Solving Absolute Value Inequalities: A Deeper Understanding

In summary, the conversation discusses different methods for solving Algebra 2 inequalities and the concept of extraneous solutions. The recommended method involves listing out critical x values and considering the ranges they generate to solve the equations efficiently. This method avoids the need to test points in between and yields a more concise solution set.
  • #1
I was hoping someone could give a little more insight, or perhaps enlighten me to a better way of approaching solving these seemingly simple Algebra 2 inequalities.

I did some google searching but I was not able to find the answers I seek.

The problem came up when a friend of mine had an equation that looked like this:

|x-3| > -2 + |2x + 8|

Question 1: What is the generally accepted best way to solve this inequality.

My method of solving involved setting up 4 equalities:

1) x-3 = -2 + 2x + 8
2) -(x-3) = -2 + 2x + 8
3) x-3 = -2 - (2x + 8)
4) -(x-3) = -2 - (2x + 8)

These yielded the following values for x:

1) x= -9
2) x = -1
3) x = -7/3
4) x = -13

With each of these x values I then went back and plugged into the original inequality. My goal was to check for equality.

Only 2) and 4) resulted in equality so I threw the other answers out.

Once I had these two solutions I tested the points 0, -5, and -20 in the original inequality. And since -5 was the only value that yielded a true statement, I declared the solution:

(technically I had checked -7/3 and -9, checking -5 was unnecessary I realize now)

-13 < x < -1

Question 2: Can someone give me more information on why there are extraneous solutions?

As I understand things, when you have:

|x| = A

You need to solve x = A and x = -A

When you have:

|x| = |y|

You need to solve x = y, x = -y, -x = y and -x = -y, but because x = -y, -x = y are the same equation and x = y, -x = -y are the same equation you only need to solve two equations.

When you have:

|x| = A + |y|

You need to solve x = A + y, x = A - y, -x = A + y, and -x = A - y, since these are all different, you need to solve all four. Essentially the prior case (|x| = |y|) is a special case of this, just two of the equations you need to solve happen to be the same.

Question 3: Is there a more rigorous way of handling these equations? Should I be using |x| = Sqrt(x^2) here?

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Your method does not scale well. For n abs value terms you would have 2n cases. Better to list out the critical x values (-4 and 3 in your first example), then consider the n+1 ranges these generate: <-4, -4 to 3, >3.
  • #3
haruspex said:
Your method does not scale well. For n abs value terms you would have 2n cases. Better to list out the critical x values (-4 and 3 in your first example), then consider the n+1 ranges these generate: <-4, -4 to 3, >3.

Thank you very much for your response.

I do not fully understand.

I understand that my method will result in 2n cases. That is clear to me.

I understand how to find what you call critical x values for each set of absolute value quantities. This is also clear.

I do not understand what it means to "consider" these ranges. How would I go about solving once I have the ranges: <-4, -4 to 3, >3?

  • #4
Diffy said:
I do not understand what it means to "consider" these ranges. How would I go about solving once I have the ranges: <-4, -4 to 3, >3?
Within each of those ranges, every abs value term has a known simplification. For x<-4, |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|=-2x-8. For -4<x<3, |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|=2x+8, etc.
  • #5
Thank you.

Please allow me to continue for my own benefit so that I may understand completely.

For x < -4 we have |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|=-2x-8

For -4 < x < 3 we have |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|= 2x+8

For x > 3 we have |x-3|= x - 3 and |2x+8|= 2x+8

Thus I must solve 3 equations, with constraints, as you predicted n + 1 = 3 in this case.For x < -4 since |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|=-2x-8
We must solve 3-x = -2 -2x-8. This yields x = -13 which is a valid answer since we require x < -4.

For -4 < x < 3 since|x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|= 2x+8
We must solve 3-x = -2 + 2x+8

This yields x = -1 which is a valid answer since we require -4 < x < 3.

For x > 3 since |x-3|= x - 3 and |2x+8|= 2x+8
We must solve x - 3 = -2 + 2x + 8

This yields x = -9. Which is NOT valid because we require x > 3.

Then by solving just 3 equations I can arrive at the critical values -1 and -13. I can then do my tests between -1 and -13 and beyond -1 and -13 to determine where the original inequality is true and where it is false.

Is this correct?

Thank you.
  • #6
Diffy said:
For x < -4 since |x-3|=3-x and |2x+8|=-2x-8
We must solve 3-x = -2 -2x-8. This yields x = -13 which is a valid answer since we require x < -4.
No, for this range (actually, x<=-4) you have 3-x > -2 + (-2x-8), i.e x>-13. So (-13,-4] is an entire interval of valid solutions. Proceed similarly with the other two cases.
  • #7
haruspex said:
No, for this range (actually, x<=-4) you have 3-x > -2 + (-2x-8), i.e x>-13. So (-13,-4] is an entire interval of valid solutions. Proceed similarly with the other two cases.

Ah yes. It took me a while to understand what you are saying here. Very clever.

So for
For -4 <= x <= 3 we have 3-x > -2 + 2x+8 ie x < -1, So [-4, -1) is valid.

And for x>= 3 we have x - 3 > -2 + 2x + 8 ie x < -9 So no solutions added in this case.

Thus (-13, -1) is our solution set. This way I don't have to do all that business with testing points in between...

Thank you haruspex for your help.

Related to Solving Absolute Value Inequalities: A Deeper Understanding

1. What is the definition of absolute value inequalities?

Absolute value inequalities are mathematical statements that involve an absolute value expression and a variable. They express the range of values that the variable can take while satisfying the given conditions.

2. How do you solve absolute value inequalities?

To solve absolute value inequalities, you must first isolate the absolute value expression on one side of the inequality. Then, remove the absolute value bars and rewrite the inequality as two separate inequalities, one with a positive sign and one with a negative sign. Finally, solve each inequality separately and combine the solutions to get the final solution.

3. Can absolute value inequalities have more than one solution?

Yes, absolute value inequalities can have multiple solutions. This is because an absolute value expression can have two values that satisfy the given conditions, one positive and one negative.

4. How do you graph absolute value inequalities?

To graph absolute value inequalities, you can first rewrite the inequality in slope-intercept form, if possible. Then, you can plot the y-intercept and use the slope to plot additional points. Finally, use the shape of the absolute value function to determine which side of the line is shaded to represent the solution.

5. What is the difference between absolute value equations and inequalities?

The main difference between absolute value equations and inequalities is that equations have a finite number of solutions, while inequalities have a range of values that satisfy the given conditions. Additionally, when solving equations, you are looking for specific values for the variable, while when solving inequalities, you are looking for a range of values for the variable.

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