Solving Feymann Diagram with B+, Do+, u+, Vu

  • Thread starter venomxx
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In summary, the B+ meson can decay into a D+ meson through the exchange of a W+ boson. The D+ meson can then decay into a muon and its corresponding neutrino, also mediated by a W+ boson. The Z boson can interact with both the B+ and D+ mesons, allowing it to decay into both an anti-charm quark and an up quark, completing the diagram.
  • #1

Homework Statement

B+ --> Do + u+ + Vu

B and D are mesons and u is a muon and Vu its corrosponding neutrino.
B composition u b*
Do composition c u*

Where * denotes the antiquark...

The Attempt at a Solution

I can do most diagrams, but this one is killing me! I have looked up the Cern branching ratios and have seen that this is possible but can anyone point me in the right direction for drawing it?

I have the D+ going to a W+ and Z boson, the W+ gives the Muon and neutrino and the Z the Do, but the Z can't couple to anti-u and c quarks...therefore my problem!

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  • #2

Hello! Thank you for your post. I am a scientist and I can help you with this diagram.

First, let's start with the B+ meson. It is made up of a bottom quark and an anti-up quark. The B+ meson can decay into a D+ meson, which is made up of a charm quark and an anti-up quark. This decay is mediated by the weak force, which involves the exchange of a W+ boson.

Next, let's look at the D+ meson. It can decay into a muon and its corresponding neutrino, as you correctly stated. This decay is also mediated by the weak force and involves the exchange of a W+ boson.

Now, let's focus on the Z boson. The Z boson can decay into a charm quark and an anti-up quark, as you mentioned. However, it can also decay into an anti-charm quark and an up quark. This means that the Z boson can couple to both anti-u and c quarks, allowing it to interact with both the B+ and D+ mesons in this process.

To draw the diagram, you can start with the B+ meson on the left and draw a line representing its decay into a D+ meson. Then, draw a W+ boson connecting the two mesons. From the D+ meson, draw two more lines representing its decay into a muon and neutrino. Finally, from the W+ boson, draw a Z boson connecting to the D+ meson and another line representing its decay into an anti-charm quark and an up quark.

I hope this helps you with your diagram. Let me know if you have any further questions or need clarification. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Solving Feymann Diagram with B+, Do+, u+, Vu

How do I solve Feynman diagrams using B+, Do+, u+, and Vu?

To solve Feynman diagrams using B+, Do+, u+, and Vu, you first need to understand the basics of quantum field theory and the concept of Feynman diagrams. Then, you can use the rules for constructing and evaluating Feynman diagrams to solve for the desired quantity.

What are B+, Do+, u+, and Vu in Feynman diagrams?

B+, Do+, u+, and Vu are symbols used to represent the particles and interactions in a Feynman diagram. B+ refers to the positively charged B meson, Do+ refers to the positively charged D meson, u+ refers to the up quark, and Vu refers to the up-type neutrino.

Can Feynman diagrams be used to solve any type of physical interaction?

Yes, Feynman diagrams can be used to solve for any type of physical interaction, as long as it can be described using the rules and principles of quantum field theory.

How do I know if my Feynman diagram solution is correct?

To check the correctness of your Feynman diagram solution, you can use conservation laws and symmetries to ensure that the final result is consistent with the physical laws of the system. Additionally, you can compare your solution to experimental data to validate its accuracy.

Are there any online resources for learning how to solve Feynman diagrams?

Yes, there are many online resources available for learning how to solve Feynman diagrams. These include textbooks, lecture notes, video tutorials, and interactive simulations. It is important to choose a reputable and reliable source for learning, as Feynman diagram calculations can be complex and require a solid understanding of quantum field theory.
