Solving a Puzzling Physics Problem: Average Retarding Force

In summary: If you come across something like this in the future it may be worth looking there first. If its not on the list you could send in the error you've found to the publishers.
  • #1
This is a fairly simple problem which i believe i know the answer to but the answer doesn't agree with the book i got it from.

Theres a 750 gram cart traveling 4 m/s, 2 meters later its traveling at 3 m/s. Calculate the average retarding force assuming only air resistance.

Here what I did:

KE= (1/2)*m*v^2 so deltaKE=(.5)*(.750)*(4^2-3^2)= 2.625

The Work=f*d. Since the Change in Kinetic Energy equals the work done on the object i did:
2.625=f*2. Hence f=(2.625/2)=1.3125 N.

I think that's right but is there something i might be possibly missing?
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  • #2
Looks good to me.
  • #3
I think it is wanting you to calculate the average air resistance (disricbed in force) that it would take to slow a 750 gram object from 4 m/s to 3 m/s in 2 meters.
  • #4
i tried it a slightly different way and got the same answer, only negative. i did

where u=inital velocity, v=final velocity,a=acceleration and x being displacement.
so using that i got

a= (v²-u²)/2Δx


Fnet= m ((v²-u²)/2Δx)

plug all the numbers in and you get -1.312N, negative because you are decelerating in the negative x direction.

the big thing is you must watch your sign. if you have air resistance slowing you its not going to be the same sign as your x direction and velocity. velocity implies direction as well as speed. you can make your velocity negative based on where you allocate your x and y-axis relative to your direction, but then your force would be positive. always watch the sign.
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  • #5
"negative because you are decelerating in the negative x direction."

sorry, that is worded poorly. it should say, becuase you are decelerating in the positive x direction, meaning you are accelerating in the negative direction.
  • #6
Thanks everyone, it has been quite good to see that other people got the same answer as i pretty sure the book just mistyped the answers or something
  • #7
nukengr10 said:
Thanks everyone, it has been quite good to see that other people got the same answer as i pretty sure the book just mistyped the answers or something

if it's a recent book it may have a web page with errata on it. If you come across something like this in the future it may be worth looking there first. If its not on the list you could send in the error you've found to the publishers.
  • #8
nukengr10 said:
This is a fairly simple problem which i believe i know the answer to but the answer doesn't agree with the book i got it from.

Theres a 750 gram cart traveling 4 m/s, 2 meters later its traveling at 3 m/s. Calculate the average retarding force assuming only air resistance.

Here what I did:

KE= (1/2)*m*v^2 so deltaKE=(.5)*(.750)*(4^2-3^2)= 2.625

The Work=f*d. Since the Change in Kinetic Energy equals the work done on the object i did:
2.625=f*2. Hence f=(2.625/2)=1.3125 N.

I think that's right but is there something i might be possibly missing?
I wouldn't have done it that way. At a constant acceleration (i.e. "average" acceleration), a body's "average" speed is "(initial speed+ final speed)/2". Here, the initial speed was 4 m/s and final speed was 3 m/s so its average speed during those 2 meters is (4+3)/2= 7/2 m/s. At that speed, it took 2/(7/2)= 4/7 seconds to travel 2 meters so its speed dropped from 4 m/s to 3 m/s, a difference of -1 m/s, in 4/7 seconds: the (average) acceleration was (-1)/(4/7)= -7/4= -1.75 m/s2. Since the mass is 750 g= .75 kg, the force is (.75)(-1.75)= -1.3125 N as you say.
  • #9
Yeah i couldn't find the errata and it is a fairly new book.

FAQ: Solving a Puzzling Physics Problem: Average Retarding Force

1. What is the average retarding force in physics?

The average retarding force in physics refers to the average force that opposes the motion of an object. It is typically caused by friction or air resistance and is calculated by dividing the total retarding force by the time the object was in motion.

2. How is the average retarding force calculated?

The average retarding force is calculated by dividing the total retarding force by the time the object was in motion. This can be represented by the equation Favg = Fr/t, where Favg is the average retarding force, Fr is the total retarding force, and t is the time the object was in motion.

3. What factors affect the average retarding force?

The average retarding force is affected by various factors such as the surface area of the object, the speed of the object, and the type of surface the object is moving on. Additionally, the density of the fluid (if present) and the viscosity of the fluid can also affect the average retarding force.

4. How does the average retarding force impact an object's motion?

The average retarding force acts in the opposite direction to the motion of an object, therefore it can slow down or even stop the object's motion. This force is important to consider in situations where an object is moving on a surface or through a fluid, as it can significantly impact the object's speed and acceleration.

5. Can the average retarding force be reduced or eliminated?

The average retarding force can be reduced by decreasing the speed of the object, increasing the surface area of the object, or by using a lubricant to reduce friction. However, it cannot be completely eliminated as there will always be some amount of resistance present in any type of motion.

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