Solving a Logic Proof: Existential Hypothesis Rule

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Fumbles22
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    Logic Proof
In summary, the Existential Hypothesis rule is hard to apply. The first proof uses propositional reasoning to derive $\neg\psi$ from $\phi$. The second proof uses propositional reasoning to derive $\neg\psi$ from $\theta$. The restriction on EH, which derives some $\chi$ from $\exists v\,\theta$ and a subderivation of $\chi$ from $\theta$, is that $v$ can occur freely only in $\theta$.
  • #1
This question is really getting on my nerves. It's 6i) from here:

View attachment 691

Right off the bat, it looks like they've thrown me a curveball. The fact that [tex]v[/tex] does not occur free in [tex] \psi[/tex] means that the Existential Hypothesis rule is going to need some care when applied.

I've come up with two possible proofs:

View attachment 692

..each in a different colour.

To me, the top proof looks more correct than the bottom. It's just the Existential Hypothesis rule that's throwing me.

For the first proof, I think line 10 is wrong. I need the existential hypothesis rule to depend on all the assumptions where v is free. This happens in lines 1,2 and MAYBE 3. If v is a free variable in line 3, then I'm sorted and everything is right. If it isn't, then I have a problem on my hands.

There's a similar problem for the second proof too.

Useful things:

The far left number show the assumptions a line depends on. The bracketed number is the line number and the far right column is the rules column.

As s = Assumption
UE = Universal Eradicator
Taut = Tautology
CP = Conditional Proposition
EH= Existential Hypothesis

Thanks in advance


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  • #2
I think both proofs are fine. In the first proof, you just do some propositional reasoning, namely, deriving $\neg\psi$ from $\phi$ and $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$. In the second proof, this subderivation is contracted into one step because you can do arbitrary propositional reasoning in one step.

The restriction on EH, which derives some $\chi$ from $\exists v\,\theta$ and a subderivation of $\chi$ from $\theta$, is that $v$ can occur freely only in $\theta$: it cannot occur freely in $\chi$ nor in other open assumptions of $\chi$ except $\theta$. In your case, $\neg\psi$ has open assumptions $\forall x\,\phi$ and $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$. The variable $v$ occurs freely in $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$ but not in $\forall x\,\phi$ or $\neg\psi$. Therefore, the application of EH is justified.

Note that in natural deduction, inference rules come in pairs for every connective. For every connective *, there is *-introduction, whose conclusion has * as the top-level connective, and *-elimination, where one of the premises has * as the top-level connective. So the standard names for UE and EH are universal elimination and existential elimination, respectively. Universal Eradication sounds pretty radical! :)
  • #3
Why is it that v occurs freely in ?

We know that v is bound in \(\psi\), so how do we know it's free here? \(\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi\)
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  • #4
fumbles said:
Why is it that v occurs freely in $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$?
Strictly speaking, v may not be free in that formula. When I said,

Evgeny.Makarov said:
In your case, $\neg\psi$ has open assumptions $\forall x\,\phi$ and $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$. The variable $v$ occurs freely in $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$ but not in $\forall x\,\phi$ or $\neg\psi$.

I was describing a typical case. If v occur free neither in $\phi$ nor in $\psi$, then this derivation reduces to propositional reasoning. But if v occurs free in $\phi$, then it also does in $\neg\phi\leftrightarrow\psi$. The point is that EH allows v to occur free in that formula, but not in $\neg\psi$ or other open assumptions of $\neg\psi$.
  • #5
I think I get it. The Existential Hypothesis rule is quite hard compared to the others.

Universal Eradication sounds pretty radical!

When I was reading the page, I accidentally read "elimination" as "eradication". Since I was in learning mode, I remembered it as eradication. When I was writing the post I was thinking "it's elimination, not eradication" but then completely forgot at the key moment.

I've finally finished the sheet, which is why I'm a bit late posting this. On to Quantum Phenomena!

Thanks for your help emakarov!

FAQ: Solving a Logic Proof: Existential Hypothesis Rule

What is the Existential Hypothesis Rule?

The Existential Hypothesis Rule is a logical rule used in proofs to show the existence of an object that satisfies a given property or condition.

How do you use the Existential Hypothesis Rule in a proof?

To use the Existential Hypothesis Rule, you must first identify a property or condition that you want to prove exists. Then, you can use the rule to introduce an existential quantifier (∃) and a variable to represent the object that satisfies the property or condition.

What is the difference between the Existential Hypothesis Rule and the Existential Instantiation Rule?

The Existential Hypothesis Rule is used to introduce an existential quantifier and a variable in a proof, while the Existential Instantiation Rule is used to substitute a specific object for the variable introduced by the Existential Hypothesis Rule.

Can the Existential Hypothesis Rule be used in any type of logic proof?

Yes, the Existential Hypothesis Rule can be used in any type of logic proof, including propositional logic, predicate logic, and modal logic.

Are there any limitations to the Existential Hypothesis Rule?

Yes, the Existential Hypothesis Rule can only be used if the property or condition being proved exists at least once. It cannot be used to prove that something exists infinitely or that it does not exist at all.
