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But we weren't talking about a Deutsch-Politzer spacetime where only two finite spacelike strips cause one to go back in time (as seen in http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time-machine/figure2.html ), rather about a spacetime where you have two infinite (and unavoidable; all timelike worldlines cross them) spacelike surfaces that are identified with one another, as if the time axis were the circumferential axis of an infinite cylinder.Altabeh said:Topology is irrelevant that allows you to have Deutsch-Politzer spacetime in GR with CTCs.
Mentz114 said the choice of coordinates was just the first thing that came to mind--I think it would be much easier just to use a standard inertial frame where the metric is [tex]ds^2 = dt^2 - dx^2 - dy^2 - dz^2[/tex], and then add the condition that the time coordinate can lie in the range T0 ≤ t < T1. Presumably it would be possible to find the coordinate transformation between this system and the coordinate system suggested by Mentz114, both should just be different coordinate systems on the same spacetime.Altabeh said:The fact is that here the choice of coordinates is messy!
What's your reasoning that an object which started out at rest would ever have ds2 = 0? I haven't looked at Mentz114's coordinate system in detail, but even if this is true it would presumably just be an odd feature of the coordinate system that some lightlike worldline could have a coordinate velocity of 0 at some point, you should be able to transform into an inertial frame where light always moves at c. Assuming that's the case, there'd be nothing physically unusual going on here.You better read carefully! You're at rest and suddenly you're accelerated to the speed of light said:ds^2=0[/tex] hold. I guess there is no misunderstanding on my side in this case!
Huh? I never said anything about time resetting "after you walk around the cylinder-like spacetime", and that isn't true in a Deutsch-Politzer spacetime either. I was contrasting the "groundhog day spacetime", where space is infinite but time is finite, with a different flat spacetime where time is infinite (so there is never any time reset) but space is finite like a cylinder (so you can 'walk around' it and return to the same point in space, but at a different time).Altabeh said:Oh wait a sec! This is a very poor definition of the Deutsch-Politzer spacetime where time resets after you walk around the cylinder-like spacetime.
Again, that would seem to have nothing to do with any real feature of the spacetime itself, just a coordinate system on that spacetime. Similarly in Rindler coordinates one would have to move at the speed of light to stay at rest at position x=0, but this is just because of a coordinate singularity at that point, it has nothing to do with the underlying spacetime geometry which is just ordinary Minkowski spacetime.Altabeh said:The problem is that staying at rest (i.e. spatial coordinates do not change) in this spacetime is equivalent to starting to move at the speed of light whenever the observer's clock ticks any multiple of pi seconds!
This paper only deals with singularities in the Deutsch-Politzer spacetime where there is a finite region of spacetime where CTCs are possible, I don't think the conclusions would apply to a groundhog day spacetime where two infinite spacelike surfaces are identified and there are no worldlines which avoid them.Altabeh said:See, for example, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9803020v1
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