Solving arbitrary potential barrier problems

In summary, the student is trying to find an expression for the inverse of the transmission coefficient (1/T), and to do this they need to use boundary conditions and then solve for the coefficients (A_{I}, B_{I}, A_{II}, B_{II} etc...) in terms of ratios of one another. They have the equations from the boundary conditions (on the second attached image), so, all they need to do is do lots of algebra and then they should have their expression. However, this may be a bit too difficult and they may want to look for a program that can solve these equations automatically. Furthermore, they have tried to do the derivation for 1/T on a standard potential barrier, but each
  • #1
I am doing a computational project in my undergraduate Quantum Physics course on tunneling through a potential barrier. But, it's an irregular potential barrier, so I cannot simply use the results from a textbook. The first diagram, with corresponding wave equations, are shown in the first attached image (Sorry in advance for my messy handwriting). Now, I am pretty sure everything I have there is right, however I wouldn't be surprised if I made some mistakes as I only went through it once. So, if you see any mistakes, please let me know!

As I said, I am doing the project on tunneling through this barrier. So, I need to find an expression for the inverse of the transmission coefficient (1/T), and to do this I need to use boundary conditions and then solve for the coefficients ([tex]A_{I}, B_{I}, A_{II}, B_{II}[/tex] etc...) in terms of ratios of one another. I have the equations from the boundary conditions (on the second attached image), so, all I need to do is do lots of algebra and then I should have my expression.

At first I tried to reduce these six equations using linear algebra, since I assumed this would be easier. However, it wasn't too long before this too became too cumbersome. My first question is: is there a program out there that can solve these equations automatically? I was not able to find one that worked for such complicated expressions (even when I substituted for simpler values).

Furthermore, I have tried to do the derivation for 1/T on a standard potential barrier, however each time I made too many mistakes to make it. Here is my second question: If I were to (somehow) evaluate my coefficient ratios, to find 1/T I would simply square the ratio of the transmitted coefficient ([tex]A_{IV}[/tex] over the incident coefficient ([tex]A_{I}[/tex]), right?

Any suggestions, critiques are welcome. Thanks all!


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  • #2
I can not see the images. Can you try to upload them again?
  • #3
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I think you may not be approaching this correctly. You probably should solve the differential equation directly by numerical methods, rather than solving the wavefunction. So rather than getting a function, all you'll get is a series of values for it.

I also think this is a rather difficult profile to start with. Did anyone come up with this particular profile for the potential? You at least want something that has a physical significance.

  • #4
ZapperZ said:
I think you may not be approaching this correctly. You probably should solve the differential equation directly by numerical methods, rather than solving the wavefunction. So rather than getting a function, all you'll get is a series of values for it.

I also think this is a rather difficult profile to start with. Did anyone come up with this particular profile for the potential? You at least want something that has a physical significance.


Can't I just solve them explicitly, and find explicit values (since they depend only on constants)? Or do you think it would just be easier to approximate them numerically using Runga-Kutta?

My professor suggested this barrier..I can imagine it's probably pretty difficult to find a simple example like this that has physical significance, since it is only in two dimensions. However, if I can pound this out fairly quickly I could most likely try a more complicated example; for instance a particle in a three dimensional box.
  • #5
This may be a bit too late, but you might want to check the latest issue of American Journal of Physics.

AJP v.76 (2008).

It is an issue devoted to computational physics, and contains several examples of various computational projects at the undergraduate level.


FAQ: Solving arbitrary potential barrier problems

What is an arbitrary potential barrier?

An arbitrary potential barrier is a physical or mathematical construct that represents a barrier or obstacle that a particle or wave may encounter in its motion. It can be in the form of a potential energy barrier or a potential energy well.

What is the significance of solving arbitrary potential barrier problems?

The solution to arbitrary potential barrier problems allows scientists to understand and predict the behavior of particles or waves in various physical systems. This is crucial in fields such as quantum mechanics, solid state physics, and electronics.

What are the methods used to solve arbitrary potential barrier problems?

The most commonly used methods include the Schrödinger equation, the WKB approximation, and the transfer matrix method. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific problem at hand.

What are some examples of arbitrary potential barriers?

Examples of arbitrary potential barriers include the potential energy barrier in a semiconductor device, the potential energy well in a quantum dot, and the potential energy barrier in a particle accelerator. These barriers can have different shapes and dimensions, making the solutions to the problems more complex.

What are some real-world applications of solving arbitrary potential barrier problems?

The solutions to arbitrary potential barrier problems have various applications in modern technology, such as in the design and optimization of electronic devices, the development of quantum computing and communication, and the understanding of the behavior of particles in accelerators. They also have implications in fields such as material science, chemistry, and biology.

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