Solving for Magnetic Flux in a Rotating Wire Loop

In summary, the loop of wire shown in the drawing has a top part bent into a semicircle of radius 0.2. When it is rotated through half a revolution, the change in magnetic flux through the loop is calculated to be -0.093 Tm^2. This is due to a change in the area of the loop, not in the angle between the loop and the magnetic field. The initial area is a rectangle plus a semicircle, but after the rotation, it becomes a rectangle minus a semicircle.
  • #1

1. A loop of wire has the shape shown in the drawing. The top part of the wire is bent into a semicircle of radius . The normal to the plane of the loop is parallel to a constant magnetic field of magnitude 0.75 T. What is the change in the magnetic flux that passes through the loop when, starting with the position shown in the drawing, the semicircle is rotated through half a revolution?

Homework Equations

A = Pi(radius^2) / 2 = (Pi)(0.2^2)/2 = 0.0628
Flux = BA

The Attempt at a Solution

Change in flux = final flux - original flux = BA[cos(final angle) - cos(initial angle)]
Change in flux = 0.75(0.0628)[cos180-cos0] = -0.094 Tm^2

I already know that the answer is -0.093 Tm^2.

But I am unsure how why the final angle is 180 such that you get a flux that is negative as calculated below. I guess I just cannot conceptualize WHY the the angle is 180 degrees when the wire goes through half of a revolution. I mean, when it goes through this half-revolution, the plane is still parallel to the screen of the computer. Thus, isn't the angle between plane of the computer screen and the magnetic field (which goes into the screen of the computer) still 0?
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  • #2
The attachment isn't viewable. Can you try to attach it again.
  • #3
Yes here it is thank you!
  • #4
lovelyrwwr said:
But I am unsure how why the final angle is 180 such that you get a flux that is negative as calculated below. I guess I just cannot conceptualize WHY the the angle is 180 degrees when the wire goes through half of a revolution. I mean, when it goes through this half-revolution, the plane is still parallel to the screen of the computer. Thus, isn't the angle between plane of the computer screen and the magnetic field (which goes into the screen of the computer) still 0?
The change in flux is due to the change in the area of the loop, not in any change in angle. Originally, the area of the loop is a rectangle plus a semicircle. But when the semicircle flips over, the area is now the rectangle minus a semicircle.
  • #5
Wow - I pay for chegg to understand solutions to problems. It misled me to believe that it had to do with angle.

Thank you so much Doc Al. You always pull through!

FAQ: Solving for Magnetic Flux in a Rotating Wire Loop

1. What is simple magnetic flux?

Simple magnetic flux is the measure of the amount of magnetic field passing through a given area. It is represented by the symbol Φ and is measured in units of weber (Wb).

2. How is simple magnetic flux different from magnetic flux density?

Simple magnetic flux is a measure of the total amount of magnetic field passing through a given area, while magnetic flux density is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field at a specific point in space. Flux density is represented by the symbol B and is measured in units of tesla (T).

3. What factors affect simple magnetic flux?

The factors that affect simple magnetic flux include the strength of the magnetic field, the angle between the magnetic field and the area, and the size and shape of the area. The greater the strength of the magnetic field and the larger the area, the higher the simple magnetic flux will be.

4. Can simple magnetic flux be negative?

Yes, simple magnetic flux can be negative. This occurs when the magnetic field is directed in the opposite direction of the area. This is often seen in situations where the magnetic field is changing over time, such as in electromagnetic induction.

5. How is simple magnetic flux calculated?

Simple magnetic flux is calculated by multiplying the magnetic field strength by the area and then taking the cosine of the angle between the magnetic field and the area. The formula for calculating simple magnetic flux is Φ = BcosθA, where B is the magnetic field strength, θ is the angle between the magnetic field and the area, and A is the area.
