Solving Euler-Bernoulli Beam Equation: Second Area of Moment

In summary, the second area of moment is a numerical value that signifies the bending of a beam. Can you be more specific? What is the second area of moment? Is it like the second moment of area? Please provide details of your calculation.
  • #1
mike amory
Using the Euter-Bernoulli beam equation , solving for the SECOND AREA OF MOMENT, my answer is a numerical value. In laymans terms what does this number signify in relation to the bending of a beam?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Can you be more specific? What is the second area of moment? Is it like the second moment of area? Please provide details of your calculation.
  • #3
[itex] Iy = bh^3 + Ad^2 [itex]

Iy = second moment of area
b = horizontal width of section
h = height of section
A = area of section
d = vertical distance of the section from nuetral axis

b = 17
h = 6.6
A = 97.8
d = 2.6
  • #4
Sorry, the correct equation is:

[itex]Iy=Ad^2 + bh^3/12[/itex]
  • #5
The quantity EI is known as the flexural rigidity of a beam. E is the Young's modulus of the material used to construct the beam, and it also represents the ratio of stress to strain for the material, such that

stress = E * strain

The second moment of area I (also known as the moment of inertia) is a geometric property of the cross-section of the beam. In practical terms, the greater the value of I, the stiffer the beam, and for a given beam loading, a higher value of I results in a lower value of deflection.
  • #6
Also, if you tell me the loading, what the material is (E), and what the moment of inertia (I) are, I can tell you how much the member will rotate and deflect. E and I are critical to making the jump from forces to some form of deformation. Euler-Bernoulli is actually a simplification that ignores a lot of important factors that really don't matter when you have high span length/member depth ratios (99% of normal beams in reality).

Moment of inertia is a quantity that requires a reference point. Take your plate for example. The bh^3/12 term is actually the moment of inertia of the section with respect to its centroid (the centroid is the "center" in an average sense, but it can get complicated). Ad^2 is a correction term, if you want the moment of inertia with respect to something besides the centroid.

We both assumed you were referring to the structural engineering definition since you mentioned Euler-Bernoulli. Moment of inertia is also the constant relating moment on a body and its angular acceleration. In the dynamic sense, mass is for linear motion what moment of inertia is for rotational motion.
  • #7
what I am trying to find is the longitudinal strength of a wooden boat hull , using an athwartship section taken amidship , and treating the whole as a box beam .
  • #8
This type of calculation is a little tricky for a naval architect, especially for a wooden boat. Generally, one only includes the material which extends continuously over about the middle 40% of the length of the boat (i.e., 20% forward and 20% aft of the midships location).

Also, if the boat has a lot of shape fore and aft of amidships, your moment of inertia value will be accurate only for a small portion of the length of the vessel.

FAQ: Solving Euler-Bernoulli Beam Equation: Second Area of Moment

1. What is the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation?

The Euler-Bernoulli beam equation is a mathematical equation used to model the behavior of beams under various loads. It takes into account the material properties of the beam, its cross-sectional area, and the applied loads to determine the deflection of the beam at different points along its length.

2. What is the second area of moment in the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation?

The second area of moment, also known as the moment of inertia, is a measure of how resistant a beam is to bending. It is a property of the cross-sectional shape of the beam and is used in the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation to calculate the beam's deflection.

3. How is the second area of moment calculated for different beam shapes?

The second area of moment is calculated differently for different beam shapes. For rectangular beams, it is equal to 1/12 times the beam's width multiplied by the cube of its height. For circular beams, it is equal to π/64 times the fourth power of the beam's diameter. For other beam shapes, the second area of moment can be calculated using mathematical formulas specific to that shape.

4. Can the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation be used for all types of beams?

No, the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation is only applicable to beams that are relatively thin and long, and are subjected to loads that are perpendicular to their length. This type of beam is known as a "Euler-Bernoulli beam" or a "Bernoulli-Euler beam". Beams that do not meet these criteria require different equations to accurately model their behavior.

5. How is the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation solved?

The Euler-Bernoulli beam equation is a second-order differential equation, meaning it involves the second derivative of the beam's deflection. It can be solved using various mathematical techniques, such as integration, substitution, or solving for the roots of a characteristic equation. Advanced techniques, such as the use of Fourier series, may also be necessary for more complex beam shapes or loading conditions.
