Solving Complex Integrals: Can I Treat i as Any Other Constant?

In summary, the conversation discusses solving an integral of the form \int f(v) e^{iavx} dv and whether i can be treated as a constant. The participants suggest expanding the complex exponent using Euler's formula and integrating it further. They also mention using logarithmic notation and confirm that treating i as a constant is correct. Finally, they provide an example of a solved integral using these methods.
  • #1
How do I solve an integral of the type

[tex]\int f(v) e^{iavx} dv[/tex] ?

Can I just treat i as any other constant?
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not entirely sure I am correct about this but it seems logical to expand the complex exponent and integrate it further from there.
[tex]e^{i \phi} = \cos (\phi) + i \sin (\phi)[/tex]

At a guess I would say yes, [tex]i[/tex] is a constant... Just a logical guess though...
  • #3
[tex]\int f(v) e^{iavx} dv = \int f(v) \left( \cos{avx} + i \sin{avx} \right) dv =[/tex]
[tex]= \int f(v) \cos{avx} dv + i \int f(v) \sin{avx} dv[/tex]

  • #4
Yes, you can treat [itex]i[/itex] as a constant.

Or you can use Euler's formula and write it as the sum of cos and sin, yes.
  • #5
Using Euler's formula doesn't get rid of the [tex]i[/tex] ofcourse...

Logarythmic, looks fine by me as long as you put [tex]avx[/tex] in brackets ;)
  • #6
Got it, so
[tex]w(x) = \int_{-u_0}^{u_0} i2 \pi v e^{i2 \pi vx} dv = \frac{1}{\pi x^2} \left[ 2 \pi u_0 x \cos{(2 \pi u_0 x)} - \sin{(2 \pi u_0 x)} \right][/tex]
  • #7
I got the same, so I guess it's correct.

FAQ: Solving Complex Integrals: Can I Treat i as Any Other Constant?

1. Can I treat i as any other constant in complex integrals?

Yes, in most cases, i can be treated as any other constant in complex integrals. However, there are certain situations where it may need to be handled differently.

2. How do I know when to treat i differently in complex integrals?

If the integral involves functions with a complex variable, then i may need to be handled differently. It is always best to check the specific instructions or guidelines for the integral in question.

3. What are some common mistakes when solving complex integrals?

Some common mistakes when solving complex integrals include forgetting to distribute i to every term, forgetting to change the limits of integration when converting to polar coordinates, and forgetting to use the conjugate when simplifying the integral.

4. Can I use the same techniques for solving real integrals on complex integrals?

Yes, many of the techniques used for solving real integrals can also be applied to complex integrals. However, there are certain additional considerations to keep in mind when dealing with complex numbers.

5. Are there any specific strategies or tips for solving complex integrals?

Some strategies for solving complex integrals include using substitution, splitting the integral into real and imaginary parts, using polar coordinates, and using the Cauchy-Riemann equations. It is also important to carefully check your work and make sure all i terms are correctly distributed and handled.
