Solving a Polynomial Division Problem: Remainder = 5 & 7

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the remainder when a polynomial is divided by two factors, and the remainders when those factors are divided by are known. The expert explains that the remainder can be found by dividing the polynomial by the product of the two factors, and the quotient can be ignored as it is multiplied by zero. The expert also suggests factoring out the common terms to simplify the division process.
  • #1
Given that a polymial p(x) is

[tex] p(x)= (x-1)(x-2) q(x) + 2x+3 [/tex]

where q(x) is also a polynomial

Find the remainder when p(x) is divided by (x-1)(x+2) where the remainder divided by (x-1) and (x+2) is both 5 and 7 respectively. I don't know even where to start ! so please help, thanks alot.
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  • #2
Consider this,
P(x) = (x-1)(x+2)Q(x) + ax + b
Find P(1) and P(-2) (You know the remainders , since u know them , try to find a and b).

-- AI
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  • #3
Check your problem again. I suspect that p(x)= (x-1)(x+2)q(x)+ 2x+ 3 (or, conversely, you want to divide by (x-1)(x-2)). That way, the remainders are 5 and 7 as you say, no matter what q(x) is. The "quotient" when divided by (x-1)(x+2) is q(x) and the remainder is just 2x+ 3.
  • #4
Halls, actually its really meant to be (x-2) but yes, the answer you gave is right too, but one thing still baffles me. If say,

[tex] \frac {(x-1)(x-2) q(x) + 2x+3}{(x-1)(x-2)}[/tex]

I cannot factor out (x-1)(x-2) so that they can cancel out in the fraction and then I get 2x+3.

And I understand why when you divide (x-1) and (x-2) individually q(x) can be ignored because it is multiplied by zero. But why is q(x) ignored when it is divided by the product of (x-1) and (x-2)?
  • #5
One way to think abt it,
Dividend = Divisor * Quotient + Remainder.

Another way to think abt it,
Let Q'(x) = (x-1)(x-2)Q(x)
P(x) = Q('x) + 2x + 3
Q'(x) will give remainder 0 when divided by (x-1)(x-2) thereby P(x) will give remainder 2x+3.

-- AI

FAQ: Solving a Polynomial Division Problem: Remainder = 5 & 7

What is a polynomial division problem?

A polynomial division problem involves dividing a polynomial (an expression with one or more terms) by another polynomial. The result is a quotient and a remainder.

What does the remainder mean in a polynomial division problem?

The remainder in a polynomial division problem is the number left over after the division is completed. It is typically written as "Remainder = x", where x is the numerical value of the remainder.

How do you solve a polynomial division problem?

To solve a polynomial division problem, you must first set up the division in long division format, with the dividend (the polynomial being divided) on top and the divisor (the polynomial dividing the dividend) on the bottom. Then, divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor and write the result as the first term of the quotient. Multiply this term by the entire divisor and write the product under the dividend. Subtract this product from the dividend, and bring down the next term. Repeat this process until all terms have been brought down. The remainder is the final number left over after the division is completed.

What is the relationship between the remainder and the divisor in a polynomial division problem?

The remainder is always less than the divisor in a polynomial division problem. This is because the remainder is the leftover value after the division is completed, and the divisor is the number being divided into the dividend. If the remainder is equal to or greater than the divisor, it means that the quotient is not a whole number and the division is not complete.

Can a polynomial division problem have more than one remainder?

No, a polynomial division problem can only have one remainder. This is because the remainder is the final value left over after the division is completed. If there were multiple remainders, it would mean that the division was not completed correctly.

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