In summary, this person is trying to solve for the electric potential difference between two points using an equation and plugging in knowns. They are not sure which equation to use and are stuck on part c.
  • #1
Matthew B.

Homework Statement

I've attached a url with a picture of the problem setup and diagram

Homework Equations

I used the equation V = KΣiqi/ri to solve for potential at A and B

The Attempt at a Solution

For Va I used K((Q/d)+ (2Q/(d^2+d^2)^.5))
I just plugged in
d = .02
Q = 5E-9
2Q = 10E-9
and arrived to Va = 5.43E3 Volts.

For Va I used K((Q/(d^2+d^2)^.5) + (2Q/d))
I just plugged in
d = .02
Q = 5E-9
2Q = 10E-9
and arrived to Vb =6.08E3 Volts.

I am just stuck on part c.. Which asks "What is the electric potential difference between B and A" I'm not sure exactly which equation so use to solve for electric potential difference.. I think I am misunderstanding the concept of an "electric potential difference".. is it just the difference between the electric potentials at the two points a & b? If so, I'm not sure which point (a or b) would be considered the "initial potential" which I would use to take Vfinal - VInitial. If this approach is correct, picking the wrong potential as the initial or final would result in a sign error in the final answer...

Thank you guys for your help :smile:
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Physics news on
  • #2
As soon as I figure out how to add a photo
  • #3
Matthew B. said:

Homework Statement

I've attached a url with a picture of the problem setup and diagram
Ah, there's some more guidelines on the PF forum: the threads remain on PF forever (well...) whereas photos on instagram and sites like that disappear in a short while. So we urge folks to type their problem statement (good exercise: collecting only the necessary stuff and checking for completeness; listing variables, dimensions, knowns , etc... !) and upload pictures using the button.
After all, the helpers do take the trouble to type and typeset their assistance, so it's fair to ask that the requesters do likewise...

(I wish I had a shortcut button for the guidelines and this here little admonition -- you are definitely not the only one :smile: ).

Asking for potential difference between B and A is indeed awkward. You could answer VB - VA = ... on paper, but in a computer program you indeed risk a sign error.

Your chances are better than 50%, because often the problem writer doesn't care about the sign, so a positive number of Volts might be the safest bet. t=5:07) says the potential difference between A and B is the work/charge to bring a charge from A to B, so he calculates VB - VA

(How did we do that in mechanics with potential energy from gravity ?)
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Related to Solving for Electric Potential Difference in Square diagram

1. What is electric potential difference?

Electric potential difference, also known as voltage, is the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field. It represents the amount of work needed to move a unit of electric charge from one point to another.

2. How is electric potential difference calculated in a square diagram?

In a square diagram, the electric potential difference can be calculated by taking the difference in electric potential between two points, which is equal to the product of the electric field strength and the distance between those two points.

3. What is the formula for calculating electric potential difference in a square diagram?

The formula for calculating electric potential difference in a square diagram is V = Ed, where V represents the potential difference, E is the electric field strength, and d is the distance between the two points.

4. Can electric potential difference be negative?

Yes, electric potential difference can be negative. This indicates that the electric field is directed in the opposite direction of the movement of positive charge.

5. How is the direction of electric potential difference represented in a square diagram?

In a square diagram, the direction of electric potential difference is represented by the direction of the electric field lines. The electric field lines point from positive to negative charges, indicating the direction of the electric potential difference.
