Solving an Equilibrium Problem Involving Torque: Need Help!

In summary: Good job!In summary, the conversation discusses a question involving torque and equilibrium, specifically finding the reaction forces at the supports of a scaffold supporting a painter and a can of paint. The conversation includes tips on setting up the problem, using a diagram, and using Newton's Second Law and torque equations to solve for the reaction forces. The final answer is determined to be 428N on one side and 734N on the other, with the total force of the scaffold being 1162N.
  • #1
Hello all

I am working on some homework and I am having a problem with a question that involves torque. Here is the question.

A 62.5 kg painter stands 1.35 m from one end of a 45.0 kg scaffold that is 4.50 m long. He has a 11.0 kg supply of paint 1.00 m from the end he is nearest to. Find the reaction forces at the supports if the scaffold is supported at each end.

I have no idea how to set this problem up once I get the weights of each of the objects.

I understand that because the scaffold is in equilibrium that the sum of forces are equal to zero. I just have no idea where to go next.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
It may help to draw a diagram with all the forces involved, including the reaction forces and torques from the support. You should probably also think about how a single downward force between the two endpoints is distributed to two reaction forces at the two endpoints (hint: think about what torque the force gives at either end of the support, and how this torque then translates to a force at the other end (I am assuming that the support ends are free to rotate)).
  • #3
I made a diagram but I wasn't sure where to put the axis of rotation. I always thought the middle was best, but I have been told to use one end of the scaffold. I did that but I wasn't sure what to do next. Do I multiply the distances by the weights all the way down the 4.5m scaffold?Thanks.
  • #4
Put the axis of rotation at the contact point of any of the forces on the scaffold. I believe there are four in this problem, both supports, the paint supply, and the painter himself.

[tex]\tau[/tex] = [tex]\textbf{r x F}[/tex]

So, if [tex]\textbf{r}[/tex] = 0 for one of your torques then it can be removed from the calculation.

After that add up the rest of the forces that cause a torque, any force that acts at a distance from your axis of rotation, and set them equal to zero since the bridge is in static equilibrium.

Also remember that you will get needed information from Newton's regular second law equation for the bridge. In the end you have three separate equations to help you solve this,

Newton's Second law y-direction
Newton's Second Law x-direction
Net Torque about axis of rotation
  • #5
I came out with an answer of 428N on the side furthest from the painter/paint can and 734N on the other side. Does that look like the right answer?

  • #6
It seems reasonable, you'd expect the side with the painter and his can would experience a much greater force relative to the other support.

A good way to check is to just return to one of those three equations, see if you when you plug all your numbers in it really equals zero. Otherwise, you'll know something would be moving in your painter's world ( i.e. a NOT static scaffold )

The only thing you might have missed is that if you did not pick the center of the scaffold as your axis of rotation then the force of gravity on the scaffold would also cause a torque, since r!=0 anymore for that force.

Hopefully that doesn't mess things up if you already got it figured out.
  • #7
Well I found the total force of the scaffold including the weight of the painter and paint can was 1162N which both reaction forces equal. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Thanks a lot for your help. It is grealty appreciated!
  • #8
Yep, you got it.

FAQ: Solving an Equilibrium Problem Involving Torque: Need Help!

1. What is torque and how is it related to equilibrium?

Torque is a measure of the force that causes an object to rotate. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance between the force and the axis of rotation. In equilibrium, the net torque acting on an object is equal to zero, meaning that the object is not rotating.

2. How do I set up an equilibrium problem involving torque?

To set up an equilibrium problem involving torque, you will need to identify all the forces acting on the object, the distance between the forces and the axis of rotation, and the direction of the forces. You will then use the equation Στ=0, where Στ represents the net torque, to solve for the unknown values.

3. What are some common units for torque?

The SI unit for torque is Newton-meters (N·m). Other common units include foot-pounds (ft·lb) and inch-pounds (in·lb). It is important to ensure that all values used in the equation have the same unit of measurement.

4. What happens if the net torque is not equal to zero?

If the net torque is not equal to zero, the object will experience rotational motion. This means that the object will either rotate in the direction of the greater torque or remain at rest if the torques are balanced. To solve for the motion of an object with an unbalanced torque, you will need to use the equation τ=Iα, where τ represents the net torque, I represents the moment of inertia, and α represents the angular acceleration.

5. Can you provide an example of solving an equilibrium problem involving torque?

Sure, let's say you have a seesaw with a child sitting on one end and an adult sitting on the other end. The child has a weight of 50 pounds and is sitting 3 feet away from the center of the seesaw, while the adult has a weight of 200 pounds and is sitting 1.5 feet away from the center. To maintain equilibrium, the net torque must be equal to zero. This means that the clockwise torque (50 pounds x 3 feet = 150 ft·lb) must be equal to the counterclockwise torque (200 pounds x 1.5 feet = 300 ft·lb). To solve for the unknown distance from the center for the child, we can use the equation Στ=0 and set it equal to zero, giving us (150 ft·lb + 300 ft·lb) = 0. We can then solve for the unknown distance, which would be 1.5 feet for the child.
