Solving a system of equations .

In summary, the person was trying to solve a 3x3 linear system, but they ran into a problem. They used a simpler method and got the solutions for a, b, and c.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve simultaneously:
6(x + y) = 5xy,
21(y + z) = 10yz,
14(z + x) = 9zx

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Obviously one of the solution is (0,0,0) But I'm more interested in finding the other.
Expanding these three equations , I get -

But what now? I've no experience solving these type of systems . Please give hints.
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  • #2
Multiply each equation by the unknown which doesn't appear in it so that the right hand side of each equation is then a multiple of [itex]xyz[/itex]. You can then eliminate [itex]xyz[/itex] in three ways to end up with three linear simultaneous equations for [itex]xy[/itex], [itex]xz[/itex] and [itex]yz[/itex].

Having solved those, use the fact that [itex](xy)(xz)(yz) = (xyz)^2[/itex] to find [itex]x[/itex], [itex]y[/itex] and [itex]z[/itex] up to a sign.
  • #3
pasmith said:
Multiply each equation by the unknown which doesn't appear in it so that the right hand side of each equation is then a multiple of [itex]xyz[/itex]. You can then eliminate [itex]xyz[/itex] in three ways to end up with three linear simultaneous equations for [itex]xy[/itex], [itex]xz[/itex] and [itex]yz[/itex].

Having solved those, use the fact that [itex](xy)(xz)(yz) = (xyz)^2[/itex] to find [itex]x[/itex], [itex]y[/itex] and [itex]z[/itex] up to a sign.

Even better: if p = xyz, one can express xy, xz and yz as numerical multiples of p (by solving linear equations with p in the right-hand-sides), so---if x, y and z are non-zero---one gets a unique solution for (x,y,z), with no sign ambiguities.

Also: explore what must happen if one of the variables, say x, is zero.
  • #4
Thanks for the hints , but I used a different method to solve this equation. From eq. 1 I got y=(6x)/(5x-6) .
I substituted that in eq. 2 to get x in terms of z. ( x=(126z)/(126+45z) ) then I substituted that into eq. 3 to get a quadratic equation in z with solutions z=0,7. From z=7 , I got x= 2 . Then I got y=3 from the relationship between x and y obtained earlier from eq. 1 . But I felt that the arithmetic involved was quite daunting and there must be a better way to solve it. I tried using the method that pasmith recommended but am feeling a bit lost. Can anyone please explain a simpler method to solve this system ?
  • #5
agoogler said:
Thanks for the hints , but I used a different method to solve this equation. From eq. 1 I got y=(6x)/(5x-6) .
I substituted that in eq. 2 to get x in terms of z. ( x=(126z)/(126+45z) ) then I substituted that into eq. 3 to get a quadratic equation in z with solutions z=0,7. From z=7 , I got x= 2 . Then I got y=3 from the relationship between x and y obtained earlier from eq. 1 . But I felt that the arithmetic involved was quite daunting and there must be a better way to solve it. I tried using the method that pasmith recommended but am feeling a bit lost. Can anyone please explain a simpler method to solve this system ?

Let ##a = xy, \;b = yz, \; c = zx \:\text{ and }\: p = xyz.## Multiply the first equation by z, the second by x and the third by y to get
21a+21c=10p \\
This is a simple 3x3 linear system which can be solved using grade-school methods, to get
## a = p/7,\: b = p/2, \: c = p/3.## Assuming ##x,y,z,\neq 0## we have
[tex] xy = xyz/7 \Longrightarrow z = 7 \\
yz = xyz/2 \Longrightarrow x = 2\\
zx = xyz/3 \Longrightarrow y=3 [/tex]
  • #6
Ray Vickson said:
Let ##a = xy, \;b = yz, \; c = zx \:\text{ and }\: p = xyz.## Multiply the first equation by z, the second by x and the third by y to get
21a+21c=10p \\
This is a simple 3x3 linear system which can be solved using grade-school methods, to get
## a = p/7,\: b = p/2, \: c = p/3.## Assuming ##x,y,z,\neq 0## we have
[tex] xy = xyz/7 \Longrightarrow z = 7 \\
yz = xyz/2 \Longrightarrow x = 2\\
zx = xyz/3 \Longrightarrow y=3 [/tex]
That's Awesome ! Thanks a lot !

FAQ: Solving a system of equations .

1. How do you solve a system of equations?

To solve a system of equations, you must first identify the variables and their coefficients. Then, you can use methods such as substitution or elimination to find the values of the variables that satisfy both equations.

2. What is the difference between a consistent and an inconsistent system of equations?

A consistent system of equations has at least one solution that satisfies all of the equations, while an inconsistent system has no solution that satisfies all of the equations.

3. Can a system of equations have more than one solution?

Yes, a system of equations can have infinite solutions if the equations are dependent, meaning they are essentially the same equation. It can also have a finite number of solutions if the equations are independent.

4. What is the purpose of solving a system of equations?

Solving a system of equations allows you to find the values of the variables that satisfy all of the equations. This can be useful in real-world applications such as finding the intersection point of two lines or finding the optimal solution to a problem.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for solving a system of equations?

There are various methods for solving a system of equations, such as substitution, elimination, and graphing. Each method may have different advantages depending on the equations given. It is important to practice and understand the different methods to determine the most efficient way to solve a particular system of equations.
