Solving for Ski Jumper Takeoff Speed: Using Energy and Motion Equations

In summary, the problem involves a ski jumper moving down a track of length 25m at a 45° angle with the horizontal. The goal is to determine the take off speed at the bottom of the track using the work-energy theorem, conservation of energy principle, and the equation of motion with kinematic relationships. The effects of friction and air resistance are negligible. To solve this problem, one should refer to relevant equations and consider the conversion of energy from potential to kinetic. Additionally, one should determine the specific equation meant by the "equation of motion."
  • #1

Homework Statement

consider a ski jumper moving down a track to acquire sufficient speed to accomplish the ski jumping task. The length of the track is L=25m and the track makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal
if the skier starts at the top of the track with zero initial speed , determine the take off speed of the skier at the bottom of the track using
i) the work-energy theorem
ii) the conservation of energy principle
iii) the equation of motion along with kinematic relationships
assume that the effects of friction and air resistance are negligible

i have no idea how to even start this problem so any help would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2
Confusedbiomedeng said:
i have no idea how to even start this problem
Well, you could list a few relevant equations -- as is asked by one of the template parts you accidentally :rolleyes: erased. And for us to be allowed to help you, an attempt from your side is required by the PF guidelines (part 3 of the template parts you accidentally :rolleyes: erased)

However, :smile:

what do your notes (or textbook) have to say on the work energy theorem ?
what kind of energy is converted in what kind of energy if you start high up with speed 0 and leave with a lot of speed at the bottom ?
what equation is meant with the equation of motion ?

FAQ: Solving for Ski Jumper Takeoff Speed: Using Energy and Motion Equations

1. What is the Energy Work Theorem?

The Energy Work Theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.

2. How is the Energy Work Theorem applied in real-life scenarios?

The Energy Work Theorem is commonly used in various fields such as engineering, mechanics, and thermodynamics to calculate the work done on an object or system and its resulting change in kinetic energy.

3. What is the equation for the Energy Work Theorem?

The equation for the Energy Work Theorem is W = ΔKE, where W represents the work done on an object and ΔKE represents the change in kinetic energy.

4. How is the Energy Work Theorem related to other principles or laws in physics?

The Energy Work Theorem is closely related to the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. It is also related to Newton's Laws of Motion, particularly the Second Law which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration.

5. What are some common examples of problems involving the Energy Work Theorem?

Some common examples of problems involving the Energy Work Theorem include calculating the work done by a force on an object, determining the change in kinetic energy of a system, and finding the velocity of an object after a certain amount of work has been done on it.

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