Solving Dynamical Systems with Polar Coordinates

  • Thread starter Juggler123
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding an easy-to-use formula for finding the angular component, \dot{\theta}, using the formula \dot{r} = x\dot{x} + y\dot{y} in polar coordinates. Various attempts at deriving the formula are discussed, including using geometric differentiation and projecting vectors onto perpendicular vectors. The final formula is determined to be \dot{\theta} = (xy' - yx')/r^2.
  • #1
I've been solving some dynamical systems and have had to convert some of the ode's to polar co-ordinates, I've been using the formula

[tex]r\dot{r} =x\dot{x} y\dot{y}[/tex]

to easily solve for [tex]\dot{r}[/tex]

I'm just wondering if there's an easy to use formula to find [tex]\dot{\theta}[/tex]

I've been trying to formulate one but with no real luck!

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Hi Juggler123! :smile:

(you missed out a + :wink:)

tanθ = y/x, so … sec2θ dθ = … ? :smile:
  • #3
Ooops yeah missed that +!

I've worked on from tanθ = y/x but can't end up a nice formula for theta dot. Just wondering if one exists!?
  • #4
Show us how far you've got. :smile:
  • #5
tex function dosen't seem to be working for me which is annoying...


which I think gives

theta-dot*r^2=x^2*[y-dot*x^(-1) - y*x-dot^(-2)]

not particularly nice though..
  • #6
Looks ok to me …

r2θ' = xy' - yx' :wink:
  • #7
  • #8
There are about 4 pages of this stuff in my english notebook... (my physics notebook was full)

This is what I got:

θ' = (xy' - yx')/r
r' = (xx' + yy')/r

of course its possible that I made a mistake. most of my work from then on dealt with trying to derive formulas for θ'' and r''.

I got r'' = (x''x + y''y + (θ')² )/r

oh, and I did all this because I was trying to figure out like Newton's Laws and trying to get a differential equation that would end up with like r = r0/( 1 + e cos θ ) to validate kepler's 1st law, and also get a parametric equation for r and θ in terms of time, but I wasn't able to since I haven't taken math that high in school yet, and an upperclassman told me that there was a better way, so geometric differentiation I guess, because I know that Newton did a lot of that.
  • #9
Welcome to PF!

HI DarthPickley! Welcome to PF! :smile:
DarthPickley said:
θ' = (xy' - yx')/r

No, that can't be right, the dimensional analysis is wrong …

the LHS is T-1, but the top line of the RHS is L2T-1, and the bottom line is only L

(similarly your r'' must be wrong …

the best way of getting r'' would be to differentiate r2 = x2 + y2 twice :wink:)
  • #10
I thought I had probably made a mistake.

but anyways I just learned about Feynman's lost lecture so I have another way of understanding the Kepler stuff, but anyways,
I think that here, for my derivations, I will redo things:

having a vector v such that |v| = r, and then you have v + dv, with |v+dv| = r+dr. to get what dr is, you have to project dv onto v, so you have dv ∙ v / |v| = (x*dx + y*dy)/r. to find dr / dt, you get (x*dx/dt + y*dy/dt)/r = ( x*x' + y*y' ) / r.
to get r * sin dθ [##], which is the angular component of dv, you have to find the part of dv that is perpendicular to v. since the vector perpendicular to v would be < -y , x >, you can project dv onto this vector to get r * sin dθ. so
r * sin dθ = dv ∙ <-y,x> / r = ( -y*dx + x*dy ) / r.
sin dθ = (x*dy - y*dx) / r²
also, for very small dθ, sin dθ --> dθ. (they are about equal)
so, dθ/dt = (x*dy - y*dx )/r² / dt = (x*dy/dt - y*dx/dt)/r² = ( x*y' - y*x' ) / r²

Thus, the REAL final answer is θ' = (xy'-yx')/r²

[##] -- this is where I messed up before (probably). I think I said something silly like that θ is the same as the tangential component. Thanks for pointing this out, I puzzled over it awhile before realizing.

also, this is just the same thing that tiny-tim gave.
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FAQ: Solving Dynamical Systems with Polar Coordinates

1. What are polar coordinates and how are they used to solve dynamical systems?

Polar coordinates are a way of representing points in a two-dimensional space using a distance from the origin and an angle. In solving dynamical systems, polar coordinates are used to describe the motion of objects that are moving in a circular or curved path. They provide a more intuitive way of understanding the motion and can simplify the equations used to solve the system.

2. How do you convert between Cartesian and polar coordinates?

To convert from Cartesian coordinates (x,y) to polar coordinates (r,θ), you can use the following equations:r = √(x² + y²)θ = tan⁻¹(y/x)Conversely, to convert from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, you can use the equations:x = r cos(θ)y = r sin(θ)These conversions are important in solving dynamical systems as they allow us to switch between different coordinate systems and choose the most appropriate one for the problem at hand.

3. What are the advantages of using polar coordinates in solving dynamical systems?

There are several advantages to using polar coordinates in solving dynamical systems. First, in many situations, the motion of an object is more naturally described using polar coordinates, especially if the motion is circular or follows a curved path. Second, polar coordinates can simplify the equations used to solve the system, making it easier to understand and analyze the behavior of the system. Finally, polar coordinates can also be useful in visualizing the motion of the system, as the angle θ can be interpreted as the direction of motion and the distance r as the magnitude of the motion.

4. Can polar coordinates be used to solve any type of dynamical system?

Yes, polar coordinates can be used to solve any type of dynamical system, as long as the motion of the system can be described using circular or curved paths. This includes systems such as planetary orbits, pendulum motion, and rotational motion.

5. Are there any limitations to using polar coordinates in solving dynamical systems?

While polar coordinates can be a useful tool in solving dynamical systems, they may not always be the most appropriate choice. In some cases, the motion of the system may be better described using Cartesian coordinates, especially if the motion is primarily in a linear direction. Additionally, converting between Cartesian and polar coordinates can sometimes be complicated and may involve more complex equations, which can make the overall solution process more difficult.

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