Solving Complex Integral: Cauchy's Formula

The mistake was in the calculation of the residues, which resulted in an incorrect value for the integral.
  • #1
1. Integrate z2/(z4-1) counterclockwise around x2 + 16y2=42. Cauchy's Integral Forumula3. Solution
I found the points z=1,-1,i,-i where the function is not defined. Using partial fractions to split them up, and integral them separately.

Only points z=1,-1 lies in the contour, so...
[tex]\oint0.25/(z-1) + 0.25/(z+1) + 1/(z^2+1) dz[/tex]
= 0.25(2Pi I + 2Pi I) + 0 = Pi I

Ans is 0. can anyone find my mistake?
1. Integrate sinh2z/z4 counterclockwise around the unit circle.2. Cauchy's Integral Forumula3. Solution

[tex]\oint sinh2z/z^4 = \oint sinh2z/(z-0)^4[/tex]
= 2*PI*i/3! * (sinh2z)'''

Differentiating sinh2z thrice gives 8cosh2z

Hence, integral at z=0 = (8/3)*PI*i

Ans is (8/3)*PI. Again, can anyone spot my mistake.
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  • #2
for the first question:

the residue at z=1 is the limit as z goes to 1 of:

[itex](z-1) \left( 0.25 / (z-1) + 0.25 / (z+1) + 1 / (z^2+1) \right)[/itex]
put that in and you get 0.25 + (-0.25) = 0

i imagine this will also happen at the z=-1 pole

then just use Cauchy's residue theorem that

[itex] \int_\gamma f(z) dz = \displaystyle \sum_i Res(f, c_i)[/itex] where [itex]c_i[/itex] are the poles of [itex]f(z)[/itex] and you'll get the whole thing to integrate to 0+0=0

FAQ: Solving Complex Integral: Cauchy's Formula

1. What is Cauchy's formula and how is it used to solve complex integrals?

Cauchy's formula is a mathematical theorem that relates the value of a complex function at any point within a closed contour to the values of the function on the contour itself. It is used to solve complex integrals by breaking down the integral into simpler components and applying Cauchy's formula to each component.

2. What are the key components of Cauchy's formula?

The key components of Cauchy's formula are the contour on which the complex integral is evaluated, the function being integrated, and the point within the contour at which the value of the integral is desired.

3. Can Cauchy's formula be used to solve any type of complex integral?

Yes, Cauchy's formula can be used to solve any type of complex integral as long as the function being integrated is analytic within the contour and on the contour itself.

4. How is Cauchy's formula related to the Cauchy-Riemann equations?

Cauchy's formula is related to the Cauchy-Riemann equations as it relies on the assumption of analyticity, which is a necessary condition for a function to satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations. It can also be derived from the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

5. Are there any limitations or special cases to be aware of when using Cauchy's formula?

One limitation to be aware of when using Cauchy's formula is that the contour must be a simple closed curve, meaning it cannot intersect itself or have any holes. In addition, if the function being integrated has singularities within the contour, special techniques must be used to handle these points. Also, Cauchy's formula may not be applicable if the contour intersects a branch cut of the function.
