Solving Chemical Reactions: Helium, Hydrogen & Displacement

In summary: It says: "The five noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. They are all nonmetals because they do not have an electron in their outermost shell. They are also gases because they do not have a stable atomic or molecular structure."In summary, the problem is that carbon dioxide gets separated from products in the equation, and the 1 oxygen atom goes missing. The equation is needed to be balanced because it's missing one oxygen atom. Helium is in the group of noble gases because it doesn't react. Argon is a nonmetal because it doesn't have an electron in its outermost shell.
  • #1
Pls solve my problem quickly as i am junior, i am not expert in solving these:
SiO2 + Na2CO3=Na2SiO3 +CO2
So how do CO2 get separated from products,and where did the 1 oxygen atom go, Is this equation needed to be balanced.

Why is helium placed in the group of noble gases? Do it reacts?
Why is hydrogen a non metal, if it is placed in 1a group?
Do displacement reactions only take place between a metal and a non metal and do it only displaces non metal?
How could be argon a non metal if it is a noble gas?
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  • #2
Your silica-silicate reaction is balanced as written. You showed 5 oxygens on the left side and 5 oxygens on the rightside (recheck and count them.) The carbon dioxide becomes a product because sodium carbonate is a base and the silica may be acidic in relation to it; this is not in aqueous environment. What happens when you dissolve sodium carbonate in water and then add a bunch of acid? Carbon Dioxide bubbles out from it. In your silicate situation, the reaction is not in solution of water.

Look how you 'neutralize' Na2CO3:
[tex] \[
Na_2 CO_3 + 2H^ + \to H_2 CO_3 + 2Na^ +

Depending on temperature and concentration, the carbonic acid in water may not remain dissolved very long:
[tex] \[
H_2 CO_3 \to H_2 O + CO_2 \uparrow

Helium and Argon tend not to react chemically; they are gasses, and their electron structures are responsible for lack of reactivity. If you feel the need to classify as either metal or non-metal, I guess you might say that argon is a nonmetal; but I'm not so certain about that. Unless someone knows these classifications more clearly and can tell use, I would say argon is a "noble gas", and not a nonmetal, and not a metal.
  • #3
looks like you're leaving all your homework on us...ha ha

elements normally react to achieve rare gas configuration, that is, to complete their outermost electron orbitals. helium has already its orbitals doesn't need to react.

metals have certain properties or characteristics inherent to themselves. these include:

high B.P./M.P. (there are some exceptions, like group 1 metals)
electrical conductivity
metallic bonding/lattice
they tend to have similar reactions, such as: metal + acid,...

hydrogen doesn't show metallic characteristics... and hydrogen isn't actually placed in group 1. it lies between group 2 and group 3, just as the transition elements.

you can get displacement reactions between ions in salts:

NaCl + KNO3 -----> NaNO3 + KCl

i can't picture a reaction where a metal displaces a non metal??!

non metals have certain characteristics which are common with that of argon. you should google for these characteristics.
  • #4
I agree with all answers you had given to me but I still has a doubt on the statement symbolipoint said that "Argon is a noble gas not a metal or a non metal". Argon is why not a non metal, It is clearly written in our textbook Argon is a noble gas and a non metal so how is it? Could anybody help me to understand?
  • #5
WHERE is my second message about this? Actually, my last paragraph in my first message on this explains what I best wanted to say about Argon. Your book is probably correct.
  • #6
I did n't get it clearly, "Unless some one ..."Why are you not certain about that?
  • #7
I said this:
If you feel the need to classify as either metal or non-metal, I guess you might say that argon is a nonmetal; but I'm not so certain about that. Unless someone knows these classifications more clearly and can tell use, I would say argon is a "noble gas", and not a nonmetal, and not a metal.
, because I did not recently check about these classifications in a general or elementary chemistry textbook; therefore, you should simply trust what YOUR book tells you. Having so very long ago studied, I would view noble gasses and non-metals as exclusive classifications, but I could be wrong. for now, TRUST YOUR BOOK.

[this is a good time for me to actually find my old general chemistry book and look for this information]
  • #8

FAQ: Solving Chemical Reactions: Helium, Hydrogen & Displacement

1. What is the difference between chemical reactions involving helium and hydrogen?

The main difference between chemical reactions involving helium and hydrogen is the number of electrons in their outermost energy levels. Helium has a full outermost energy level, making it very stable and unreactive. Hydrogen, on the other hand, has only one electron in its outermost energy level, making it highly reactive and likely to participate in chemical reactions.

2. How do displacement reactions work?

In a displacement reaction, one element replaces another element in a compound. This occurs when a more reactive element comes into contact with a less reactive element in a compound. The more reactive element will take the place of the less reactive element, resulting in a new compound and a free element.

3. Can displacement reactions be used to produce hydrogen gas?

Yes, displacement reactions can be used to produce hydrogen gas. This can be done by reacting a metal, such as magnesium, with an acid, such as hydrochloric acid. The magnesium will displace the hydrogen in the acid, producing magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas as products.

4. What role does a catalyst play in chemical reactions?

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. It does this by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. In chemical reactions involving helium, hydrogen, and displacement, a catalyst can increase the rate of the reaction and make it more efficient.

5. Can helium and hydrogen be used as fuels in chemical reactions?

Yes, helium and hydrogen can be used as fuels in chemical reactions. However, they are not commonly used as they are difficult to store and transport. Additionally, hydrogen can be dangerous to handle as it is highly flammable. Other sources of energy, such as fossil fuels or renewable sources, are typically used instead.

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