Solving Cosmology Problem: Helium Ionization at Recombination

  • Thread starter Dracovich
  • Start date
In summary: I've tried to do the derivation with He and it came out the same, so maybe there's something wrong with my calculations or maybe i'm doing something wrong. I'm stuck at this point.
  • #1
Cosmology problem

Ok I've been trying to work on this assignment and it's driving me crazy agh, I'm pretty sure i should be able to do this with my hands and not need the use of maple or anything, although i do think the others used maple in the end and got a result of something like 7000K, but ok here's the question from the book:

"Imagine that at the time of recombination, the baryonic portion of the unvierse consisted entirely of [tex]^4 He[/tex] (that is, helium with two protons and two neutrons in its nucleus). The ionization energy of helium (that is the energy required to convert neutral [tex]He[/tex] to [tex]He^+[/tex] is [tex]Q_{He}=24,6eV[/tex]. At what temperature would the fractional ionization of helium be [tex]X=1/2[/tex]? Assume that [tex]\eta=5.5 \cdot 10^{-10}[/tex] and that the number density of [tex]He^{++}[/tex] is negligably small. [The relevatn statistical weight factor for the ionization of helium is [tex]g_{He}/(g_{e}g_{He^+}=1/4[/tex]]."

Ok so here's what I've been doing so far:

The book already did the calculations on this assuming a Hydrogen only universe, so i redid the derivation with He and simply came to the same equation times 1/4, so the equation I'm assuming i should be working with is:

[tex]\frac{1-X}{X^2}=\frac{1}{4}3.84\eta \big( \frac{kT}{m_{e} c^2} \big)^{3/2} exp{\frac{Q}{kT}}[/tex]

Where k is boltzmans constant. Then putting X=1/2, and putting it all to the power of 2/3 and throwing the constants on the left side i get:

[tex]\big( \frac{2}{0.96\eta} \big)^(2/3) = \frac{kT}{m_{e}c^2} exp{\frac{2Q}{3kT}}[/tex]

And this is where i run into problems, i can't seem to isolate T properly. I at least can't do it without the help of maple or such as far as i can see, at least not in its unchanged form. So i tried to do some taylor expansions to see if i could solve it, but I've had no luck, i get a result but it's usually quite ludicrous numbers, first i tried expanding [tex]exp{\frac{2Q}{3kT}}[/tex] just to the second expansion, but I'm guessing the number becomes too big since it's divided by k, so then i tried to take the natural logarithm on both sides, and then trying to do a taylor expansion on [tex]ln(kT)[/tex] around the point kT=1 since that should be a relatively small number. I got a better result from that, i'll show my calculations so you can see if i go wrong somewhere:

ln on both sides
[tex]ln( \big( \frac{2}{0.96\eta} \big)^{2/3} )= ln( \frac{kT}{m_{e}c^2} exp{\frac{2Q}{3kT}})[/tex]

Using a few logarithm rulse
[tex]\frac{2}{3} ln(\frac{2}{0.96\eta})= ln(kT)-ln(m_{e}c^2) +\frac{2Q}{3kT}[/tex]

Putting in ln(x)=x-1 for a taylor expansion
[tex]\frac{2}{3} ln(\frac{2}{0.96\eta})= (kT-1)-ln(m_{e}c^2) +\frac{2Q}{3kT}[/tex]

isolating the T's (and collecting the two ln's on the left side into one).
[tex]\frac{2}{3} ln(\frac{2m_{e}c^2}{0.96\eta})+1= kT+\frac{2Q}{3kT}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{2}{3} ln(\frac{2m_{e}c^2}{0.96\eta})+1= \frac{3kT^2+2Q}{3kT}[/tex]

Define my constants:

[tex]\frac{2}{3} ln(\frac{2m_{e}c^2}{0.96\eta})+1=24,46=K_1[/tex]

So i have:

[tex]K_1=\frac{3x^2+K_2}{x} -> 0=3x^2 - x \cdot K_1 + K_2 [/tex]

And solving for x:

[tex]x=\frac{K_1 \pm \sqrt{K_1^2 - 4K_2}}{2 \cdot 3} = \frac{24,5 \pm \sqrt{598,6 - 198,4}}{6} =\frac{24,5 \pm 20}{6} [/tex]

From this i get two solutions [tex]x_{1}=0.75[/tex] and [tex]x_{2}=7,4[/tex]. Now the first one gives a somewhat good answer, around 8700K, which is decent but it still seems to be quite a big % off from what people got solving it with the computer, the other one is ridiculously high, but I'm not sure i would argue that i use the other one, other then intuitively i wouldn't expect it to be correct. Also in this all i did take the logarithm of a number with units (i used [tex]m_{e}c^2 = 511000ev[/tex]), so I'm not sure how i could get around taht either. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
I actually didn't think this assignment was too bad, until i got around to having to solve
\math{\frac{1-X}{X^2}=\frac{3.84 \eta}{4} \left(\frac{k T}{m_e c^2}\right)^{3/2} \exp{\left(\frac{Q}{k T}\right)}}
which not even Maple liked to solve, i told me [tex]\math{1.440994055 \times 10^{16]}[/tex] which is opviously wrong, so i rearanged the equation a bit to give me
[tex]\left(\frac{2}{3}\right) \ln\left(\frac{\left(\frac{1-X}{X^2}\right)}{\frac{3.84}{4} \eta)}\right)=\ln\left(\frac{k T}{m_e c^2}\right)+\left(\frac{2}{3}\right) \left(\frac{Q}{k T}\right)[/tex]
Which Maple tells me gives [tex]1.440994053 \times 10^{16} K,\ 6702.288018 K[/tex] where i assume it is the second answer we are looking for.
ok, so we've gotten to a good answer, but i would much rather know how to get to that answer than just using Maple to find it. Can anyone help us, please?
  • #3
Caught quite a few calculations errors and got it now :) First off i was putting 2/3 in front of the ln and then joining the two, and i put my second degree equation up a little nicer, and got damn close this time. Ended up with this equation now:


And the final equation:

[tex]K_1=x+\frac{K_2}{x} => 0=x^2-K_1x+K_2[/tex]

And then two x's one crazy high and one was 0,58 which gives 6730K.

So now i got the right result, but i still took the logarithm of a number with units attatched to it (the rest energy of an electron), so I'm not quite sure how i can argue that :/

FAQ: Solving Cosmology Problem: Helium Ionization at Recombination

1. What is the significance of helium ionization at recombination?

The process of helium ionization at recombination is significant because it marks the point at which the universe became transparent. Before this, the high energy photons created by the hot, dense conditions of the early universe were constantly interacting with the free electrons and ions, making the universe opaque. Once helium ionization occurred, the photons were able to travel freely, allowing the universe to become transparent and allowing us to observe the cosmic microwave background radiation.

2. How is the ionization of helium related to the recombination of hydrogen?

The ionization of helium and the recombination of hydrogen are closely linked processes. During recombination, the free electrons combine with protons to form neutral hydrogen atoms. As this occurs, some of the photons previously absorbed by free electrons are now able to travel freely, resulting in a decrease in the number of free electrons and an increase in the number of neutral atoms. This decrease in free electrons also leads to a decrease in the ionization of helium.

3. What factors affect the timing of helium ionization at recombination?

The timing of helium ionization at recombination is affected by several factors, including the density and temperature of the universe, the abundance of helium and other elements, and the rate of expansion of the universe. These factors can alter the energy and interaction rates of particles, which in turn can affect the timing of helium ionization.

4. How do scientists study the process of helium ionization at recombination?

Scientists study the process of helium ionization at recombination through various methods, including theoretical modeling and observational data. Theoretical models use equations and simulations to predict the behavior of particles and the evolution of the universe. Observational data, such as measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, can provide evidence for the occurrence and timing of helium ionization at recombination.

5. What implications does understanding helium ionization at recombination have for cosmology?

Understanding helium ionization at recombination is crucial for cosmology as it provides insights into the early universe and helps to refine our understanding of the processes that shaped it. It can also provide constraints for cosmological models and help to determine the fundamental parameters of the universe, such as its density and expansion rate. Additionally, studying helium ionization at recombination can also provide insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies and other cosmic structures.
