Solving Electrical Circuits: V1 & V2 Equations

In summary, the conversation involves discussing the calculation of z-parameters for a 2-port network. The person asking the question is trying to confirm their work, but the responder advises them to use the definitions of z-parameters rather than guessing based on examples.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

3. The Attempt at a Solution

Z11 8 + 6
Z12 6
Z21 6
Z22 6

V1 = Z11 I1 + Z12 I2
V2 = Z21 I1 + Z22 I2
Physics news on
  • #2
Was there a question to go with this?

We won't just confirm raw answers; you need to how your work.
  • #3
I just follow course notes. The question is exactly as above.
  • #4
The example above is slightly different than taught ones hence the question.
  • #5
zad 2.jpg

This is what I came across and that is where my attempt comes from. cheers. Am I on the right track?
  • #6
Once again, we don't confirm guesses.

Rather than trying to extrapolate a guess from a given example I'd suggest using the definitions of the individual z-parameters. Your text or course notes should define them in terms of port currents and voltages. Barring that, Wikipedia does a reasonable job showing their definitions. With them you can find the parameters for a 2-port network and be confident in the results.

You probably won't have handy examples to work from on an exam ;)

FAQ: Solving Electrical Circuits: V1 & V2 Equations

What are the V1 & V2 equations for solving electrical circuits?

The V1 & V2 equations are used to calculate the voltage and current in a circuit. V1 refers to the voltage at a specific point in the circuit, while V2 refers to the voltage at another point in the circuit. These equations are essential for analyzing and understanding how electricity flows through a circuit.

How do I use the V1 & V2 equations to solve a circuit?

To use the V1 & V2 equations, you will need to know the values of the resistors and voltage sources in the circuit. You can then use these values to plug into the equations and solve for the voltage and current at specific points in the circuit. It is also helpful to draw a diagram of the circuit to better visualize the flow of electricity.

What are the units for V1 & V2 in the equations?

The units for V1 & V2 are volts (V). This is because voltage is a measure of the potential energy difference between two points in a circuit. It is represented by the symbol V and is measured in volts.

Can the V1 & V2 equations be used for both DC and AC circuits?

Yes, the V1 & V2 equations can be used for both DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) circuits. However, for AC circuits, the equations may need to be modified to account for the changing voltage and current over time.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the V1 & V2 equations?

One common mistake is not labeling the voltage and current correctly in the equations. It is important to pay attention to the direction of the current and the polarity of the voltage to ensure the correct values are used in the equations. Another mistake is not accounting for the units correctly, as this can lead to incorrect calculations. It is also important to double-check your math and make sure all values are entered correctly into the equations.

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