Solving a Statistic Problem: Types of Error, Collect Data, Goodness-of-Fit Test

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In summary: P-value = P(χ2 > 2 | df = 9) = 0.9987Step 4. Conclusion with a statement for T.C. Mits.Based on the P-value, which is greater than the significance level of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the digits are not distributed uniformly over the range 0 through 9. This means that we can trust the results of the calculator random integer program randint(0, 9, 1).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Expect that some of the generated random digits will repeat because the trials are independent. You need a large amount of data (random digits), so pool your data with other students who have the same calculator version as you. Advertise for collaboration on the Discussion Board, and be sure to include the names of classmates who shared data with you.

(a) Alpha controls the chance of making a Type I error. Define a Type I error in the context of this test, then select alpha and justify.

Complete the following. (2 points)

A Type I error would occur when: _____.

Therefore the significance level that I chose is ___ because:

(b) Collect the data. Data may vary from student to student.
(3 points)
Random Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(if is true)

(c) Carry out the Goodness-of-Fit test. Take as much vertical space as you need. (15 points)

Step 1. (hypotheses provided)

The digits generated by the calculator random integer program randint(0, 9, 1) are distributed uniformly over the range 0 through 9; i.e., the digits occur in equal proportions.

The digits generated by the calculator random integer program randint(0, 9, 1) are not distributed uniformly over the range 0 through 9; i.e., the digits do not occur in equal proportions.
Step 2. Test statistic. Type all of the individual terms, then give the sum . See text and lecture notes.

Step 3. P-value (stated as a conditional probability followed by the appropriate calculator distribution function).

P-value =

Step 4. Conclusion with a statement for T.C. Mits.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
(a) A Type I error would occur when a false positive is concluded. Therefore the significance level that I chose is alpha=0.05 because it is the most commonly used significance level in hypothesis testing. (b)Random Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9ObservedCount ExpectedCount(if is true) (c) Step 1. (hypotheses provided)The digits generated by the calculator random integer program randint(0, 9, 1) are distributed uniformly over the range 0 through 9; i.e., the digits occur in equal proportions. The digits generated by the calculator random integer program randint(0, 9, 1) are not distributed uniformly over the range 0 through 9; i.e., the digits do not occur in equal proportions. Step 2. Test statistic. Type all of the individual terms, then give the sum χ2 = (O1-E1)2/E1 + (O2-E2)2/E2 + ... + (On-En)2/Enwhere O1,O2,...,On are the observed frequencies and E1,E2,...,En are the expected frequencies. χ2 = (7-10)2/10 + (6-10)2/10 + (11-10)2/10 + (8-10)2/10 + (9-10)2/10 + (10-10)2/10 + (8-10)2/10 + (11-10)2/10 + (7-10)2/10 + (10-10)2/10 = 5/10 + 4/10 + 1/10 + 2/10 + 1/10 + 0 + 2/10 + 1/10 + 5/10 + 0 = 20/10 = 2Step 3. P-value (stated as a conditional probability followed by the appropriate calculator distribution function).

FAQ: Solving a Statistic Problem: Types of Error, Collect Data, Goodness-of-Fit Test

What are the types of error that can occur when solving a statistic problem?

The three types of error that can occur are sampling error, measurement error, and model error. Sampling error is the difference between a sample statistic and the true population parameter. Measurement error is the difference between the actual value and the measured value. Model error is the difference between the true relationship between variables and the model used to represent it.

How do I collect data for a statistic problem?

The first step is to clearly define your research question and the variables that you will be studying. Then, choose a sampling method that will allow you to obtain a representative sample of the population. Next, decide on the data collection method, such as surveys, experiments, or observations. Finally, collect the data and ensure its accuracy and completeness before analyzing it.

What is a goodness-of-fit test in statistics?

A goodness-of-fit test is a statistical test used to determine whether the observed data fits a specific distribution or model. It compares the observed data to the expected values based on the chosen distribution or model and provides a p-value that indicates the level of agreement between the two. A low p-value suggests that the observed data does not fit the chosen distribution or model well.

How do I choose the appropriate statistical test for my data?

The appropriate statistical test depends on the research question and the type of data being analyzed. Some common statistical tests include t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square tests, and regression analysis. It is important to understand the type of data you have (categorical or continuous) and the research question you are trying to answer in order to choose the most suitable test.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a statistic problem?

Some common mistakes to avoid include using the wrong statistical test, not ensuring the accuracy and completeness of data, failing to properly define the research question and variables, and misinterpreting the results. It is also important to avoid making assumptions about the data or drawing conclusions that are not supported by the evidence. It is crucial to carefully plan and execute the statistical analysis to avoid these mistakes and ensure accurate results.

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