Solving A Non-Homogenous DE Using Reduction Order

  • Thread starter Lancelot59
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In summary, the book says that the answer to y=e^{2x} is y_{2}=\frac{e^{2x}/4}c. For finding a particular solution, the answer is -1/2, but the method for arriving at it is not clear.
  • #1
Given [tex]y''-4y=2[/tex]
and that one solution is [tex]y_{1}=e^{-2x}[/tex]
I need to find a second solution of the homogeneous equation, and then a particular solution of the homogeneous equation.

Here's how I solved the homogeneous equation:
[tex]y=ue^{-2x}, y'=u'e^{-2x}-2ue^{-2x}, y''=u''e^{-2x}-2u'e^{-2x}+4ue^{-2x}-2u'e^{-2x}[/tex]
plugging into the equation:


Then using [tex]w=u', w'=u''[/tex]
and I eventually got y to be [tex]y_{2}=\frac{e^{2x}/4}c[/tex]

The book says the answer is [tex]y=e^{2x}[/tex], so I'm not sure whether or not that factor of 1/4 should be there. Then for the second part of finding a particular solution, the answer is -1/2, but I'm not sure how that's arrived at either.
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  • #2
Lancelot59 said:
Given [tex]y''-4y=2[/tex]
and that one solution is [tex]y_{1}=e^{-2x}[/tex]
I need to find a second solution of the homogeneous equation, and then a particular solution of the homogeneous equation.

Here's how I solved the homogeneous equation:
[tex]y=ue^{-2x}, y'=u'e^{-2x}-2ue^{-2x}, y''=u''e^{-2x}-2u'e^{-2x}+4ue^{-2x}-2u'e^{-2x}[/tex]
plugging into the equation:

You mean u''- 4u'= 0. Typo?

Then using [tex]w=u', w'=u''[/tex]
and I eventually got y to be [tex]y_{2}=\frac{e^{2x}/4}c[/tex]
Yes, from that equation, [itex]w= ce^{4x}[/itex] so [itex]u= (c/4)e^{4x}[/itex]
so [itex]y_2= ue^{-2x}= (c/4)e^{2x}[/itex]

The book says the answer is [tex]y=e^{2x}[/tex], so I'm not sure whether or not that factor of 1/4 should be there.
You were asked for a particular solution. Choosing C= 4 in your solution gives the book's. Since the general solution will be formed as [itex]C_1y_1+ C_2y_2[/itex] constants don't matter.

Then for the second part of finding a particular solution, the answer is -1/2, but I'm not sure how that's arrived at either.

There are two ways, both of which your text probably discusses:

1) "Variation of parameters". Similar to what you did above. Look for a solution of the form [itex]y= u(x)y_1(x)+ v(x)y_2(x)= u(x)e^{-2x}+ v(x)e^{2x}[/itex] for some functions u and v. [itex]y'= u'e^{-2x}- 2ue^{-2x}+ v'e^{2x}+ 2ve^{2x}[/itex].

Since there are, in fact, an infinite number of solutions of that form, we narrow the search by requireing that [itex]u'e^{-2x}+ v'e^{2x}= 0[/itex]. That is, that all terms involving the derivatives of u and v sum to 0. Now, we have [itex]y'= -2ue^{-2x}+ 2ve^{2x}[/itex]. Differentiating again, [itex]y''= -2u'e^{-2x}+ 4ue^{-2x}+ 2v'e^{2x}+ 4ve^{2x}[/itex].

With that value of y'', y''- 4y= 2 becomes [itex]-2u'e^{-2x}+ 2v'e^{2x}= 2[/itex]. That, together with [itex]u'e^{-2x}+ v'e^{2x}= 0[/itex] gives two equations we can solve algebraically for u' and v', then integrate to get u and v.

2) "Undetermined Coefficients". As long as the right hand side is relatively simple (the same kinds of functions we expect as solutions to "linear homogenous equations with constant coefficients" we can guess the general form of the solution. Here, the right hand side is just the constant "2" so we try a constant for [itex]y_p[/itex]. Take [itex]y_p= A[/itex], a constant. Then y'= 0, y''= 0 and you can put that into the differential equation to solve for A.
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  • #3
I see, I need to go over the undetermined coefficients method a bit. I'll come back if I don't get it after reading some more. Thanks!

FAQ: Solving A Non-Homogenous DE Using Reduction Order

What is a non-homogenous differential equation?

A non-homogenous differential equation is a type of differential equation where the independent variable and its derivatives are not the only terms present. It also includes a function of the independent variable itself, making it a non-homogenous or non-constant equation.

How is a non-homogenous differential equation solved using reduction of order?

In order to solve a non-homogenous differential equation using reduction of order, the equation is first transformed into its homogeneous form by substituting y = u(x)v(x). Then, using integration by parts and solving for v(x), the equation is reduced to a first-order linear differential equation, which can then be solved using standard techniques.

What are the limitations of using reduction of order to solve a non-homogenous differential equation?

Reduction of order can only be used to solve linear non-homogenous differential equations. Additionally, it is limited to equations where the non-homogenous term is a polynomial or a finite combination of exponentials, trigonometric functions, or logarithmic functions.

Can reduction of order be used for higher-order non-homogenous differential equations?

Yes, reduction of order can be used for higher-order non-homogenous differential equations. The process is similar to solving a first-order equation, where the equation is first transformed into its homogeneous form and then reduced to a first-order equation for each derivative.

What are some real-life applications of solving non-homogenous differential equations using reduction of order?

Non-homogenous differential equations are commonly used in physics and engineering to model real-world phenomena, such as population growth, heat transfer, and electrical circuits. Solving these equations using reduction of order allows for predicting and analyzing the behavior of these systems.
