Solving Complex ODEs: Tips and Resources

In summary, the solution to the ODE can be found using the real or complex parts of the complex coefficient. However, the presence of 'i' must not impact the solution other than making it a complex equation.
  • #1

I have never had to handle ODEs where the coefficients are complex. Just wondering if solving this is even possible and whether you can point me to any sources/books.

Say I had the ODE

(df/dx) + a.f^2 + (b+i)f + c = 0

where f(x) is a function of x, a, b and c are constants, and i =sqrt(-1). Clearly if 'i' didnt feature then I could solve this quite easily and depending on the values of a, b and c this might be a logarithm or trig function. But in the presence of 'i' how do I solve this? How do I determine if I need to use the trig substitution or whether it is a logarithmic solution. Is it enough to just consider the real part of the complex coefficient and proceed in this way?

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  • #2
Just replace b with (b + i). Is not the general solution to this just:
[tex]f(x) = \ldots + \tan \left( \left[ \frac{\sqrt{-b^2 + 4ac}}{2} \left( -x + \mathcal{K} \right) \right] / 2a \right)[/tex]
Where [itex]\mathcal{K}[/itex] is some constant and the [itex]\ldots[/itex] are just some function of a, b and c.
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  • #3
I get:

f(x)=\left(\frac{-b}{2a}\right)+\frac{\sqrt{4ac-b^2}}{2a}\text{Tan}\left(\frac{k-x}{2}\sqrt{4ac-b^2}}\right);\quad b\in \mathbb{C}

Note that this is the solution independently if the constants are Real or Complex. Since this is a non-linear equation, the Real or Complex part of a complex-valued solution do not independently satisfy the ODE: you need all of it. Sometimes you can get it into a nice form however like:

  • #4
saltydog said:
I get:
f(x)=\left(\frac{-b}{2a}\right)+\frac{\sqrt{4ac-b^2}}{2a}\text{Tan}\left(\frac{k-x}{2}\sqrt{4ac-b^2}}\right);\quad b\in \mathbb{C}
Note that this is the solution independently if the constants are Real or Complex. Since this is a non-linear equation, the Real or Complex part of a complex-valued solution do not independently satisfy the ODE: you need all of it. Sometimes you can get it into a nice form however like:
Yeah, my mistake for inside the Tan function, but I didn't write the whole thing on purpose, nevermind.
  • #5
Thanks for the replies. But I am still unsure as to why the solution is a tangent rather than a logarithm. We can rewrite the quadratic term in the ode as the difference of two squares, say:

1/a . df / (F^2 + D^2) = dx

If D is positive then I agree that the solution uses a tan substitution. If D is negative then we arrive at a alogarithmic solution. But we have D complex so I was stuck!

Are you saying that all I need to do is to replace (b+i) with the real part (in this case b) and then proceed as if the 'i' didnt exist (so that the solution is tan or ln depending on the sign of b)?

  • #6
sam2 said:
Thanks for the replies. But I am still unsure as to why the solution is a tangent rather than a logarithm. We can rewrite the quadratic term in the ode as the difference of two squares, say:
1/a . df / (F^2 + D^2) = dx
If D is positive then I agree that the solution uses a tan substitution. If D is negative then we arrive at a alogarithmic solution. But we have D complex so I was stuck!
Are you saying that all I need to do is to replace (b+i) with the real part (in this case b) and then proceed as if the 'i' didnt exist (so that the solution is tan or ln depending on the sign of b)?


Thanks Sam for pointing that out. I didn't see that. Anyway, don't ignore the i for sure: the integral is a "conditional one" depending on the values of the constants. However, the solution(s) take the same form whether the constants are Real or Complex: In the former case, the solution is a real-valued function; the latter, a complex-valued function.
  • #7
So do I just solve the ODE on the basis of the sign of the real part of the complax coefficient? I.e. I still don't know whether to use a tan or ln solution to the above. My b is indeed positive but I was worried about using a tan substitution because of the 'i'. So you are effectively saying that the presence of 'i' should not impact the solution of the ODE other than make it complex, i.e. if b is positive use a tan, if it is negative, use a log, except now we are taking the log or tan of a complex rather than a real?


FAQ: Solving Complex ODEs: Tips and Resources

1. What are some common tips for solving complex ODEs?

Some common tips for solving complex ODEs include: breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, using appropriate initial conditions, checking for symmetries or simplifying assumptions, and using known solution techniques such as separation of variables or substitution.

2. How can I improve my understanding of complex ODEs?

To improve your understanding of complex ODEs, it is important to have a strong foundation in calculus and differential equations, to practice solving various types of ODEs, and to seek out additional resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, or lectures from experts in the field.

3. What are some common challenges when solving complex ODEs?

Some common challenges when solving complex ODEs include: identifying the appropriate solution technique, dealing with non-linear or coupled equations, ensuring accuracy and stability in numerical solutions, and interpreting the physical meaning of the solution.

4. Are there any software or tools that can assist with solving complex ODEs?

Yes, there are various software and tools that can assist with solving complex ODEs. Some popular options include MATLAB, Mathematica, and Python libraries such as SciPy and SymPy. These tools often have built-in functions for solving ODEs and can provide visualizations of the solution.

5. What are some recommended resources for learning more about solving complex ODEs?

Some recommended resources for learning more about solving complex ODEs include textbooks such as "Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes" by Simmons, online courses such as "Ordinary Differential Equations" on Coursera, and academic journals such as "Journal of Differential Equations."

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