Solving an inequality involving absolute values

In summary: This may be summed up by saying that the function stretches from the origin to the point ##x##.]3. If both conditions in (1) and (2) are met, then the function ##f(x)\ge a##. [This may be summed up by saying that the function goes from the origin to the point ##x##.]
  • #1
Homework Statement
Solve ##\boldsymbol{\left|\dfrac{x-3}{x+1}\right|\le 1}##
Relevant Equations
Given ##|f(x)|\le a\Rightarrow -a\le f(x)\le +a##
Problem Statement :
I copy and paste the problem as it appeared in the text to the right.

Attempt (mine) : I copy and paste my attempt using Autodesk Sketchbook##^{\circledR}## below. I hope the writing is legible.



My answer : I have three answers and confused as to which of them hold.
Crucially, when we say that ##|f(x)|\le a\Rightarrow -a\le f(x)\le a##, do we mean that ##f(x) \ge -a\; \textbf{(and?)}\; f(x)\le a## or do we mean that ##f(x) \ge -a\; \textbf{(or?)}\; f(x)\le a##?.

I suspect it is the answer OR. (The text disagrees, as you will see in the text solutions soon.)

My three solutions : ##x>-1\; \textbf{OR}\; x\ge 1\; \textbf{OR}\; x<-1##

These solutions overlap (giving the condition OR) to yield the solution that ##\boxed{x\in (-\infty,+\infty)}-\{-1\}##. In other words, ##x## can be any real number but ##-1##.

Check (my answer) : I am aware that my answer is wrong. Given ##\boldsymbol{\left|\frac{x-3}{x+1}\right|\le 1}##. To take one number from my solution, ##x = -5##. But clearly, ##\left|\frac{-5-3}{-5+1}\right|=2\nleq 1##!

Text's Solution : I copy and paste the solution in the text. I must admit that, despite my failure to understand why it took the crucial condition above to be AND, the answer matches the inequality given in the problem upon taking a few representative examples.



A hint or a suggestion would be welcome.
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  • #2
brotherbobby said:
A hint or a suggestion would be welcome.
I’m not sure I fully understand the difficulty but see if this helps.

Consider the number line:
… -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 …

When we say (for example) ##|y| \le 1##, this is equivalent to saying that y is between -1 and +1 (inclusive) on the number line.

This means two conditions have to be met at the same time:
##y \ge -1## AND ##y \le 1##

If meeting only one condition were sufficient, then OR would be used. But that’s not the case here.
  • #3
Steve4Physics said:
If meeting only one condition were sufficient, then OR would be used. But that’s not the case here.
I did not understand this. ##|y|\le 1## implies both conditions : ##y\ge -1## and ##y\le 1##. Where is the scope for only one of these conditions to apply?
  • #4
brotherbobby said:
I did not understand this. ##|y|\le 1## implies both conditions : ##y\ge -1## and ##y\le 1##. Where is the scope for only one of these conditions to apply?
We are looking for all allowed values of ##y## which make ##|y| \le 1## true.

Condition 1: ##y \ge -1##
Condition 2: ##y \le +1##

Condition 1 by itself allows values such as y = +100 (for example).
Condition 2 by itself allows values such as y = -100 (for example).

There is no possibility for only one condition, by itself, to always be true and still satisfy ##|y| \le 1##.

Both conditions must simultaneously be met in order to satisfy ##|y| \le 1##. Which is why we must ’AND’ the two conditions.

Sorry, I can’t think of another way to explain it.

EDIT. Some signs and tyop's corrected.
  • #5
Steve4Physics said:
Condition 1: y≥−1
Steve4Physics said:
Condition 2: y≤+1

Condition 1 by itself allows values such as y = -100 (for example).
Condition 2 by itself allows values such as y = +100 (for example).
I suppose you meant that Condition 2 by itself allows y = -100 but Condition 1 will forbid it. Likewise, condition 1 by itself will allow y = 100 but condition 2 will forbid.

Thank you.

May I ask you what would you say if it was given that ##|f(x)|\ge 1##? Surely, there are two conditions here too : (1) ##f(x)\ge 1## and ##f(x)\le -1##. Is the word and correct here? Should it be replaced by or?
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Likes PeroK
  • #6
brotherbobby said:
May I ask you what would you say if it was given that ##|f(x)|\ge 1##? Surely, there are two conditions here too : (1) ##f(x)\ge 1## and ##f(x)\le -1##. Is the word and correct here? Should it be replaced by or?
Note that ##|x| \ge 1## implies ##x \le -1## or ##x \ge +1##

Whereas ##|x| \le 1## implies ##-1 \le x \le 1##, which means ##-1 \le x## and ##x \le 1##.
  • #7
PeroK said:
Note that ##|x| \ge 1## implies ##x \le -1## or ##x \ge +1##

Whereas ##|x| \le 1## implies ##-1 \le x \le 1##, which means ##-1 \le x## and ##x \le 1##.
Thank you @PeroK. I hope you are not dismissive of my query above in post# 5 on this matter, though it might appear to be trivial. I think it is an important point, recognition of which would save the student several heartaches when he proceeds to solve problems. Not to mention that I have not seen a textbook where the point is made. The text I am using has only made use of it in its examples, without once mentioning it.

To recapitulate :

1. If ##|f(x)|\le a##, we have the finction ##f(x)\le a## and ##f(x)\ge -a##. [This may be summed up by saying that ##-a\le f(x)\le a##, long as one understands that both conditions must be obeyed simultaneously].

2. If ##|f(x)|\ge a##, the function ##f(x)\ge a## or ##f(x)\le -a##.
  • #8
brotherbobby said:
May I ask you what would you say if it was given that ##|f(x)|\ge 1##? Surely, there are two conditions here too : (1) ##f(x)\ge 1## and ##f(x)\le -1##. Is the word and correct here? Should it be replaced by or?
Yes. In that case 'and' is wrong and 'or' is needed.

I’ll use y rather than f(x), for neatness/clarity.

So now we are looking for all allowed values of ##y## such that ##|y| \ge 1##.

Our new conditions are:
##y \le -1## This is (-∞, -1] on the number line.
##y \ge +1## This is [+1,∞) on the number line.

Note the two conditions correspond to two non-overlapping sections of the number line. y could be on either section.

So in this case, we require either (not both) of the conditions to apply. We now require ##y \le -1## OR ##y \ge +1##.

Compare this to the original question with ##|y| \le 1## [Edit: typo'corrected] . This had two overlapping sections of the number line and ##y## had to be on the single region of overlap. That’s where the AND came from.
  • #9
Steve4Physics said:
Compare this to the original question with |y|≥1.
You mean ##|y|\le 1##.
  • #10
brotherbobby said:
You mean ##|y|\le 1##.
Yes. I just corrected it but you beat me to it!
  • #11
Simpler approach: [tex]
|x - 3| &\leq |x + 1| \\
(x - 3)^2 &\leq (x+1)^2 \\
x^2 - 6x + 9 &\leq x^2 + 2x + 1 \\
8 &\leq 8x \\
1 &\leq x.\end{split}[/tex]
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  • #12
Maybe you can consider a more geometric approach: |x-1| can be seen as the distance from the point x to 1. Same for |x+3|.
Now we look for the set of points whose distance to 3 are less than the distance to -1.
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