correctly guessed" y[itex]_{P}[/itex]. All I had to do was to insert it into (1) and find A and B, which respectively is 2/5 and 1/5.

I also understand the rest of the problem. The general solution I already have, as the complimentary solution isn't affected by my misreading the problem's right hand side. I then impose the initial values, and find the unknown constants c1 and c2.

When t approaches ∞, the whole solution will approach

I'm not quite sure how to interpret that. Does this converge to a certain value?

Thank you for taking your time, though!
  • #4
All that is saying is that the "non-homogeneous part", [itex]e^{-t}sin(t)[/itex], gives a "transient"- a part of the solution that, because of that "[itex]e^{-t}[/itex]", rapidly goes to 0, leaving the "steady state" solution, -(5/2)cos(t)+ (1/5)sin(t) for large t. No, that does not have any limit as t goes to infinity.
  • #5

I would first start by analyzing the problem and understanding the physical context in which it is set. In this case, we have an object coupled to a spring and moving horizontally on a frictionless surface under the influence of an outer force field. The differential equation (1) represents the motion of the object and we are asked to find a particular solution and the general solution, as well as the object's position in the case where it is not moving.

To solve this problem, we can use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the particular solution. This method assumes that the particular solution has the same form as the right-hand side of the equation, in this case e^{-t}(Acos(t) + A sin(t)). We can then substitute this into the equation and solve for the coefficients A and B.

To find the general solution, we need to consider the complimentary solution, which is the solution to the homogeneous equation y''(t) + y(t) = 0. This can be written as y_{C}(t) = Acos(t) + Bsin(t). Combining this with the particular solution, we get the general solution y(t) = y_{C}(t) + y_{P}(t).

In the case where the object is not moving, we know that y(0) = 0, which means that A = 0 in the particular solution. This reduces the equation to y(t) = y_{C}(t), and we can see that as t\rightarrow∞, the object's position will approach the value of Bsin(t). This means that the object will oscillate with an amplitude of B and a frequency of 1, as determined by the coefficient of t in the solution.

In summary, to solve this differential equation we need to find the particular solution using the method of undetermined coefficients, combine it with the complimentary solution to get the general solution, and then use the initial conditions to find the object's position in the case where it is not moving. This will give us a complete understanding of the object's motion in this system.

FAQ: Solving a linear 2. order non-homogeneous differential equation

1. What is a linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation?

A linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves a second derivative, a first derivative, and a function in which the coefficients of the derivatives are constants. The term "non-homogeneous" means that there is a non-zero function on the right side of the equation.

2. How do you solve a linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation?

To solve a linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation, you can use the method of undetermined coefficients or the method of variation of parameters. Both methods involve finding a particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation and combining it with the general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation.

3. What is the difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous differential equation?

A homogeneous differential equation has a zero function on the right side, while a non-homogeneous differential equation has a non-zero function on the right side. This means that the solution to a homogeneous equation will be only a combination of homogeneous functions (e.g. polynomials, exponential functions), while the solution to a non-homogeneous equation will also include a particular solution that satisfies the non-zero function on the right side.

4. Are there any real-world applications of linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equations?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equations. For example, they can be used to model the motion of a damped oscillator, the growth of bacteria populations, and the spread of diseases. They are also commonly used in engineering and physics to describe the behavior of systems.

5. Can a linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation have multiple solutions?

Yes, a linear 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equation can have multiple solutions. This is because the general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation can be combined with different particular solutions to the non-homogeneous equation to form a new solution. Additionally, in some cases, the particular solution itself can have multiple forms, resulting in multiple solutions to the overall equation.

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