Solving Cat Behavior Problems: 3 Female Cats Living in the Same House

  • Thread starter david2
  • Start date
In summary: Any cat psychologists out there who know how to solve itthanks in advance.In summary, three female cats live indoors without going outside because they are not sterilized. All of a sudden, Sarah began to be attacked and Tibet too. Sake also began to attack Sarah. Sarah stopped attacking her after Evo became angry, but Sake doesn't listen. The only thing to do is to separate Sake from Tibet. Evo thinks that spaying the cats may help, and also suggests getting them checked out by a veterinarian. Sake is seven years old and has never had any problems before. Sisters tend to fight more readily, so it's possible that this is just a phase for the cats. Evo
  • #1

I have three female cats. Sarah is the mother and Tibet and Sake are the daughters. Everything was fine for years but that suddenly changed a few weeks ago. all three cats don´t go outside because they are not sterilised.They stay in the house.

Sake behavoir has always been a bit ´fearful´ but she just loves Sarah the mother. A few weeks ago she also became very affectionate towards me and sat next to me all the time, which she did not do before.

But she also began to attack Sarah and Tibet. She fortunately stopped attacking the mother but still attacks Tibet vigorously. Sarah also began to attack Tibet. Tibet has always been our sweetheart.

Sarah has stopped attacking her after I became very angry at her. But Sake doesn´t listen. The only thing we can do is to separate Sake from Tibet. Maybe we have to search for a new house for Sake but we would like to solve the problem.

Any cat psychologists out there who know how to solve it

thanks in advance.
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  • #2
david2 said:

I have three female cats. Sarah is the mother and Tibet and Sake are the daughters. Everything was fine for years but that suddenly changed a few weeks ago. all three cats don´t go outside because they are not sterilised.They stay in the house.

Sake behavoir has always been a bit ´fearful´ but she just loves Sarah the mother. A few weeks ago she also became very affectionate towards me and sat next to me all the time, which she did not do before.

But she also began to attack Sarah and Tibet. She fortunately stopped attacking the mother but still attacks Tibet vigorously. Sarah also began to attack Tibet. Tibet has always been our sweetheart.

Sarah has stopped attacking her after I became very angry at her. But Sake doesn´t listen. The only thing we can do is to separate Sake from Tibet. Maybe we have to search for a new house for Sake but we would like to solve the problem.

Any cat psychologists out there who know how to solve it

thanks in advance.
You really should get them spayed, it might help the problem also.
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Likes fresh_42 and UsableThought
  • #3
Maybe we should but it costs a lot of money in the Netherlands.

Me and my gf have a mental disorder which stopped our ambition and ableness to finish our studies at university and acedemy. We live on welfare.

but again maybe we should.

thanks for replying Evo.

  • #4
david2 said:
e and my gf have a mental disorder which stopped our ambition and ableness to finish our studies at university and academy. We live on welfare.
Very sorry to hear that. Maybe there are local animal advocacy groups or charity groups that could help?
  • #5
david2 said:
Maybe we should but it costs a lot of money in the Netherlands.

Me and my gf have a mental disorder which stopped our ambition and ableness to finish our studies at university and acedemy. We live on welfare.

but again maybe we should.

thanks for replying Evo.

I''m very sorry to hear that, are there no animal societies, here we have the ASPCA that will spay for around $29. It is much more expensive at a private vet.
  • #6
I will check it out. Thx for the replies.
  • #7
david2 said:
The only thing we can do is to separate Sake from Tibet.
I vaguely remember hearing: if you're going to keep 2 female cats, it's better if they are from different mothers. Sisters tend to fight more readily.
  • #8
@david2, I agree with @Evo and strongly suggest you get the cats spayed, whether or not this immediate episode subsides. I say this because when a cat is in heat, one sign of this is unusual displays of affection; see link here. Related to that, how old is Sake, the cat who is suddenly attacking?

Also, another possibility is that Sake has something wrong physically that is making her uncomfortable, thus more anxious. Anxiety in cats can manifest in all sorts of neurotic behavior. It could be something as seemingly trivial as an aching tooth.

So if spaying does not ease the situation, I would suggest getting this cat into see a veterinarian, just to make sure she's not suffering from an otherwise undetectable illness or injury. As Evo has mentioned, in the U.S. there are advocacy societies for animals that charge smaller fees; perhaps there are some where you live too. If you can't find such a society, you might also ask vets if they do pro bono work or have a sliding scale fee system.
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Likes Evo
  • #9
UsableThought said:
how old is Sake, the cat who is suddenly attacking?

She is 7 years old or so.Never had problems before.

strangerep said:
Sisters tend to fight more readily.
yeah I heard that before. Strange behavior. but again it went ok for years.

but I will check out what the options are in my town hall. Maybe they know more or even have a sack of money for these kinds of things.I will also call the asylum to see if they have reduced prices.

thanks all for replying , much appreciated,

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  • #10
Sudden aggression toward one cat may have an environmental source. Is the target cat getting into something the others don't? She may smell different to them because of something she ate. Do you have room to segregate her from the other two until things calm down? Can you board her with a friend for a week or so?
  • #11
Noisy Rhysling said:
Is the target cat getting into something the others don't?

not that i know of.

Noisy Rhysling said:
Do you have room to segregate her from the other two until things calm down?

yes we are isolation Sake for the time being. Sometimes she may come out but if she attacks again she is going back, hope this helps.I was really angry towards Sarah while she was fighting. I pushed her down on the floor very hard . and when she fled under a small table , I kicked the table. She now understands she cannot attack Tibet and she stopped doing so for a week or so.
  • #12
:general thoughts: I know it's hard to do, but discipline shouldn't be done when you're angry, and it should be as limited as you can make it. I taught one of my cats not to bite me by smacking her on the head when she tried. After about five times over as many days she stopped doing it. With me. She still tries it with my wife. Robin doesn't want to smack her so blood happens.

It's good the attacks have stopped, is that both cats who have ceased the attacks?

My cat wizard (Humane Society lady) says a cat can be attacked because they startled one or more of the others. She referred to a case where a bird flew into a window and scared cat A. A then wildly reacted and scared B and C. Took a while for things to settle down. She thinks B and C interpreted the actions of A as an attack on them.
  • #13
Noisy Rhysling said:
both cats who have ceased the attacks?

nope Sake is still doing it. She wants Tibet gone.
  • #14
david2 said:
nope Sake is still doing it. She wants Tibet gone.
Have you considered confining her when she attacks Tibet? Non-violent way to disciplining her.
  • #15
Yes that is what we are trying right now
  • #16
david2 said:
Yes that is what we are trying right now
Good. And good luck sorting out the trigger(s). Cats have their own definitions for that sort of thing, however.
  • #17
Low hanging fruit:

(1) Make sure the litter boxes are kept clean daily.

(2) Make sure to have enough litter boxes. Multiple veterinarians have recommended to me that if possible, have one litter box for each cat, plus one extra litter box. That means for your 3 cats you should ideally have 4 litter boxes.​

That might sound like a lot of litter boxes. But reducing the number of litter boxes can mean increased frequency of territorial problems such as you describe. Increasing the number of litter boxes might be the easier solution.

Beyond that, I'll defer to other members' posts about the spaying and such (which is a pretty good idea for a variety of additional reasons not mentioned in this post).
  • #18
We have two litter boxes. But I will follow up your advice.
  • #19
david2 said:
We have two litter boxes. But I will follow up your advice.
We use "nested" litter boxes. #1 is a solid tray, #2 is a screen, #3 is another solid. I removed #1 and dump it into #2, then lift #2 out of #3. Dispose of the stuff that didn't go through the screen and put #2 in the previous #1 and put the new #1 on top. Total time,under a minute. You can wash the old #1 before putting it on the bottom, if needed. Waxed paper helps prevent adhesion.
  • #20
the plot thickens...

Tibet now knows we are on her side and gets cheecky. She even starts threatening the other cats. -sigh-
  • #21
david2 said:
the plot thickens...

Tibet now knows we are on her side and gets cheecky. She even starts threatening the other cats. -sigh-
Have you considered a restraining order?
  • #22
  • #23
david2 said:
That's sort of a joke, but it's also what my friend called the screen door I put in her bedroom door to keep a certain dominating tom out when she was sleeping without making the other cats unhappy. Too much. I put a pet door in it, set for one way. Her "good kitties" would hang out with her at bed time, then exit when they felt like it. Santa Claws was permanently barred and got used to the idea.

Related to Solving Cat Behavior Problems: 3 Female Cats Living in the Same House

1. How do I introduce three female cats living in the same house?

Introducing three female cats can be tricky, but it's important to do it slowly and carefully. Start by keeping the new cat in a separate room with everything she needs, and gradually introduce her to the other cats through a closed door. After a few days, you can start allowing supervised interactions, and gradually increase the time they spend together until they are comfortable with each other.

2. One of my cats is aggressive towards the other two. How can I stop this behavior?

Aggression between cats can be caused by a variety of factors, such as resource guarding or fear. It's important to first rule out any medical issues by taking your cat to the vet. If there are no underlying medical issues, you can try to identify the trigger for the aggression and address it, such as providing more resources or creating a safe space for the aggressor. Consulting with a professional behaviorist may also be helpful in addressing the aggression.

3. My cats are constantly fighting. How can I create a peaceful environment for them?

Cats are territorial animals, so having three cats in the same house can lead to conflicts. It's important to provide each cat with their own resources, such as food, water, and litter boxes, to prevent competition. You can also create vertical space for the cats to climb and retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. Providing interactive toys and engaging in playtime with all three cats together can also help build positive associations and reduce tension between them.

4. One of my cats is not using the litter box. How can I solve this issue?

Cats may stop using their litter box for a variety of reasons, such as medical issues, stress, or dislike of the litter. It's important to first rule out any medical issues by taking your cat to the vet. If there are no underlying medical issues, try providing multiple litter boxes in different locations and using different types of litter to see if your cat has a preference. Keeping the litter box clean and providing a calm and stress-free environment can also encourage proper litter box use.

5. Can I train my cats to get along better?

Cats are not like dogs and cannot be trained in the same way. However, you can use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behavior and discourage negative behavior. This can include rewarding all three cats for calm and peaceful interactions, and redirecting any negative behavior with treats or toys. It's important to be patient and consistent with your training, as it may take time for the cats to learn new behaviors.

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