Solving for Charge Distribution on 2 Conducting Spheres & Rod

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the amount of charge on each conductor, including two conducting spheres and a conducting rod, when a 500C charge is put on one of the spheres. The solution involves using the conservation of charges and the fact that charges are uniformly distributed on conductors. Three equations are needed to solve for the three unknowns, and one of these equations is already given. The conversation ends with a request for justification for the assumption of uniform charge distribution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2 conducting spheres with radii 2 & 3m are connected with a conducting rod of thickness 0.1m & length 0.5m. 500C charge is put on the 2m radius sphere.
Find the amount of charge on each sphere & on the rod.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

By conservation of charges: Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = 500 ... (1); Q1 of rod & Q2 & Q3 of 2m & 3m radii spheres respectively.

As charges are uniformly distributed we have: [tex]\sigma[/tex]1 = [tex]\sigma[/tex]2 = [tex]\sigma[/tex]3

so Q1/A1 = Q2/A2 = Q3/A3 ... (2)

here i got stuck & don;t know how to continue. i know that i need to find 3 equations with 3 unkowns & solve the system, but I am not seeing these equation except for (1) & probably i have to use parts of (2).

could someone help please. thx
Physics news on
  • #2

you have three equations, (1) and two equations in (2). Q_1/A_1 = Q_2/A_2 and Q_2/A_2 = Q_3/A_3.
  • #3

thx 4 the help
  • #4

bobmerhebi said:
As charges are uniformly distributed we have: [tex]\sigma[/tex]1 = [tex]\sigma[/tex]2 = [tex]\sigma[/tex]3

Can you justify this?
  • #5

coz charges on conductors tend to uniformly distribute them selves. isn't it?

Related to Solving for Charge Distribution on 2 Conducting Spheres & Rod

What is the purpose of solving for charge distribution on 2 conducting spheres and a rod?

The purpose of solving for charge distribution on 2 conducting spheres and a rod is to understand how electric charges are distributed on these objects and how they interact with each other. This is important in understanding the behavior of electric fields and can have practical applications in areas such as circuitry and electrostatics.

What are the key equations used in solving for charge distribution on 2 conducting spheres and a rod?

The key equations used in solving for charge distribution on 2 conducting spheres and a rod are Coulomb's law, which describes the force between two point charges, and Gauss's law, which relates the electric field to the charge distribution in a given region.

How does the presence of the rod affect the charge distribution on the conducting spheres?

The presence of the rod affects the charge distribution on the conducting spheres by altering the electric field around them. Depending on the size and charge of the rod, it can attract or repel charges on the spheres and cause them to redistribute.

What are some real-life applications of understanding charge distribution on conducting spheres and a rod?

Understanding charge distribution on conducting spheres and a rod has practical applications in areas such as circuitry, electrostatics, and even biology. For example, knowledge of charge distribution can help engineers design efficient circuits and can also aid in the development of medical devices that use electric fields to stimulate nerves and muscles.

What are some factors that can affect the charge distribution on conducting spheres and a rod?

Some factors that can affect the charge distribution on conducting spheres and a rod include the charge and size of the objects, the distance between them, and the presence of other nearby charged objects. Additionally, the material and shape of the objects can also have an impact on the charge distribution.
