Solving Exercise: Proving Continuity of a Function at 1

In summary: No problem, we have not yet agreed what we mean by fixed set of rules. By the way, an excellemt post.
  • #1
Hello everyone!

I'm having some trouble to solve the following exercise:

Supposing that \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)|≤ (x - 1)^2\) for every \(\displaystyle x \).
Show that \(\displaystyle f\) is continuous at \(\displaystyle 1\)

(Sorry if the text seems a bit weird, but it's because I'm still getting used to translate all these math-related terms to english.)

I know that if f is continuous at 1, the following will be truth:
0<|x-1|< \delta\) \(\displaystyle ⇒\) \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)| < \epsilon\)

I thought of choosing \(\displaystyle \delta = \epsilon/2(x-1)^2\), then I would find that \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)| < \epsilon/2 < \epsilon\)

But, as far as I know, choosing a \(\displaystyle \delta\) that depends on \(\displaystyle x\) is wrong.
I really don't know what to do.

Thank you,

Physics news on
  • #2
Bueno said:
Hello everyone!

I'm having some trouble to solve the following exercise:

Supposing that \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)|≤ (x - 1)^2\) for every \(\displaystyle x \).
Show that \(\displaystyle f\) is continuous at \(\displaystyle 1\)

(Sorry if the text seems a bit weird, but it's because I'm still getting used to translate all these math-related terms to english.)

I know that if f is continuous at 1, the following will be truth:
0<|x-1|< \delta\) \(\displaystyle ⇒\) \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)| < \epsilon\)

I thought of choosing \(\displaystyle \delta = \epsilon/2(x-1)^2\), then I would find that \(\displaystyle |f(x) - f(1)| < \epsilon/2 < \epsilon\)

But, as far as I know, choosing a \(\displaystyle \delta\) that depends on \(\displaystyle x\) is wrong.
I really don't know what to do.

Thank you,


On the basis of your hypothesis is... $\displaystyle |\frac{f(x)-f(1)}{x-1}| \le |x-1| \implies \lim_{x \rightarrow 1} \frac{f(x)-f(1)}{x-1} = 0$ (1)... so that the derivative $\displaystyle f^{\ '}(x)$ in x=1 exists and is $\displaystyle f^{\ '} (1)=0$. That means that in x=1 f(x) must be continous... Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #3
The main problem is I can't use derivative techniques to solve this problem. The professor only talked about limits and their properties in class, and he'd like we figure out how to prove this only using these tools.

Thank you,

  • #4
Bueno said:
The main problem is I can't use derivative techniques to solve this problem. The professor only talked about limits and their properties in class, and he'd like we figure out how to prove this only using these tools.

Thank you,


In that case choose $\delta=\sqrt{\epsilon}$: $$|x-1|<\delta\Rightarrow |x-1|^2<\epsilon\Rightarrow \left|f(x)-f(1)\right|<\epsilon$$
  • #5
Fernando Revilla said:
In that case choose $\delta=\sqrt{\epsilon}$: $$|x-1|<\delta\Rightarrow |x-1|^2<\epsilon\Rightarrow \left|f(x)-f(1)\right|<\epsilon$$

That seems to work, thank you!

But I have to say I'm a bit confused by this kind of proof.
Choosing an appropriate value for delta seems to do the work, but is there any kind of manipulation or technique I can do to make the value I have do choose become more clear?

Thank you,

  • #6
Bueno said:
but is there any kind of manipulation or technique I can do to make the value I have do choose become more clear?

Unfortunately, there is no fixed set of rules for this kind of problems.
  • #7
Fernando Revilla said:
Unfortunately, there is no fixed set of rules for this kind of problems.

Well, there might be, actually. Check out. I realize it's about proving limits, not continuity. But really, the definitions are so similar that instead of $L$ you could just say $f(1)$ (in your case), and you can change the appropriate inequalities not to be strict, and I think you'd have the same logical structure.
  • #8
Ackbach said:
Well, there might be, actually. Check out.

No problem, we have not yet agreed what we mean by fixed set of rules. By the way, an excellemt post.

FAQ: Solving Exercise: Proving Continuity of a Function at 1

What does it mean for a function to be continuous at a specific point?

A function is said to be continuous at a specific point if the limit of the function as x approaches that point exists and is equal to the value of the function at that point. In simpler terms, this means that there are no abrupt changes or breaks in the graph of the function at that point.

How do you prove that a function is continuous at a specific point?

To prove continuity at a specific point, you must show that the limit of the function at that point exists and is equal to the value of the function at that point. This can be done by using the definition of continuity, which involves finding the limit of the function as x approaches the given point and comparing it to the value of the function at that point.

Can a function be continuous at a point but not on an interval?

Yes, a function can be continuous at a specific point but not on an interval. This is because continuity at a point only requires the function to have a limit and value at that point, while continuity on an interval requires the function to be continuous at every point within the interval.

Is it possible for a function to be continuous at every point on an interval?

Yes, a function can be continuous at every point on an interval. This means that the function has no abrupt changes or breaks throughout the entire interval and that the limit of the function exists and is equal to the value of the function at every point within the interval.

Are there different types of continuity for functions?

Yes, there are three types of continuity for functions: continuous at a point, continuous on an interval, and uniformly continuous. Continuous at a point and continuous on an interval have been discussed previously, while uniform continuity is a stronger form of continuity that requires the function to have a consistent rate of change throughout an interval, rather than just being continuous at every point within the interval.
