Solving a Series Circuit with Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor

In summary, the conversation discusses a circuit consisting of a voltage source, resistor, capacitor, and inductor connected in series. The problem is to find the steady state current as a function of omega. The total impedance is found to be 1+2i and the maximum amplitude of the current is V_0 \over \sqrt{5}. The phase shifts for each component are explained, but the total phase would be zero only if the impedance of the capacitor and inductor are equivalent. The individual impedances of the components can be computed to draw a phasor diagram and find the total impedance of the circuit. If values for the components are not given, a generalization may be needed to find the total impedance.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a circuit consisting of a voltage source with [tex]V = V_0 \sin{\omega t}[/tex], a resistor, a capacitor, and an inductor, all connected in series. The problem is to find the steady state current as a function of omega.

Homework Equations

[tex]V = IZ[/tex]
[tex]Z = Z_R + Z_C + Z_L[/tex]
[tex]Z_R = 1 \Omega[/tex]
[tex]Z_C = -i2[/tex] Fd
[tex]Z_L = +i4[/tex] H

The Attempt at a Solution

I find the total impedance to be
[tex]Z = 1+2i[/tex].
So I'm guessing that the maximum amplitude of the current will be [tex]V_0 \over \sqrt{5}[/tex].
Now, I'm not sure how to handle the phase. From what I remember, a resistor doesn't affect the phase, a capacitor shifts the current ahead 90 degrees compared to the voltage, and an inductor shifts it 90 degrees behind. So I would think that the total phase is zero and we get [tex]I = {V_0\over \sqrt{5}}\sin\omega t[/tex].
But then what does the angle associated with Z (i.e. \tan^{-1} 2) have to do with it.

Also, will the current have the same profile (and phase) everywhere in the circuit, or does it depend on "where" we measure the current in the circuit??

Any help would be great.
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  • #2
I think I may have got it. I'd still really like it if someone can tell me if I have this right.
First of all, the total impedance should be
[tex]Z=1+\left(4\omega -{1\over{2\omega}}\right)i[/tex]
or in polar form
[tex]Z = \sqrt{1+\left(4\omega -{1\over{2\omega}}\right)^2}e^{i\tan^{-1}\left(4\omega -{1\over{2\omega}}\right)}[/tex].
Now, using Ohm
[tex]I = V/Z[/tex], we get
[tex]I = {V_0\over{\sqrt{1+\left(4\omega -{1\over{2\omega}}\right)^2}}}\sin{\left(\omega t - \tan^{-1}\left({4\omega -{1\over{2\omega}}}\right)\right)}[/tex].
I'm not really sure if this is right. I'm using a textbook that uses funny notation where they just forget about the omega t and the sin and work only with the phases.
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  • #3
Pacopag said:
Now, I'm not sure how to handle the phase. From what I remember, a resistor doesn't affect the phase, a capacitor shifts the current ahead 90 degrees compared to the voltage, and an inductor shifts it 90 degrees behind. So I would think that the total phase is zero.

Your description about the phase shifts is correct, but only for the individual circuit components. The total phase would be zero only if the impedance of the capacitor and inductor are equivalent--the two phasors would point in opposite directions and have same magnitude. Does the problem give values for the resistor, capacitor, inductor? If so, I recommend computing the individual impedances of the components, drawing a phasor diagram, and computing the total impedance of the circuit from your diagram. If not, you may have to generalize your derivation to include such arbitrary values.

FAQ: Solving a Series Circuit with Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor

1. How do I calculate the total impedance in a series circuit with a resistor, capacitor, and inductor?

In a series circuit, impedance is simply the sum of the individual impedances of each component. The impedance of a resistor is its resistance, while the impedance of a capacitor is equal to 1/(jωC) and the impedance of an inductor is equal to jωL. To calculate the total impedance, simply add these values together.

2. How do I calculate the phase angle in a series circuit with a resistor, capacitor, and inductor?

The phase angle in a series circuit can be calculated using the following formula: θ = tan^-1((ωL - 1/(ωC))/R), where ω is the frequency, L is the inductance, C is the capacitance, and R is the resistance. This will give you the phase angle in radians, which can be converted to degrees by multiplying by 180/π.

3. How do I determine the current in a specific component in a series circuit?

To determine the current in a specific component in a series circuit, you can use Ohm's Law (I = V/R) to calculate the current in the resistor. For the capacitor, you can use the formula I = C(dV/dt), where C is the capacitance and dV/dt is the rate of change of voltage. For the inductor, you can use the formula I = (1/L)∫Vdt, where L is the inductance and ∫Vdt is the integral of voltage with respect to time.

4. What is the relationship between the reactance of a capacitor and an inductor in a series circuit?

The reactance of a capacitor and an inductor in a series circuit are inversely proportional. This means that as the reactance of one component increases, the reactance of the other decreases. This relationship is due to the fact that capacitors store energy in an electric field, while inductors store energy in a magnetic field. When one component is storing energy, the other is releasing it, resulting in an inverse relationship.

5. How does the phase angle change as the frequency of the AC power source changes in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the phase angle is directly proportional to the frequency of the AC power source. This means that as the frequency increases, the phase angle also increases and vice versa. This relationship is due to the fact that the reactance of capacitors and inductors is directly proportional to frequency. As the frequency increases, the reactance also increases, resulting in a larger phase angle.
