Solving for Tension in a Suspended 28kg Sign

In summary, the conversation involves finding the tension in two cables suspending a 28kg sign. The equations used are based on the tension in each cable and the angles at which they are suspended. The final solutions for T1 and T2 are 291.33N and 143.05N respectively. The person also sought confirmation that their solutions are correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Attached is a diagram of the problem.

A 28kg sign is suspended by two massless cables. Find the tension in each.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'll call the cable at 57 degrees T1 and the other cable T2.

T1∙cos 57 + T2∙cos 36 = 9.8m/s2∙28kg
T1∙cos 57 + T2∙cos 36 = 274.4N

T1∙sin 57 + T2∙sin 36 = 0N

This is where I'm getting confused - rusty on my algebra with simultaneous equations. Am I on track so far though, then just solve for T1 and T2?


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  • #2
T1 = (-T2∙sin 36)/sin 57

Substitute that into the first equation...

(-T2∙sin 36∙cos 57)/sin 57 + T2∙cos 36 = 274.4N
T2 = 143.05N

Then solve for T1.

T1∙cos 57 + (143.05N)∙cos 36 = 274.4N
T1 = 291.33N
  • #3
From third equation you can write
T1 = - T2*sin36/sin57.
Substitute this value in eq. 2 and solve for T2.
  • #4
rl.bhat said:
From third equation you can write
T1 = - T2*sin36/sin57.
Substitute this value in eq. 2 and solve for T2.

Thanks - that's exactly what I ended up doing. Not sure why I was over-complicating it. Could anyone confirm my solutions are correct?

  • #5
Can anyone verify that my work is correct? Thanks!

FAQ: Solving for Tension in a Suspended 28kg Sign

1. What is tension?

Tension is a force that is exerted on an object by pulling or stretching it. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How do you calculate tension?

Tension can be calculated using the formula T = mg, where T is the tension, m is the mass of the object, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth).

3. What is the significance of a suspended 28kg sign?

A suspended 28kg sign is significant because it is an example of a real-world application of tension. The tension in the supporting cables or ropes is what keeps the sign from falling down.

4. How do you solve for tension in a suspended 28kg sign?

To solve for tension, you will need to know the mass of the sign and the angle of the supporting cables. You can then use the formula T = mg/sinθ, where θ is the angle between the cable and the vertical direction. This will give you the tension in each cable.

5. What factors can affect the tension in a suspended 28kg sign?

The tension in a suspended sign can be affected by several factors, such as the mass of the sign, the angle of the supporting cables, and any external forces acting on the sign (such as wind or vibrations). The type and strength of the materials used for the cables and the point at which they are anchored can also affect the tension.
