Solving for Primes and Evens: $x^n+x^{n-1}+\cdots+x+1=y^2+y+1$

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In summary, solving for primes and evens involves finding solutions for equations using prime or even numbers as variables. It is important because these numbers have unique properties and are used in various mathematical applications. However, it can be challenging due to the infinite possibilities and complex patterns of these numbers. Strategies for solving equations involving primes and evens include trial and error, algebraic manipulations, and understanding their properties. Real-world applications of solving for primes and evens include cryptography and solving mathematical problems.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Find all primes $x$ and $y$ and even numbers $n>2$ satisfying the equation $x^n+x^{n-1}+\cdots+x+1=y^2+y+1$.
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  • #2
First of all, note that since $n > 2$ we must have $x \ne y$ since equality cannot be achieved if $x = y$. Now let $x, y$ be distinct primes and $n > 2$ be an even integer such that the equation holds.

<insert proof that $x = 2$ here; my previous proof was flawed>

... therefore $x = 2$. Now observe that:
$$x^n + x^{n - 1} + \cdots + 1 = \frac{x^{n + 1} - 1}{x - 1}$$
$$2^n + 2^{n - 1} + \cdots + 1 = 2^{n + 1} - 1$$
So that we are now solving the following equation for $y$ an odd prime (recall $x \ne y$) and $n > 2$ integer:
$$2^{n + 1} - 1 = y^2 + y + 1 ~ ~ ~ \iff ~ ~ ~ y^2 + y + \left ( 2 - 2^{n + 1} \right ) = 0$$
Using the quadratic equation discarding the negative solution we find:
$$y = \frac{-1 + \sqrt{1 - 4 \left ( 2 - 2^{n + 1} \right )}}{2} = \frac{\sqrt{2^{n + 3} - 7} - 1}{2}$$
We are therefore now solving the diophantine equation in $n > 2$ and $z$ given by:
$$2^{n + 3} - 7 = z^2$$
This is a variant of the Ramanujan-Nagell equation given by $2^m - 7 = x^2$, and its solutions are in one to one correspondence with the solutions to our equation, by a direct change of variables $(m, x) \to (n + 3, z)$. It is known that the Ramanujan-Nagell equation has only five solutions in $m$, given by $m = 3, 4, 5, 7, 15$. These translate to $n = 0, 1, 2, 4, 12$, of which only the solutions $n = 4$ and $n = 12$ are admissible. Working backwards, this gives:
$$n = 4 ~ ~ ~ \implies ~ ~ ~ z = 11 ~ ~ ~ \implies ~ ~ ~ y = 5$$
$$n = 12 ~ ~ ~ \implies ~ ~ ~ z = 181 ~ ~ ~ \implies ~ ~ ~ y = 90$$
But $y = 90$ isn't prime, and so does not satisfy the conditions, and we therefore conclude that the only solution $(x, y, n)$ is $(2, 5, 4)$.

Okay, so using Ramanujan-Nagell was a bit of a cop-out, I guess. I have a proof of it in front of me and it's not what I would call elementary, and I'd be interested to see solutions that don't need to invoke it, especially since I didn't manage to prove that there are no other solutions with $x \ne 2$; perhaps the restriction to $y$ being a prime is essential to solving the challenge efficiently... I also just noted that it's easy to show that $n$ must divide $y - 1$, which may hint at an alternative proof!
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  • #3
Thanks, Thomas for your well written solution!:)

I will show an elementary method (provided by other) to solve for this challenge here:

Obviously $x\ne y$.

Rewrite the given equation as


If $y\le x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}-1$, then $y<x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}$ and hence we see that $y^2<x^n$.

By adding both inequalities, we obtain:

$y^2+y<x^n+x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}<x^n+x^{n-1}+\cdots+x$ since $n>2$.

It follows that $y\ge x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}$.

Since $n>2$ and is an even number, $\dfrac{n}{2}$ is a natural number larger than 1. This implies that $y\ne x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}$ by the given condition that $y$ is a prime.

We conclude that $y\ge x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}+1$.

We may also write the given equation as


This shows that $y$ divides $(x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}-1)(x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}+1)$. But $y\ge x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}+1$ and $y$ is a prime. Hence the only possibility is $y=x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}+1$.

This gives


Simplification leads to $3x=x^{\tiny{\dfrac{n}{2}}}+2$. This shows that $x$ divides 2. Thus, $x=2$ and hence $y=5$, $n=4$.

FAQ: Solving for Primes and Evens: $x^n+x^{n-1}+\cdots+x+1=y^2+y+1$

What is the concept of "Solving for Primes and Evens"?

The concept of "Solving for Primes and Evens" involves finding solutions for equations in which the variables represent prime numbers or even numbers. In the equation $x^n+x^{n-1}+\cdots+x+1=y^2+y+1$, the aim is to find values of x and y that make the equation true while also satisfying the condition that x and y are either prime or even numbers.

Why is solving for primes and evens important?

Solving for primes and evens is important because prime and even numbers have unique properties and are often used in mathematical proofs and cryptography. By understanding how to solve equations involving these numbers, we can gain a deeper understanding of number theory and its applications.

What are the challenges of solving for primes and evens?

One of the main challenges of solving for primes and evens is that there are infinitely many possible values for these types of numbers. This makes it difficult to find all possible solutions to an equation involving primes and evens. Additionally, prime numbers, in particular, have complex patterns and properties that can make them difficult to work with in equations.

What are some strategies for solving equations involving primes and evens?

One strategy for solving equations involving primes and evens is to use trial and error, plugging in different values for x and y until a solution is found. Another approach is to use algebraic manipulations, such as factoring, to simplify the equation and isolate the variables. Additionally, understanding patterns and properties of primes and evens can also help in solving these types of equations.

What are some real-world applications of solving for primes and evens?

Solving for primes and evens has many real-world applications, particularly in the field of cryptography. Prime numbers are often used in encryption algorithms to secure data and communications. Additionally, understanding the patterns and properties of primes and evens can also aid in solving complex mathematical problems and puzzles.

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