Solving a pulley system (Dynamics)

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem about a pulley system where a 100 kg crate is supported by a 25 kg pulley and a second rope connected to the ceiling. The system is stationary and the sum of forces in the X and Y axis is 0. The conversation also mentions difficulties in setting up a free body diagram and clarifications about the forces acting on the block. The end goal is to find the tension in the rope connected to the ceiling.
  • #1
Solving a problem about a pulley system (dynamics)

A 100 kg crate is supported by a rope which passes over a 25 kg pulley. A 2nd rope connects the pulley to the ceiling. The system is stationary.

ƩFx=0 ƩFy=0

I am having problems setting up the free body diagram to start the problem!
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  • #2
Where does the other end of the first rope go? Are both ends attached to the crate?
  • #3
well using the information that you gave which is not very clear.

Your freebody diagram would be:

mg acting downward on the 1000kg block and Tension (T) acting upward on the block

Thats just for the block.

There are no foces acting in the X axis

ƩFy=o=T-mg (this is the sum of forces acting on the block)

Now the info that you gave in your original post was not very clear.. Please correct me if i missed anything and i will go back and make sure i correct everything.
  • #4

You haven't stated what you are trying to find. It sounds like you want to find the tension in the rope connected to the ceiling. In that case you need a free body where that tension appears.
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first identifying the key variables and principles involved. In this case, the variables are the weight of the crate (100 kg), the weight of the pulley (25 kg), and the tension in the two ropes. The principles involved are Newton's laws of motion and the concept of equilibrium.

Next, I would draw a free body diagram, which is a visual representation of all the forces acting on the system. In this case, there are three forces to consider: the weight of the crate acting downwards, the tension in the rope supporting the crate acting upwards, and the tension in the rope connecting the pulley to the ceiling acting upwards. By drawing these forces as vectors, I can see that the system is in equilibrium, as the forces are balanced in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

From here, I would apply Newton's second law (ƩF=ma) to each of the ropes separately. Since the crate is stationary, the sum of forces acting on it must be zero. This means that the tension in the rope supporting the crate must be equal to the weight of the crate (100 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 980 N). Similarly, the tension in the rope connecting the pulley to the ceiling must be equal to the combined weight of the crate and the pulley (125 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 1225 N).

In summary, solving a problem about a pulley system (dynamics) involves identifying the variables and principles involved, drawing a free body diagram, and applying relevant equations to determine the unknown quantities. By following this systematic approach, we can effectively solve complex problems and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics at play.

FAQ: Solving a pulley system (Dynamics)

1. How does a pulley system work?

A pulley system is a simple machine that uses a rope or cable wrapped around a wheel to change the direction of a force. When one end of the rope is pulled, the other end moves in the opposite direction, allowing for a larger force to be exerted over a longer distance.

2. How do you calculate the mechanical advantage of a pulley system?

The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is calculated by dividing the output force by the input force. For example, if a pulley system with four ropes attached to a load requires an input force of 20 Newtons to lift a load of 80 Newtons, the mechanical advantage would be 80/20 = 4. This means that the pulley system can lift four times the load with the same amount of effort.

3. What are the different types of pulley systems?

There are three main types of pulley systems: fixed, movable, and compound. A fixed pulley has a stationary axle and changes the direction of the force. A movable pulley has a moveable axle and both changes the direction of the force and increases mechanical advantage. A compound pulley is a combination of fixed and movable pulleys and has the highest mechanical advantage.

4. How do you account for friction in a pulley system?

In a real-world scenario, friction will always be present in a pulley system and will decrease the efficiency of the system. To account for friction, you can use the concept of mechanical efficiency, which is calculated by dividing the work output by the work input. This will give you a percentage that represents the efficiency of the pulley system, taking into account the effects of friction.

5. How does the number of pulleys affect the mechanical advantage?

The number of pulleys in a system directly affects the mechanical advantage. The more pulleys that are used, the higher the mechanical advantage will be. This is because each additional pulley adds an extra change in direction, resulting in an increase in the output force. However, adding more pulleys also increases the amount of friction in the system, which can decrease the overall efficiency.

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